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Why are dreams important in life

We are in a developed world. Compared to times a few decades ago, the pace of lifestyle has increased by many folds. In this course people are in the process to select fast ways to achieve things. Same is the case of finance too. This perception has changed to such an extent that people left out the thought of where are they working for their finance.

I mean to say that people have gradually shifted their focus from achievements and dreams to finance and ways to get more of it. In this course, they began to leave off their dreams. This is the matter of concern.

As a citizen of modern independent world, we all have right to dream and achieve them. But our priorities have been changed due to fear of financial pressures in personal life.

As a right for individuals, it is equally important to achieve them. If not achieved, they have no meaning at all. Ambitions are one of the most important aspects of life.

Follow your dreams or someone will hire you

The answer for the previous section is actually answered here.  There is every way we can leave off the thought of our dreams. But the consequences of this decision are worse compared to the actual departure of the thought.

Even if we are not ready to work for our dreams, we need to work for some other to fulfill our finances. What does this mean?

If we are working for any person or company, this means that we are helping the person to achieve his (her) dreams. This means that even if you got away from your dreams, someone else’s dreams being built at double the speed.

Well I didn’t mean to say that working for others is illegal or unfavorable. But this is the area where we need to stop and think for a while. Is it a good idea to leave personal dreams to make some others’ dream come true?

This question will definitely help to self evaluate and decide the life style.


2020 has been a typical year. Most of the months have been inactive officially due to the outbreak. Operations of almost every industry have been hampered. Economy has fallen down. Lifestyle of many professionals and working people has also changed.

But it is not valid to comment that this year is an ineffective one as a whole. Even if someone feels so- this is just a perception. Many people started work from home thus continuing their productivity all the same way. Moreover this mode of work has lead many people to work from their home town either.

This has actually brought about many new ways for self development. People began to stay more time at home. This started giving them some more time for other activities. I hope this is the right time to extend a step forward towards self dreams (if it has not started).

Leaving off the negative perceptions towards the pandemic, it is always advisable to make use of available additional time effectively. If you don’t build your dream in 2020, then it is nearly impossible to build it if you continue to get committed with your jobs.

Always remember:  Follow your dreams or someone will hire you

 If You Don't Build Your Dream, Someone Will Hire You to Help Build Theirs- Tony Gaskins

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Tony Gaskin is a famous orator and a self-help author. He has also spoken in various topics like success, Business and self development which brought him huge following in various social media platforms.

He has also written various famous books. Among these books, the most famous book is, ‘The Dream chaser’ with a beautiful tagline- If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.

This simple tagline with great meaning has backed huge following. The formula of entire life is seemed to be condensed in a single statement.

As depicted above, it is very important to follow your dreams or someone will hire you.

The Dream Chaser: If You Don't Build Your Dream, Someone Will Hire You to Help Build Theirs

Get This Book

This is the most famous book by Tony Gaskin. This book is available in various platforms. Amazon offers the best price on all sorts of editions. It is considered as one of the best self-help books which give us enough motivation to run in life. Check out the book here

Tony Gaskins quotes

I hope after such a narration, we all want to get through some other quotes by Tony Gaskin. Here are some other quotes by him:

·         “To be content doesn’t mean you don’t desire more. It means you are thankful for what you have and patience for what’s to come”.

·         “You have to be willing to lose them to keep them if they feel like you’ll stay no matter what, they will never respect you. But as soon as they realize that you’re strong enough to live without the, that’s when they see your true value.”

·         “You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop and what you reinforce.”

·         “Evaluate the people in your life; then promote, demote or terminate. You’re the CEO of your life.”

·         “Relationship is like a job but you can’t ever retire. When you stop working at it, it stops working.”

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