People's Perception And Reality, Does It Really Matter? Episode 65, LIFE LESSONS


People have different opinions on an individual as a whole. Is this opinion true? If not, what is the reality? If you are searching for the same, you are in the right place.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

When an individual or a team gets popular, people start talking about them. This makes them popular even more in no time. They get recognition across boundaries likes regions and language. Now the question is- is this perception developed by people overall is the reality?

This is the question that is not commonly asked. Because people like talking about popular people and on the other hand these popular people want to get more and more fame. This question arises when a glitch occurs on the side of these popular people and people's perceptions change in no time.

Let us look into a small chronicle that showcases this scenario.


The Chronicle:

There was an actor named Suri. He was passionate about acting in movies. He always dreamed of being an actor and director in the cinema industry. In this course, he prepared many scripts for movies and also learned some tips to act better.

After finishing his graduation, he entered the movie industry, after a few months of struggle for a chance; he also learned some tips to act better.

After finishing his graduation, he entered the movie industry, after a few months of struggle for a chance; he finally got a good offer to direct a movie. He completed the movie before the given time and got ready for release. After the movie was released, he got a name and fame as a good director. Many popular people congratulated him on his success. He was very happy that he got recognition for his hard work.

In the same josh, he got two more offers. He finished one of them in the given time and got it ready for the release.  The second film also turned out to be a hit at the box office. This made him happier. His name spread like a wildfire among the people.  People started talking about him and he got a huge response wherever he went.  This made him believe that people believed in him.

After few months he got all ready to finish the third project. But this time the movie didn’t work out well. It had to suffer to collect at the box-office. This leads to a negative vibration among the people. The same people who talked and praised him began to comment that he had no talent to make movies. This also spread out like a wildfire.

Suri couldn’t take this negative feedback all over. He felt depressed about his third movie. He was not able to come out of it to start a new project. Seeing this, his mother came forward to make him understand the situation.

She sat beside him and elucidated the truth-

“Nothing has really changed when your movies turned out well too. The positive comments from the people motivated you. This is a good sign. But the negative comments must never affect you. You must understand an important fact. You were the same person when you gave hits; you are the same person now. The only thing that changed is the perception of the people. When your film turns out to a hit in the future, people will forget all this and again praise you. If such a case arises, then you are not the one that change, the perception of people is changed. Son, Make this clear before you feel bad about the situation. “

This advice changed the perception of Suri. After this day no matter his movie turned well or not, he was never disappointed. He only thought about making future projects only.


People’s Perception Vs Reality

The chronicle depicted above should make it clear the narrow difference between People's perceptions and reality. The reality is the capability that you have to change things, People's perception is based on factors like- what they think, the results you give, and opinions. Therefore it is not always fair to conclude that these two are always the same. It is not only the case with popular personalities, this can also be the case with you and me too.

Where do the complexities arise?

As long as the perception of the people is positive and is in our favor, nothing seems to be wrong. The complexities arise only when the opinions turn negative. When people's perceptions turn negative it always suggestible to withstand it. But it always tends to affect the individual.

In this particular scenario, it is important to understand that we are the same person always, our capabilities and the competence in us is always the same, the things that change is the judgment of the people towards it. This turns worse when the judgment is negative to us.


Bottom Line

The motto of this episode is very simple. I personally have faced both the positive and negative perceptions of people towards me. It was a difficult task to withstand it until I realized that these perceptions are seldom different from reality. And from that day I believed in my abilities and not the people’s perceptions.

When every one of us should learn to develop this attitude towards these perceptions, we all tend to have a positive spirit in life. This thus turns out to be one of the main factors to live a peaceful and happy life. 

Hope you like this Episode.          

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