It's always hard until it's done (Episode 37, LIFE LESSONS)


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It always seems impossible until it's done meaning

We have been in to various tasks in our life. Each one of them can be categorized from easier to hardest. The best example is the subjects in our school life and our perceptions towards them. A student may feel that mathematics is difficult, while some other may feel that Physics is difficult. No matter how good a student is, he (she) always feels to be weak in one or the other subjects. But the ultimate truth is that it’s always hard until it’s done. The meaning is quite simple. We generally think, ‘It can’t be done’, and we soon find ourselves stepping away from it. And the sad truth is someone continues doing it and tastes success in it. The task is actually hard until is tried. Once we get experience and confidence after a period of involvement, it is no harder.

On the other hand, when we look into the other side this statement, it explains that it is sometimes impossible to build up a solution, but we should take up the challenge and conquer it to grow, thus concentrating on it. I would like to narrate a example in this context for better understanding in one of the following sections.

It’s always seems impossible until it's done speech of Nelson Mandela

The man of power, Nelson Mandela is one among those leaders who fought against many political issues including race discrimination. Serving the country was the main motive for him. As the respected president of South Africa, he stated a famous quote, “It’s always impossible until it’s done”. It had a deep meaning in itself. No doubt he made the statement in accord to a particular context, but this is applicable for every task that we feel to be impossible or hard.

The complete speech can be viewed here:

it always seems impossible until it's done quote

After the statement became popular, this has turned into a renowned quote. Among many other quotes that serve in many ways, it comes in the way to make the scenario better. Even today, many websites have been mentioning these quotes among their most remarkable quotes.

It always seems impossible until it's done: Daily Inspiration

Among various inspirational quotes, the quote “It always seems impossible until it’s done” is one of the best. This can act as our daily inspiration as it is almost suitable for many day- to-day tasks too.

"it always seems impossible until it's done.": motivation for dreamers & doers

As depicted above, the quote is a one of the most motivating agent for many dreamers and doers. There can be instances for this in all our lives in one or the other way. I would like to illustrate a small example:

Few years ago, when there were no smart phones, the people who used phones were very less, and the people who have no touch with mobile phones were in a thought that operating a mobile phone is a difficult task and it is not every one’s cup of tea. But after the advent of smart phones, the number of users also increased. And in due course, many users got acquainted to use them. Their perception changed and began to view mobile phones as an added advantage in day-to-day lives.   Even today, there are few people who still feel that using a smart phone is a complex task. It is because they have never tried it with a feel that it’s hard to operate. On the other hand, the people who learned to operate mobile phone are now able to disclose various options from just symbols and gestures in their smart phones. 

There are many more such unnoticed instances that actual prove the statement. Thus it is crucial on our part, to try and work on the aspects that we feel to be hard or impossible. This has worked for me, and I hope it would work for you too.

Quotes to inspire you to do the Impossible

Similar to the above quotation there are many other quotations that may inspire us to do the impossible. I would like to mention some of them here:

·         “To believe a thing impossible is to make it so.” – French Proverb

·         “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney

·         “Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.” – Robert A. Heinlein

·         “Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish.” – Marcus Aurelius

·         The impossible often has a kind of integrity which the merely improbable lacks.” – Douglas Adams

·         “Impossible only means that you haven’t found the solution yet.” – Anonymous

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