10 Lessons From Bhagwad Gita to Apply in Daily Life Episode 79, LIFE LESSONS


We all respect Bhagwad Gita as a supreme book. But how far are we implementing the lessons stated in it in our day-to-day life? Let us check out 10 such lessons that we can implement in our day-to-day life.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

That was a hot summer season. I avoided going out because of the hot air outside. It was May and I was tensed not only about the heat but also for the results of my engineering that was about to come. I was tensed because I recently came to know that the correction was strict that year.  Sweat was coming out of my forehead not because of heat but due to the fear of the result.

As I turned on the television, a movie by Paresh Rawal came on screen. The name of the movie was ‘OMG’. A scene in the court was going on, in a tense mood with minimum concentration I began to look at the scene. The scene was based on the importance of the Bhagwad Gita. It showcased that Bhagwad Gita has answers to almost all the questions in the world.

I wondered if it was true. I assured the same after going through few verses of the book. I felt there are some important lessons that everyone should learn from this book. Here are those important 10life lessons that we can learn from Bhagwad Gita to apply in our day-to-day life.

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1.      Stop worrying about things.

The first solution after I went through the book is to stop worrying about material things in life. That day I was worried about the result because of some reasons. But this book stated that we have to do our part correctly and stop worrying about the results.  When I read this verse, I knew that it was difficult to do, but I tried.

2.      Understand that Change is inevitable

Everything changes with time. This is that truth that many fail to understand and accept. This is the reason for the majority of the problems. A young graduate dream of having a good job and earn lots of money. But he (she) fails to notice that there are lots of changes that are going to happen in the future which he (she) fails to notice and accept.  We listen to many suicide cases among students in prestigious colleges likes IIT and NIT. It is because students in intermediate perceive that their life is secured when they get seats in these institutes. But things turn tough far more than their expectations. This leads to an increase in stress level leading to devastating consequences.

Many instances showcase that people fail to accept life changes. This is one of those important aspects that we need to learn from this book.

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3.      Life is full of battles that we need to fight till the last breath

It is rightly said that our life is full of battles. Right from birth, we have many battles to fight to stand in life. To take birth, there is a big battle behind it. We are one of those millions of sperms that won over and formed into a baby. In the same way, there are many battles to be fought in our life. Right from negotiating in small things to fighting to get our dream lifestyle, everything accounts for the battles in life. It is important to note that fighting these battles is necessary till the last breath to stand strong against various odds in life.


4.      Learn to be more acceptable and forgive easily

Apart from the life changes, there are many other factors that people fail to accept in life. This is the reason for all the problems. Thus it is rightly remarked that every one of us should learn to accept all situations and factors around us in the first place. 

There is an empty ground just opposite my house. Looking that it is empty many people in our locality started dumping shit there. It was quite disturbing for us, but no one stopped doing that even after repeated remand.  I began to accept the situation. I stopped complaining about their behavior. Apart from continuous remand, I started setting fire to all the deposited shit so that it can easily be decomposed.

The other important lesson is that we should learn to forgive others easily. Many people think that this is good for others, but in fact, this is advantageous for self.  We all have anger against someone or the other, we create disturbance in our self due to anger. When we forgive them, there is no great change appears in them, rather we start to relieve them from their negative thoughts thus leading to the better being in us.

5.      Be positive Always

Depression is turning common these days. When we interpret in a broad sense, it leads the person to think negatively in every aspect possible. This further creates many more problems soon. The only solution to avoid all these is to be positive all the time possible. This is somewhat related to living without a worry in some instances.


6.      Don’t work for the fruits

It is the most commonly known fact from Bhagwad Gita. It states that we have to work hard for what we need, but never expect the results. It is a general perception that people expect something good after working hard for something. This is most obvious, but this is the attitude that needs to be changed. It is well said that all the disappointment arises when the expectations are not reached. Thus the solution is nothing but leaving off expectations. That is avoiding waiting for the results.

7.      Stay calm and compose

Many people don’t know what should be the attitude that he (she) should have. The answer is simple- Stay Calm and composes all the time. Practically there are many advantages of having this attitude. For instance, when we stay calm all the time, any person thinks twice before they could scold us for anything. On a personal level, it is proved that when we stay calm and composed, we are about to get more ability to think about anything. There are many instances in my life that proved that staying calm improves the situation to many folds.

8.      Give back to the world

We all have a default attitude to strive to earn money and respect. We strive to earn them all our life. But after some time it is time to give them back to the world. What does this mean? When we have enough for ourselves and our family, it turns out to be our responsibility to help the needy around us based on our capacity. This may not bring about the big visual difference but a good name and satisfaction to the self.

9.      Control anger

Have you ever imagined what our greatest enemy is?

Yes, it is the anger in us. We all get angry at instances. This creates unnecessary complications in the situation. Anger is never a harmful one. Until we speak something wrong out of it. But it is fact that we lose our control when we get angry. Thus it is important to control anger and stay calm in all situations possible.

10. Don’t be afraid

I used to return from school by 1 o clock in the afternoon. One day I was late by an hour. My mother got worried about the reason behind it, she got afraid. On the other hand, my father was not afraid; he suspected what would be the reason behind it and consoled my mother till I arrived. This instance made me understand that when we avoid fear, we could be able to deal with the situations better.

It is to be understood that fear is important in those cases which helps us to take care of something. fear should not be the factor that brings us down this is the fact shown in this book. 


Bottom Line:

Learning is never confined to some level; rather it depends upon the capacity of the individual to learn it. The same is the case with Bhagwad Gita too. There are lots of lessons that can be learned from this book. I have tried to state the 10 most common lessons from the book in the previous lessons.  This lesson would definitely prove useful in our life.

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