Life Lessons That We Often Learn Late Episode 89, LIFE LESSONS


Despite The perception that we are mature, we fail to learn some simple yet important life lessons at the early stage, which may turn into an inevitable problem later.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

The Journey of Life Lessons Aj has been successful with all support and perseverance. Many life lessons are been discussed. I heard many people responding positively to the series. I’m very happy about the same. Some well-wishers keep on supporting. They say that the life lessons that have been stated here are claimed to be useful.

 But there is a side that is left unnoticed. Recently, I have met one of my friends who regularly follow my blogs. He thanked me for the fact that he has learned a lot about how to handle various things and duties in life because of my blogs. In the discussion, I offered him a banana to eat. He rejected it. He said that he hates fruits. He only liked snacks and sweets that were good to taste and satisfying.

I was a bit surprised by his attitude. The person who has been learning many great things to make life better. But surprisingly he never cared about his food habits. I wondered how can a person so careful about life can be careless about his health and diet. This made me think about these small yet important aspects that affect our lifestyle a lot. I found out the there are some aspects and life lessons that when not understood at an early stage of life can create several problems in the future.

Therefore I have tried to find out some such life lessons that come under this category and tried to elucidate in the coming lines.


1.     Take Care of Health

As Stated in the previous lines, many people leave off their responsibility towards their health. Many people give a lot of importance to their work and other duties that they neglect their health. I still remember my uncle who is a transporter. He used to transport goods from his hometown to nearby towns. In this process, he never had the right time to have his meals. He never thought about that, he was striving to get more profit from the same. There was no problem with this habit for the first 2 decades. When he reached his late 40’s he started suffering from various health issues like diabetes, Blood pressure, and much more. He was now in such a state that he could no more work for the same.

There would be a simple alternative to his behavior. No matter how much he worked, if he would have taken care of his health in his early days itself, the health would be better many folds, but it's too late. He always, therefore, suggests me to take care of my health, as it was the first priority. He knows the fact now, but he is not in the stage to get back to those days where he neglected his health.

Therefore, health is the most important factor that we need to take care of from the early stages of life itself. It is important to strive for our dreams, but it is equally important to take care of our health too.

Also, Check out 5 WAYS TO DEAL WITH BETRAYAL here

2.     Good things are not always easy to obtain

We all dream for something good to happen with us. It may be as small as spending a good evening with the family too as big as a settled and stable lifestyle. The problem arises when people fail to understand those good things are not always easy to obtain. Sometimes good things need more than adequate efforts. The best example would be getting a good job. In places like India, people dream f getting government jobs. They want a safe and secure way of life. But they seldom fail to understand the pain and struggle behind winning these jobs.

The same is the case with many small and big instances too. Everyone indeed wants good things. But there would definitely a hurdle before they can get it.


3.     Always try more

For every price, we pay there is something that we deserve. But when we try we can get some more for the same. In financial terms, it is called bargaining. But this stays true for all the instances too. Indeed, we cannot negotiate in all the cases but we can definitely try to get more. For instance, I hired a contractor for repair works in the house. He quoted an amount of Rs X for the whole and not ready to reduce the amount. I can just assign some small and minor additional works to add worth to the amount I paid to him.

Not only in cases of the finance, can this be done in other instances too. For instance, I have one day to prepare for a sudden test. I know that I can prepare only half of the course for that day, and I can assure the same. In this scenario, I should strive to complete something more than what I planned. Anything prepared also can be a bonus for me. This attitude in all the cases can help us get something more that we deserve in all instances. In many cases, this attitude can bring about increases efficiency too.


4.     Be flexible with Goals

In one of the previous episodes, I have clearly stated that we should never change our goals, we should take time to decide and decide one such goal that would be the ultimate one. But it is to be understood that this perception lies strictly during the process of preparations for the same. When we reach the end of the journey there may arise many instances where we have to shift or change the character of our goal.

For instance, I have an interest in civil examination. I have tried my level best to become an IAS officer. But unfortunately, I have not cracked that; I could get IPS in the instant. We know that I have dreamed for IAS, but keeping this in mind I should not reject the IPS offer. It is because even IPS is also a respectable position that is not easy to obtain. The wise decision would be to accept the chance and try for IAS later if I have enough patience and perseverance. This instance shows what flexibility in goals in means.


5.     Don’t hesitate to act when required

We have learned to change according to the surroundings to live a peaceful life. This is the act that today’s parents teach us to keep away from unwanted complications. But it is important to understand that we should act when it is required. My mother too taught me to keep away from disputes and quarrels. I followed the same for years together.

Recently I got the job. The office has a limited parking space for the vehicles. But still we employees manage to park with care. There are minor scratches here and there because of the tight space and that turned out to be common for us. I too never took it seriously keeping in mind the words of my mother. As days passed on the situation turned worse. One day, a man dashed my parked motorcycle and made it fall to the ground. I attended the scene and lifted my motorcycle. This time the damage was unacceptable. Almost every part of the side got damaged- The indicators, doom, and whatnot. I was quite outraged. But I stopped him and talked calmly. I showed him the damage and demanded him the expense for the repair works. There was a discussion for the same for some time. Bu t I stood on what I want, I acted when it was required. And finally, he accepted to bear the expenses.

We indeed need to accept the change, but the situation turns worse or demands our actions, we need to act accordingly to keep our self-respect and position in place.


6.     Remember you have your own path

It is a common fact that we tend to compare ourselves with others on many occasions voluntarily or involuntarily. The same was the case with me too. Let me illustrate an interesting instance. Tej and Raj are good friends. Presently, they are in their early 50’s. Children grew up and turned to the age of marriage. Raj has already found a match for his son. After a year, Tej and Raj had a friendly get-together in Raj’s house. In the process of talks, Tej notices a brand new big-screen television in Raj’s home. He was quite impressed with the size ad performance of the same. Therefore he enquired about the details with Raj.

After returning home, He started checking his financial map to check if he had a chance to buy that sort of television. But to his regret, he could find a way for it. But this regret was not with him for a long time, because he knows that he has his own path to travel in life. He has planned a perfect financial road map for the next decade to acquire riches, this is the reason he couldn’t afford such TV shortly.

These sorts of realizations are important for all of us before we compare ourselves with others. When we understand that we have our own paths in life, we will never regret when we compare ourselves with others.

Also, Check out THE GREEDY MAN IN YOU here

Bottom Line

There is a famous proverb that comically states that people think a lot about important factors but leaves some tiny facts in life. These facts would later turn into great problems. When we find out and learn to care about such small factors, we would be able to come out with many unexpected complications in the later stage of life.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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