Does Experience Make Life Simpler? Episode 91, LIFE LESSONS


We all know that experience fetches a better position professionally. But does the experience make life simple? Let us know the answer in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

As a budding entrepreneur and businessman, life was never easy for me. New Challenges every day made it a learning one, but this was equally hectic due to pressure. I had to learn a lot of small and big things about various aspects of the business and the process involved in it. It almost took me 4 years to get a complete idea of what actually happens and to gain the confidence to do something on my own. Later I started blogging. I started writing blogs and started sharing them. The same was the case with blogging too. It was extremely challenging to manage to share regularly. But as the days passed, the level of heftiness really reduced to a great extent.

These have given me an interesting observation and conclusion. Experience in something increases efficiency, and thus decreases the stress in ourselves. Thus, the answer is yes- Experience makes life simpler.


The right perception of Simple Life

As depicted in the previous lines, experience makes life simple. But what is the right perception of it?

I would like to narrate a small instance in this context. There was an uncle of mine who was an enthusiastic learner in his college days. Soon after finishing his education, he decided to start a business. He knew that the process was complex for him. He knew that he was going to face any challenges to cope with the process. This was something good about him in this regard.

As per the plan, he started a business. As he was a fast learner, he earned everything about it in few months. After this phase, he started to feel that his life was getting at a good pace. He got to understand what and when to do various works. This made him do the business with minimum stress.

Days passed and he began to enjoy his life. He had nothing new to learn. He was getting a notable income from the business. He perceived that he was settled in life. But days are not the same which he failed to notice and understand.

After few years, he met one of his friends. That friend was not that financially sound when he met. But now, the scenario was not the same. Now his friend maintains a BMW. He was astonished how his friend has changed a lot in this span of few years.

After some time of talking, he couldn’t control himself from asking how his friend was able to gain such riches. He was lucky enough that the friend agreed to share the sweet secret. His friend too has come across the same scenario that he came across. But there was a small difference in perception that made a huge difference between them in terms of finance. Let us look into the same in the coming lines.


How to use the experience better?

The answer to this question lies in the answer stated by his friend. Let us look in detail about the same. His friend's name was Tej (Name changed).

Tej was also in the same scenario as my uncle. He also faced many challenges in the initial days of his business setup. But he too tuned free after knowing what to do and what not to in few months. The same was the case of both of them till this scene. Both the people felt that life is easy and good.

Here is the place where the change in their ideology arose. Tej enjoyed his freedom for few days. He started to observe that if he continued this for a long time, this would stagnate his growth in the long term. he was able to manage the business with his fingertips now. In this scene, he would get a lot of free time. Tej decided to utilize this free time for something useful. Therefore he started a new business and started to spend more time in it until he would learn about the same until he could manage this new one with fingertips like the old one.  

This process continued and he started to compound the finance that he was earning. This gradually made him rich right from the ashes. This story literally blew my mind when I came to know about the right meaning of time utilization. This perception is required by all of us. This is the small seed that will make us rich in the long term.


Bottom Line

Experience gives us the chance to make life simple easy. It is up to us to decide if we are going to make it simple or not. The latter part makes out how we use the free time. The more we utilize the free time, the more it is advantageous to us. This perception that I noticed is indeed helping me in building myself. I’m sure this perception is going to help everyone who is getting to know this.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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