Some Snakes That Never Change Episode 113, LIFE LESSONS

In this episode, we are not going to look into the snakes rather we are going to look at snake-like people that we see around us and the need to keep them away from us.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons AJ

The world is always a mixture of good and bad so this is the case with the society around us too. This society is purely a mixture of good and bad people. Now what do these bad people mean and what should we do in this context? Let us look into the same in this episode. To have a better idea of what I mean to share, let me share a short story in this regard below.

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The Farmer and the snake:

A farmer got early in the morning as always and started to move towards his fields. That was the season of winter and everything around was almost froze due to the morning breeze. He wore a winter wear shawl and moved. After few steps, he found a snake on the path lying frozen to death due to the low temperature. The farmer had no idea what to do there. He knew that snake is a dangerous animal. It kills people just by one bite. But the snake needed help and that overtook other thoughts that he had at that moment.

Therefore he took the snake and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life. he moved forward towards his fields further. After some time snake came to its senses and gained enough strength to move. As soon as it became active it bit the farmer who was kind to it. The bite was deadly and the farmer was bound to die. Soon people gathered around him and planned to help him. But it was too late. He shared his last words- “Learn from my fate and never take pity on a scoundrel”.

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My Chronicle:

I have a similar chronicle in my life too.  There was a relative of mine who never took responsibility towards us. Despite being a close relative he never cared about me in my down in life. Rather he always thought about eating out others' money by all means possible. I always hated him because of this attitude. I always perceive that it is not mandatory to care about everyone I know, but it is mandatory to not hamper or disturb the life of anyone because of me or my wants. But his mind was completely different.

After few years something bad actually happened. One of my grandmas expired and her relatives including me divided our work at her funeral. He asked me to help him with some work... I had no idea how should I react to this. Although I knew his character, I agreed to his request.  But I thought about grandma and decided to help him. Our duty was to procure certain groceries for the funeral. We had gone together to the market and ordered the requirements. But when it came to the delivery, he said that he would go himself, I felt it was something fishy. But I had some other works too, thus I accepted it at once.

And the worse thing happened that day. We had given an amount of Rs 10K for the work we have been assigned. He showed his attitude and showed that the bill was Rs13k. when the shopkeeper was enquired for the same, he replied that the bill was Rs9k. the outraged the elders of the house. The procurement of the groceries was assigned to both of us and we both were held guilty for the same. We were asked to return the difference amount. I had to pay Rs2k as my share without any wrong on my side. At the end of the day, I was the victim of the entire situation. I lost Rs2k at the end of the day.

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Lessons that we all should learn:

The two stories that I have narrated in the above lines point out the same life lesson. There are people around us who are actually toxic. This may be due to their perception of us or the character. These toxic people are bad companions to us. They are toxic and they always remain toxic to us no matter we helped them. it is always our fault to decide to help them despite knowing their real character.

Someone has rightly said that good life is about doing good things and leaving out bad things in it. This is what I have learned after the story that happened to me. Not only me this is the lesson must that have each and everyone learned.

Never ever help snakes in life. No matter you help and favor them, they can dispatch their poison at any time.

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Hope you like this Episode.          

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