Loyalty- An Unsung Lesson in Life Episode 133, LIFE LESSONS AJ


Loyalty is one of those unsung and unnoticed traits of a person that makes them the best. Let us know about the same in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

The personality of a person has many traits. And the combinations of these traits account for a unique personality. Logically these traits have different levels of importance in the person’s life. Among these traits there few that are generally unsung but are vital. One of those traits is loyalty. Loyalty is something that is generally hard to be defined but is easy to recognize. It feels like heaven when we can blindly believe a person without judging at all. And lucky are those who get a large number of loyal persons.

Loyalty can be seen in different scenarios in different contexts and levels. In most of these cases, we never notice them but we feel secure only because of their loyalty. It is often stated that we all sleep in peace because our security forces are standing at the border. We do not always remember their loyalty and sacrifice, but we feel safe only because of them.

We all have a general idea about loyalty and its advantages. In this episode let us look into some lessons based on loyalty in life.

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Life lessons on Loyalty:

1.       People generally don’t talk much about loyalty and it generally seems unpopular in many scenes, but in contrast, it is a vital quality to possess in both business and personal living spaces. Personally one may feel safe only if the person has loyal people around them. In the case of business, the entire transaction set is depended on the loyalty of two parties to each other.

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2.       As stated in one of the previous lines, loyalty may be difficult to define but is very easy to feel and recognize. Loyalty is indeed valuable because only by loyal people around us that we can take risky decisions at times.

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3.       In life, we cannot expect loyalty from every person; in fact, we get deceived by those people whom we think are loyal to us. But, loyalty always allows us to be true to ourselves and our values. This is one of the preliminary reasons why loyal people are gems.

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4.       In some cases, loyalty is difficult and sometimes costly, but only loyalty is something that defines what we are and guarantees a clean sleep, conscience, and transparent life.

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5.       Having faith in God is always good, but blind belief is worse. Similar is the case with loyalty too. Blind or submissive loyalty is not healthy. These sorts of loyalty are unsound and even equal suicide. Being loyal can be defined to be devoted and vulnerable, but not being naïve.

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6.       Being loyal to the past is important. One can never deny or hide from his/her past. It is always suggestible to be loyal and accept the past and then attempt to make better meaningful decisions for the future.

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7.       Loyalty is something that demands other traits like integrity and consistency. Thus loyal to business partners, company, and life partners all are equally important. Loyalty in all sectors of life is equally important in the case of a gem person.

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8.       You might have a question whom should we never trust?

The answer is simple. We should never trust those people who betray us guiltlessly. They may do so out of habit or because of silly reasons. This is because these sorts of people cover up their betrayals they turn up themselves into some web of lines that restrict them to show their real face.

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9.       What is it the most painful disloyalty?

The most painful disloyalty is not being loyal to self maybe by giving up dreams and principles because of some constraints in life. This is true even if it doesn’t sound so.

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10.   What is the hardest thing?

The hardest thing in life to forgive the disloyalty of someone especially er expects something great from someone.

Should we forgive them?

The decision is completely personal, but it is important to understand that we should never trust that person for any purpose.

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11.   It is really worthy and important to watch out if someone is betraying our family members or friends. It is because this person can even betray us shortly if the situation arrives. Thus this is a way to keep away from such people in life.

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12.   Can a disloyal people deserve our respect?

No, these people don’t deserve our respect. Loyalty is characterized by traits like integrity which makes a person is respected by others. A disloyal being never possesses these traits and thus never deserves respect.  When these people are elder to us, we may choose to respect their age but not their character.

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13.   In some cases, we may fall into scenarios where we have to be loyal to those who don’t deserve it, and we need to be loyal. Because being loyal in these situations defines our integrity and personal values. It is important to keep up our individuality and integrity. This is more important than noticing other’s disloyalty.

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14.   Gratitude compels us to be loyal and vice versa. The same is the case with ungratefulness and disloyalty. But it is important to understand that nothing can be treasured than loyal friends and collaborators.

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15.   Being loyal actually pays off in some of the other parts of life. Sometimes being loyal can get back to us in form of something else. This is increases our morality too. Thus feel proud and self-respect for being loyal and also respect those people who are loyal. These people are gems in the population.

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Bottom Line:

Loyalty is a decent and quality trait, we can’t expect from all sorts of people. Because cheap people cannot afford to be loyal and don’t serve anyone’s loyalty. This is something we should always remember. On the other hand, being loyal to ourselves and others makes us a gem of a person and increases respect as time passes.

“Nothing is nobler and Venerable than loyalty”

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