Ill Effects of Being Obedient Episode 101, LIFE LESSONS


How can being obedient be ill? If yes then what is the probable solution for it? Let us check out the same in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

We all have been taught all our life that we need to be obedient to elders in all scenes of life. But I learned from life that being obedient is not always the right choice. There are several instances that proved the same.

I know that this perception is really hitting hard on us, but I need some patience from you so that I can narrate the idea thus making you understand what actually I mean to convey.

I entered into a training session soon after my graduation. I heard from various sources that working under an experienced person is really helpful all my life. I too entered into the same idea and decided to work with an uncle. The initial days of the work were all fine as I was new for the same and I was not given the fullest of my responsibilities to work over.

The story started after some days. I was initially given tasks that I actually had to do later I was put into many unnecessary tasks. This went on getting worse day by day. I had to cope with all these due to the perception that I had to gain experience.  We worked for a business. He used to take care of all the cash.

One day, he had to leave the town for a couple of days. Therefore he handed me over the entire cash until he returned stating not to use it. Later that day a person came to me to offer a product at low prices. I thought for a while that it may turn risky without intimating my senior. But later I decided to purchase as I knew these low-priced goods going to get us awesome profits.

The idea came true and I could generate profits the next day itself. When he returned, I narrated the entire transaction to the senior.  Instead of praising me for the profit, I generated, he got outraged and began to remand me for the use of cash that I was handed over. I asked him wouldn’t he do the same if he would be in y place. He replied that is something different. He stated that he can do that but not me.

That day I understood as a person was him. I didn’t want to stay a second with him later. I left him that day itself.


Points to Understand:

There are several points that need to be understood from the chronicle that I stated in previous lines. Firstly, the person was mean and arrogant. His strong head is so focused on the ego that he doesn’t want to praise others. Secondly, if I followed his instructions blindly then I wouldn’t have generated much profit in hours. Thirdly, Even I was junior to him; I was working with him and not under him.


Being obedient always works?

Definitely not! The chronicle above is a clear example of the same. Being obedient to such persons actually deteriorates us as a person sometimes. But this chronicle doesn’t conclude the entire scenario of being obedient. Let us look into the right perception of the same in the following lines.


Right perception of being Obedient

As stated in the previous lines, we all are advised to be obedient to all our elders and superiors. But do they deserve this all the time? - This is the question that we need to get the answer for. This is sometimes one of the hardest tasks that we have got. It is rightly said that a good mentor can bring up to many levels, in the same way, a bad mentor can bring us to many levels altogether.

I strongly believe that our ancestors are quite wise and knew almost everything. Despite this, why did they suggest obeying elders no matter what is the scenario and what the attitude of the person is? –This question really made me think a lot. But the good news is that I could decode the answer.

Our ancestors are the true inspiration and motivation to our current generation, in the same way, should be the inspiration to our upcoming generations too. Therefore it is our responsibility to make our upcoming generations learn that they should obey elders and seniors.

The two sons were not fond of their father’s behavior. Their father had rude behavior and sometimes fails to understand any situation and gets outraged. Now it is fact that no one likes such a rude character- the same is the case with both his sons too. But there was a difference between these two sons. The elder son never obeyed his father as he hated his father’s attitude, and he showed this in all instances. But the elder son failed to notice that his son was noticing all these.  This kid never knew why his father disobeyed grandfather. But he only non verbally learns to disobey his father.

On the other hand, the younger son knew how to handle the case. Therefore, though he hated his father’s behavior he never showed this to his son. His son always noticed that his father is obedient to his grandfather and learned to obey his father non-verbally.

This small example proves the importance of our ancestors and their ability to transfer knowledge through generation. The idea behind the scene is quite simple. There are always two important aspects we need to keep in mind:

1.       No matter how bad the senior or the elder would be, there is something that we can learn from them, this is the reason we should obey them.

2.       It is our responsibility to make out coming generations learn to obey elders, therefore we should be responsible for the same.

Before I conclude I want to clear a common confusion that people have in this context. I want to make it clear that respecting and obeying are two different aspects. I never meant to say that we should not respect elders. We all should respect our elders and seniors no matter who they are. It not only increases their value but also shows our character to them. on the other hand, obeying is completely a different aspect. I wanted to give a right perception of obeying in this episode. I would look forward to sharing a episode describing the difference between respect and obedience in one of the coming episodes.


Bottom line:

As I stated in many of the previous episodes, I always believe in the right perception of everything. When we have the right perception of anything, we tend to walk on the right path and do the right things in life. The same is the case here too.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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