The Greedy Man In you Episode 74, LIFE LESSONS


We all have a greedy one in all of us which comes out at times and make us vulnerable in no time. Let us look at how to come over this efficiently.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

A few days ago, I and a bunch of friends decided to go out for a trip. We all decided to take a ride to the destination. In this process, I had to purchase various riding gear. The first and the important one among them was the helmet. I knew that helmet was one of those riding gears which acts as one of the basic and essential among others. Now the question is which model and of what price should I go for?

I came to various websites for the same. I found lots of stuff in the helmet section. There were hundreds of models of helmets set at different price ranges and utility models. In this scenario, I was really confused as to which model I should go for.  The range was all starting from as low as Rs599 to all around Rs6500.


The greedy man in me came out at no time. He started saying, “Why don’t you go with the one priced at Rs599?”. I saw that the helmet at this price was not a full helmet. Moreover, the quality is also not going to be that good.  The greedy man repeatedly saying, “You don’t travel much dude, go for that one that one will be ok”. But I was not ready to go with that one.

From many of my past experiences, I found out an interesting fact. The cheapest ones (generally) don’t last long.  A few months ago, I bought a back cover for my mobile phone for just Rs69. I was happy that I could get a cover at such a low cost. Some covers were available at  prices around Rs599 too, but I never even looked at them. the result came out in no time. After few days of use, the color on the back cover began to fade away. This made the mobile phone looking like hell. These sorts of experiences made me understand the difference between the cheapest and the other variants of a product.

Now the greedy man is trying to push me towards a cheap one again, but I was aware of what needs to be done.  But he was not listening to me. Therefore I said, “Let us check other variants too, we shall decide later. Let us check for a variant that best suits us”. I knew that I was going for a ride and I need complete protection. Therefore full-face helmet was the need of the day. a few minutes later I thought how would I drive in the day as well as night with the same helmet? After going through a few videos on YouTube regarding the same, I found out that there are helmets that offer dual visors that act for both day and night.

After much research for an hour, I finally understood what my requirement was. I wanted a helmet that provides full-face protection, should be branded (to ensure the best quality) it should have both night and day vision and as the greedy man says, it should come in a budget too.

After a few minutes of research for such helmets online I found a branded helmet that cost me just about Rs1100 which satisfied all my needs. Later when I tried to observe what helmets my neighbors were using, I found that they were all using the same budget helmets that I rejected.  I was amazed to find it out, but I was glad that this chronicle had actually taught me an important lesson.  Because I also found out that they were not happy with their purchase, moreover they are not lasting longer too.


Art of Crushing the Greedy man

I have narrated a lengthy chronicle just for a better understanding of what I meant to share. Indeed, we all (those who know the value of money only) have a greedy man in us. We want to get the work done at less cost than possible.  In this process, we fail to understand what product is best for us, or what the correct budget is for us. If we want an item and the range starts from Rs100, this doesn’t mean that that variant is going to be the best variant for us. It is important to know the value of money, but it is sometimes equally important to understand what we actually need.

When we master this skill of knowing what we need in all scenarios, the greedy man in us evaporates in no time. The chronicle that I have narrated in the previous lines showcases this fact clearly.  I’m astonished to note this interesting fact. And I hope you all like it too.


Bottom Line

When we look into various variants of a product to purchase, we definitely tend towards the lower variants due to the price factor, but it is important to also notice what the offerings in each variant are and thus purchase what actually suits our needs. Many a time the greedy man in us comes to play in these scenarios and this needs to be mastered. by clearly knowing what we actually want.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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