Are You Born in a Poor family? Get your Mindset Right! Episode 70, LIFE LESSONS


People make us believe that we are born into poor families. Is that really true? Let us learn to check it out ourselves from the coming lines.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

Since I lived in my hometown right from my childhood, I had relations with all the people in my surroundings. I had a friendship with all the vendors, storekeepers, and neighbors. One day, I was out to bring some chicken from the nearby Butcher. He was also a good friend of mine. As he made the pieces ready for me, he narrated that he got a big deal of giving a huge amount of 1600 kgs of meat to a person. I was astonished by the news. I knew that people seldom approach him for a large amount of meat for occasions like marriages. But 1600kgs of meat was somewhat more than any general requirements.

He continued that this was for a marriage ceremony of the only daughter of a retired sub-collector. He had invited almost 20, 000 people to the occasion. He has almost printed 10, 000 invitation cards for the same. I was again stunned listening to these figures. Looking at my feedback he continued that this was not a big deal for persons like him. He was a well-known person- a big shot in his area. This further made me think about the same.  

There was a reason behind me thinking more about this instance later on. Because I recently had a bad experience with some occasions. A few months ago, when I had to arrange an occasion for 1500 people on the eve of the marriage ceremony of my brother, I ordered meat from the same butcher friend.  Then, he commented that 1500 people would be a big number, and there was no such need to invite so many people.  I was astonished by how the same person has been changing the words and comments when the person in the scenario has changed.

Not only was the case here, but I have also witnessed many other such instances where people ruthlessly discriminate against others with respect to their financial backdrop that too with a smile. I have always wondered why does this happens. Am I really poor?

The same question would have risen in most of you too. Do these scenes imply that you are literally poor?  Well, the answer is clear NO. Check out the following lines for the reason behind the answer.

Rich Mindset Vs Riches

We all have witnessed the discrimination that people show. Before we can come to a conclusion about the same, we need to ask ourselves a question. What are these people actually commenting upon- The mindset or the riches?  When we can get the answer about the same, we are ready to interpret this scenario.  Therefore it is the need now to understand the difference between Rich Mindset and the Riches.

What is Rich Mindset?             

As the name suggests, it is basically the thinking pattern and the psychology of a person similar to that of rich people. The person who develops a rich mindset needs not to be rich. His mindset to think like a rich person not only makes him (her) acquire riches in the future. But this mindset defines clearly various dos and don’ts for the person in various situations with righteous knowledge.

What makes this mindset different from actual riches is that the person having riches may not have a healthy rich mindset. How can we comment on this? Let me illustrate it clearly. A person may be rich in two ways-

                 1. By acquiring ancestral property,

                 2. Building his (her) own assets.

When an individual who is going to acquire ancestral property has every need to know how to protect and handle them. This can only be done when the individual poses a rich mindset. But there are cases where these individuals don’t care about how to handle the assets. They are proud that they at least have lots of riches without struggling. This takes them away from learning the actual mindset. Thus these people have every chance to lose these riches very soon in one or the other way because they have no idea how to handle and protect their assets.


What needs to be considered?

The answer to the above-mentioned questions is- People are always concerned with the riches and not the mindset of the people. They only see what amount of riches one has and comment on it accordingly. Many people with a rich mindset are therefore prone to this discrimination.

In this particular scenario, what can we do? What should we consider & what needs to be left out? This is the question that needs to be answered. Due to this discrimination, many people like you and I often question whether we are born in such a poor family that does not deserve anything?

Some people may not have such a broad mind to understand this narrow difference between a rich mindset and riches, but we need to have it. Whenever you feel that you are really poor, just close your eyes and ask yourself do you have a rich mindset or not. If yes, congratulations! You have no need to worry about your riches. Because it is crucial to remember that having a Rich Mindset is more important than having Riches. No matter how much money you would have, if you have a rich mindset, you can easily handle it get rich in the future.

No matter what the perception of the people may be, the perception that we have towards their words is crucial because our own perceptions make us a better person

Get to know about FRAME OF MIND of some People Here

Bottom Line:

Many people like me and you have always thought of the probable solution for the discrimination that some people show with respect to riches. It is all about the frame of mind of these people. I have already described the same in one of my previous episodes, check out this episode here. I have already described how to develop a rich mindset in one of my previous episodes. Check out the episode here.

I hope the main reason behind this episode is clearly understood. Having the right perception and rich mindset is more important than having riches. Remembering this can change your lifestyle by standing against this discrimination.

Disclaimer: These views and opinions are purely based on my opinions. I have come to these opinions after facing various similar consequences. I hope these perceptions can help you if you are prone to similar scenarios. I have tried to narrate this upon request of one of my readers and a beloved friend. 

Hope you like this Episode.          

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  1. No doubt richmindset is important than riches....nice perception 👍

  2. Mindset of people will never change rich will become richer and poor still stay poor comparison between them will never change it seems 😕


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