Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

Apart from the basic needs, a person needs peace, love and understanding. When the physical needs are fulfilled, mental needs come to play. In this case peace, love and understanding come to play.

What happens when an individual fails to get any of these?

 When a person fails to get any one of these mental needs, he (She) develops negativity.

Why and how does this happen?

 Let us check out the same in coming lines.



                Ram and Jo are newly married couple. They recently shifted to a new apartment bought by Ram. The finances were enough, and the utilities were also ample. Thus they began a happy new life. Ram had good job with sound salary. Thus he confidently bought the apartment on EMI. Jo was also happy and content since she got a good husband, she got good locality to be in. Every day Ram returned home with joy. Whenever Jo opened the door for him, the blossomed face of Ram would make her even more contented.

Both felt their personal life complete and thus were happy and close to each other. They could offer quality time to each other. Despite of long office hours, they both lived happily. Every night Ram thanked god for offering this lifestyle.

But days are not same all the time. The time has changed for this couple too. Ram’s job got complicated due to sudden Corona pandemic. His job was under threat due to bad state of his recruiting company. He got frustrated at the unwanted pressures at work. He turned quite moody while he returned home.  Looking at his moody face at the door, the mood of Jo too started to hamper. She was too turned uncomfortable.

After few days, the complications in the house began to grow further. Due to hampered job, Ram couldn’t able to pay the EMIs of apartment. This turned him more frustrated. He started to scold and shout on Jo at times. This started to create distance between them. As days passed the scenario grew worse. Ram and Jo began to fight at times.


As the days passed Ram started to peep on the changing situation. He was not ready for the situations to grow worse. Thus he began to think for the probable solution. He started to talk to Jo about the situation. He started to look at the situation practically (not emotionally as before). He started searching for alternative source of earning to fulfill the requirement. In this course his job turned into work from home mode. After some days of vigorous search, he got an opportunity for online tutor as a part time job. This made him earn extra income.

Soon the situation began to improve. He could handle all the finance with ease. He could bring back his pure smile back. This smile began to blossom love back in Jo. In couple of months, the situation developed.

Now both were mature enough to handle similar situations in future.

Why negative thoughts come in mind

When an individual fail to get any of the mental needs (love, peace and understanding), negativity begins to develop. The same can be observed in the chronicle above. As long as Ram was peaceful, everything was going fine. When his work got hampered, he begun to lose his peace and gradually everything began to turn worse.

Not only in case of Ram, had these sorts of situations generally happened with most of us. Peace in us can be hampered in any scenario with or without our knowledge. This leads to developing negativity in us.

Not only due to loss of peace, negativity can also be developed when we fail to get love and understanding. We can see the same in the above chronicle itself. When Ram’s attitude began to change, he was not in a state to love Jo. This developed negativity in her.

When negativity in both of them increased, the understanding between them began to decrease, this further worsened the scenario.


How to change your thoughts from negative to positive

Now the question is- How can we avoid or reduce negative thoughts and convert to positive thoughts?

The answer is straight forward- Detachment.

Detachment is the ability or tendency of a person to interpret the situation logically and objectively instead of looking at it in the subjective or emotional way.

In many cases, when everything is going fine for a notable time, we gradually began to develop an emotional feeling for it. We feel lucky and content for the scenario. Whenever any ambiguity arises, this emotional bonding is the one that gets hampered.  We begin to think why is this beautiful flow hampered? This leads to generation of negativity in our thoughts.

We can overcome this scenario only if we look and interpret at the situation in objective oriented and practical way. When we begin to interpret it in practical way, we start to notice the glitches that hampered the flow. Thus we could be able to find out the reason behind it.


Negative thinking Disorder:

Prolonged negative thinking can lead to disease(s) in individuals. This is commonly known as Negative thinking disorder. Generally this disorder is characterized by symptoms like chronic worry, anxiety, depression and sometimes OCD. This disorder can be so severe that it may create suicidal thoughts in individual.

Thus it is very important to remember that it is our responsibility in life to work for betterment of the situation before the situation turns worse. In the chronicle I stated above, Ram thought out  and brought the complication to light at the right time. If it was not done in right time, it was possible that Ram would get suicidal thoughts because of negativity and pressures created domestically.


It is quite common that we generate negative thoughts at times due to various instances. It is important on our part to find out the reason behind the situation and find out the solution for it. Basically detachment is the ultimate solution for negativity in any situation. Being practical and objective at situations can bring down the complications thus bringing down negativity.

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I’m inspired to share this perception to you only after going through various sources. The main source is the book: Think Like  A Monk written by JayShetty. Get the book if you are interested to know more from this book. Please be free to use the affiliate link provided to support me in sharing more such interesting articles for you.

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