Middle Class Father! Episode 73, LIFE LESSONS

Source: Rediffmail


Most of us belong to a typical middle-class family. Middle-class fathers have many lessons to teach us voluntarily or involuntarily. Let us look into one such lesson in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

That was a Sunday. Hot air is blown here and there as it was summer. To pass the time and to escape the terrific weather, the family planned to go for a picnic in the nearest park. The breeze was pleasant due to trees all around. I thanked that I got few hours at least to get off the heat and weather. I saw mother and sister were serving snacks with big smiles on their face. Who wouldn’t want such a vacation?

Everything seemed to be normal until I noticed father sitting away from us facing towards a building nearby. I wondered why he was isolated in a place where he came to spend some quality time with us. I went and sat beside him. I stayed there for few minutes waiting for him to talk something about what’s running in his mind. But I was wrong. He spoke nothing. Mom called us to have some snacks to I insisted we would join them in a couple of minutes.


To break the silence, I turned towards father and asked what was the reason behind his silence at this place. He still maintained silence for a minute and then started replying to me, “You see the building over there?”

I replied. “Yes.”

He said” The land on which that building was build was ours once upon a time. Do you remember the complications with mother while delivering sister?”

I replied, “Yes dad.”

He said, ”It demanded lots of money for the operation. I had no money at that time for these sorts of sudden medical emergencies then. I wondered where I could arrange such a large amount of money all at once. After I failed to at least borrow some amount from relatives and friends, I decided to sell that land to save your mother’s life. ”

He continued,” I sold this land for Rs3 lacs. Can you guess what the present price of this land is?”

I replied, “It has been 12 years that this was sold, I hope this would not cost around 15 lacs.”

He smiled and replied, “The present value of this land is Rs 70lacs.”

I was shocked to listen to the value. I began to realize the pain he had about the land.

He continued, “I thought I had no other option to save your mother.  No one suggested me any alternative of this even.”

I replied, “was there any alternative dad? I mean if you face such a situation now, what would you have done?”

He replied, “There many alternatives son. First and foremost is that we could have opted for a loan on the same land instead of selling it. We would have faced some financial crisis later, but that would be still ok. But now when I left out the land completely for that sake, it hurts me like hell. Just imagine how hard it would be for a middle-class father like me to buy such land now. I would say, it is next to impossible.”

After listening to his words I had nothing left to say or console him. He had a point- a valid one to think upon. I, therefore, insisted to leave the past and enjoy the snacks made by my mother.

The topic was never discussed again. But after that day, this was always running in my mind. I wondered this is not only the case of my father but also with many other fathers. Some sons may know it and some may not. But for a typical middle-class father who has done such transactions in past is always low thinking over it again and again.


Can we avert this by any means?

There can be many means to avert this scenario. But the number of such ways will depend upon various factors at the personal level.  In the case of my father, there were quite a few changes that were left unfolded to various pressures and lack of guidance.

Avert in this scenario not only indicates the decision in such a scenario, But also something that a son can do to plaster this. It is easy to understand that father may not be financially sound at the time of financial requirement, but the present situation can be better.

I have personally seen sons cursing their father for selling a property back for a low price. The first aspect to be understood is that they never know what their father went through in those days. Leaving behind these thoughts, they should think about how to develop the existing property inherited if any.

Source: Gettyimages

It is always appreciated if the son understands his father and able to clear his depression. There is a guy in my neighborhood that had a similar story in the past. After knowing the same, he decided to fulfill his father’s dream by buying a piece of land (that may not be of the same value but a lower one) and make a building over it as soon as possible. And as planned he recently bought a good piece of land in a good area.


Lessons from Middle-class Father

Middle-class fathers may be successful or not, but they are definitely an inspiration for the coming generations. If he is successful, we can mimic his policy. If not, we can learn what to do, and what not to do. This is clearly the experience of him that makes us learn various life lessons that our academics fail to teach us.

I have learned from my father to never ever sell a property that we pose till the requirement reaches its peak. I learned to always think in peace and look for various alternatives available before deciding what to do (especially in financial decisions).

Bottom Line:

When people interpret their middle-class fathers in a positive way, they would have no complaints. Moreover, they will learn crucial life lessons from their father’s experience. This is my sincere request to learn from your father, he is the best mentor, guide, and everything whom you can believe blindly.

Disclaimer: I wanted to make us all learn from some fathers. I didn’t mean to state that all fathers are the same, but there are certainly some fathers that have witnessed these sorts of scenarios.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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