10 Facts about Responsibilities You Need To Know Episode 78, LIFE LESSONS

 We come across various responsibilities in life. But how far we have appropriate knowledge about the same? Let us know 10 such unknown facts about responsibilities in life.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

I took on some important responsibilities in life at an early age. In the due course of these years, I faced many scenarios and consequences of the same. I had faced many such scenarios which may not be faced by many of the people of my age. Simultaneously I also got the next level of freedom to take certain decisions. It took me some years to understand the real essence behind responsibilities.

Genuinely speaking, I was surprised to notice some interesting facts related to responsibilities in life. While I understood some other facts via research, I came to know the importance of knowing them. let us look into those 10 facts in detail in the coming lines.

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Why should we understand the facts behind responsibilities?

Before we look into the facts, an important question needs to be answered. Why should we know in-depth about the responsibilities?

Though we have witnessed many instances of responsibilities, we fail to understand the real meaning and reason behind them. When we are completely aware of what this actually means (by knowing these facts) we can easily interpret such instances in life.

Also, Check Our life lessons from MIDDLE-CLASS FATHER here

10 unknown facts about Responsibilities in Life

Here are those facts about responsibilities that we generally do not strive to understand.

1.      Responsibility is a matter of Choice

No matter what may be the level of responsibility is it is always purely a matter of choice. We can always choose whether we have to take up a particular responsibility or not. Here is an instance to demonstrate this clearly:

There are two brothers in a town. After few years of living together with their parents, they decided to get divided. In this process taking care of the parents became a question. It is said that whoever takes care of the parents, they are going to get the bigger share of the properties. Here taking care of parents is the responsibility. The elder one thought and said that he will take the smaller share and leave his parents. On the other hand, the younger brother decided to take care of his parents. Here taking care of parents (the responsibility) is the choice that a brother can take.

Disclaimer: Here I’m not talking about the ethics behind the scenario. Taking care of family is the prime responsibility for a son but when we keep ethics aside this turns into a choice. This is what I wanted to mention.


2.      Being responsible brings about lots of respect and support

Responsibilities are seldom a choice for a person to take it or not. But when taken, it increases the respect and status of the person. As stated in the instance in the previous lines, the younger brother has decided to take care of his parents. This decision no doubt increases the responsibility of him, but simultaneously, this decision brings him a lot of good impression and respect in society. Everyone would praise him for his love and care for the family.

Not only in this scenario, taking responsibilities always brings about added value with it. It is actually a good sign, but people stay back from certain responsibilities in fear of additional burdens.

3.      Responsibility is an opportunity

We can clearly conclude from the previous lines that responsibilities are actually opportunities that help us prove what we can do, and shows our character to others. Responsibilities are seldom opportunities that bring about a level to us.

4.      The more power and rights, the more responsibility

We as common people often think and get jealous of rich and big people. But we never look into the responsibilities and burdens they have at a personal level.  The person managing a larger amount of finance and relations will surely have more responsibilities compared to the person having lesser relationships and finance. The same is the case of right and power. The more the person has the right to do something and the power to stand with, the more responsibility he (she) will have.

5.      There are three types of responsibilities (Social, moral and collective)

Apart from personal responsibilities that we all know, there are three more types of responsibilities that are to be taken to improve our personality. They are:

a.       Social Responsibility: These are the responsibilities that state that a person has an obligation to work in alignment with others in their society for mutual benefit at large. This means that we need to be socially responsible by contributing out the part with discipline for the complete good on whole.

b.      Moral Responsibility: These are the responsibilities that account for the status of the individual who deserves all the praise, blame rewards, or punishment for an act or omission performed or neglected under their moral obligations. In nutshell, this implies that we should be responsible for all the praise, blames, and punishment for the work that we have done.

c.       Collective Responsibility:  it is the convention whereby the individual is accountable for all the decisions made by the clan or the organization that he (she) is in. this is the responsibility that one should be liable as a part and respect to his (her) clam or organization.

6.      There are different degrees of responsibilities

Responsibilities are the same in the broader view. But in detail, there are different degrees of responsibilities. for a father, dropping his son at school is a responsibility. Taking care of him throughout his life is also a responsibility, but there is a difference in degree between them.  dropping in school is confined to that day only, but taking care of son accounts lifetime. Different degrees of responsibilities bring different levels of burdens, rights, and freedom.

7.      With more responsibilities there comes more freedom

As already depicted in previous lines, responsibilities bring both burdens and freedom with them. I took responsibility to take care of family and assets at a young age. Managing them is the responsibility, but simultaneously I got the freedom to decide how to manage them efficiently, and also the freedom to develop and make choices regarding them at every instance. It is worth noting this point because many people take responsibility looking at this freedom factor, but they fail to accept the fact that they also bring various duties that need to be performed.

8.      Age never determines the level of responsibilities

There is no relation between the age of the individual and the responsibilities that he (she) has. The degree of responsibility depends on the situations that the individual goes through and the choice made by him (her). I see many people raising children who learn to take responsibilities, they actually praise the choice made by them in taking the responsibilities. It is important to note that the degree of responsibility depends upon the capacity of the individual too and not on the age.

9.      Responsibility and promises are not the same

Many people perceive that responsibility and promises are the same, but they are not. They may be interrelated in some instances. Promises are basically guaranteeing the person before us to ensure something. But responsibility is the choice we take to ensure that promise is made. Thus responsibility is a broader concept if compared to promise. The promise is easy to make but standing on it most difficult. Thus it is to be understood that taking responsibility takes more courage to take.

10. Responsibility is an inevitable part of life

In one of the instances of life, responsibilities turn inevitable. Some people keep away from responsibilities as long as their parents look after them. But when they become parents, responsibility is seldom an inevitable choice. Some people hate taking responsibilities thus run away from social life and wander to different locations. In this scenario, it is important to be noted that taking care of them is also a responsibility. Therefore always remember that responsibility is inevitable in life, the early we opt for one, the easier would be living the life.


Bottom Line:

Some of the facts states above may seem simple, while others seem to be quite new. But having the right knowledge regarding responsibilities in life is important for each one of us. This is the reason I tried to narrate the same for future reference. This knowledge has changed my perception of life and hopes the same with you too.

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