Why Should We Do What We Like? Episode 72, LIFE LESSONS


We are all always taught that we should always strive to do what we really like. Is it always possible? Let’s check the probable answer of the same.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

Every one of us wants a free and enjoyable life. It is always one of the ultimate goals to have such a life where we can live stress-free. In addition to this, the advice of our mentors is a great bonus. We all are always advised that we should strive to do only those duties that we actually love doing it. We should strive to follow our passions. This seems to be perfect on paper. But how far can it be practically happening in the practical sense? This is the question that needs to be thought about.  Simultaneously there is a need to also find out the solution if we are already doing something that we actually don’t like. Let us try to check out the probable answers to all these problems in this episode.


Are we really doing what we want?

The first thing we need to be clear is to find out are we really doing what we are doing. Every one of us may be in one or the other job. But the question is- are we really loving it?

There are quite a few ways to determine whether we are really loving it or not. Let us check out them in the following lines:

1.     Are you waiting for a vacation?

Some people always wait for a vacation from their workplace. It is a common phenomenon. But it is important to understand the reason behind the thought. Some people like traveling, they like visiting and exploring new places. These people strive for vacations no matter what they do. On the other hand, some people want vacations just to escape from their responsibilities and duties for a while. They tend to choose those disciplines that offer more paid holidays for vacation. If you are one of this category, make sure that you don’t like what you do. When you don’t like what you do, you tend to look for those options which help you to take a break.

2.     Are you waiting for weekends?

This is somewhat similar to the previous lines. People who wait for vacations as a form of escape definitely wait for weekends to get a break from work. If You are one of those who wait for the weekends to enjoy leaving off your work, then make sure that you don’t like what you are doing.

3.     Are you waiting for the profits?

Are you one of those who only wait for the profits or the salaries that come shortly? , You do probably not like your job. Being in a profession and taking responsibility is not confined to just having a payslip. These also include taking responsibilities with ease and interest. People who are looking for payslip only tend to work for money. These people would never be happy in their work lives.


  4. Do you feel overstressed after a day of work?

Some people feel overstressed at the end of the day after coming back from the workplace. Being stressed is acceptable, but feeling overstressed may be a sign that you don’t like your job. Overstress is not a sign of a healthy job. No job states that the candidate has to undergo overstress on paper. But people face this, and dislike towards the job is the main reason.


Characteristics of the Job we like

By now, we are aware of what factors make us dislike our job. Therefore it is easy to understand what the characteristics of the job we like are. Let us look into these characteristics in brief:

1.       We never wait for any Weekend or vacation. When we love our job, we in fact enjoy what we are doing, we feel excited to start the day. This is the reason we never need any separate vacation or weekend to enjoy until and unless we need to explore new places.

2.       We never work for just money. I have a friend who works in the film industry. He was a good student in his entire education career. As a result, he got a good job with a handsome salary.  As he entered the film industry He was paid a sum of 5k a month. I asked him why he was working for a low salary leaving behind a good and respectable job. He replied that being in the film industry was his passion thus he wanted to work there, He was not considering the money factor. We all need to understand that when we like our job, we work not just for money, but for various other factors like experience, passion, and others.

3.       We never feel overstressed. In fact, we feel satisfied at the end of the day when we return from work.


What needs to be done if we are in a job that we don’t like?

By one or the other ways determined above, we can check if we don’t like what we do. If we find out that we don’t like our job, what needs to be done? This is the query that needs to be answered.

The answer would be simple but there is a need to understand the logic and the answer about the same. We have many historic and recent instances that showcase how these scenarios have to be dealt with.

There was a director who recently became successful after two back-to-back hits at the box office. In a recent interview, he tried to briefly narrate how he had to sustain to get an opportunity of proving himself. Though he entered the industry with a motto to become a director, he had to work as a light boy for several months to build up relations with noted people. He said that he hated to work as a light boy. This profession was one of the least respected professions he would ever know. He was used for various out-of-box responsibilities.  He had no other option than to obey in many scenarios.

When he was asked why he had sustained such a terrific life, he smiled and answered that that was the foundation for him in the industry. Although he hated the job, he had to sustain till he gets an opportunity. He hated the job but accepted with a smile till he could achieve an opportunity.

Many stories showcase why we are in a job that we don’t like. Sometimes it is just because we have not a goal in life and what we want is money. But many times even if we are planned and determined to work what we like, many factors hamper us. In these scenarios, it is meaningless to stay idle till we get the dream job.

In these scenarios where we have to wait for what we want, we have to do something that we may not like at least for some time till we need to achieve it. In case, the motto is just earning money, all these lines I mentioned are meaningless. There are people around us who just want more and more money. They jump into other companies with higher pay scales again and again. These people have nothing to do with terms like passion and likes. It doesn’t matter whether they like it or not, all they consider is money.

Apart from this sector, some people want to work in such a profile that they really like but couldn’t. These people should make it clear at what level are they now. Should they consider staying in the job? Is that the need of the day to sustain till they achieve their dream job? Evaluating all these factors at a personal level may lead the individual to make a clear decision on what needs to be done soon. Whatever may be the decision may be, one has to be clear what his (her) dream job is, and should always strive to achieve the same.

Bottom Line

I hope the objective behind this episode is fulfilled. It is a common phenomenon that people hate their job. This may happen because of many reasons. We can find out whether we like our job or not by simple ways mentioned above.

It is said, “Never choose to do anything you hate, regardless of the upside in doing it”. But I feel this perception is not true always. The lives of people are not always the same. Due to pressures like family or some other, one should sometimes have to work a profile which he (she) hates. The most important thing is to remember that working a dream profile should always be the ultimate professional goal in life. Because only then that we could live a healthy lifestyle with no stress and tiredness.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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