Life lessons (Episode 4- Chimera)

     Hello friends and welcome to my blog. Today we are going to see what Chimera is. You may have frazzled seeing the topic, and felt it is a different and unique topic. But here Chimera actually means Dream. When we look into the concept of dream, we have many ideas. Dreams are percepted in many ways. It is sometimes used for ambition, sometimes as hallucination in sleep and sometimes it is our desire to possess something. Despite of all these interpretations, here our interpretation is by taking it as our ultimate ambition in life. 

    Have you ever asked yourself what is your Dream in life? Definitely, you must have been thinking about settling in life, possessing a asset or liability or having a happy married life. Well, you are right in your own way. But have you ever thought what would be or what should be the Dream for each and every human being in general? I want to make it clear to the best of my perception in this blog. I will narrate a short story of Maharishi for better interpretation and conclusion to our topic.

    There was a man called Maharishi. He was about to finish his graduation. But he has many doubts in his mind. He was not ready to enter the society. He thought that he needed some awareness and tactics to catch up with the world over there. When he narrated this query to his father, his father replied saying that it was because Maharishi didn't had any dream/ambition in his life. He suggested that having a perfect ambition in life will make his path clear and he would never look at world outside to do something for him.

     Now Maharishi's focus was shifted from ambiguity to ambition of his life. 

    He was a research minded person right from his childhood. Therefore, he decided to meet several people in search of his answer. He selected 4 people from different professions and age groups to complete his survey for the answer. 

    The next day he started his task. First, he went to a student. He asked, "What is your Dream in your life?". The student replied, "I want to get into good position and earn large amount of money and stay happily."

     Later, he went near a Business man and asked, "What is your Dream in your life?". Business man with a smile replied ,"My Dear, I'm currently performing all my operations of business myself. My dream is one day I will appoint few staff and a manager in my store so that I can expand the business as well as set myself free from this hectic responsibilities."

    Maharishi's third questionee was a Teacher. He went to her and asked the same question, "What is your Dream in your life?". She replied, "I'm a responsible teacher who teaches 6 continuous hours in a day. My dream is to become Headmistress of the school someday, so that I can reduce the stress of teaching and improve my position "

    The final questionee was a Retired Navy Major. MAHARISHI  went to him and asked the same question. The major replied, "My ambition is to stay peacefully without any quarrels with my son in the  rest of my life." 

    Maharishi was completely unaware that the answers from them would be so different from each other. From answer of the first questionee, he thought earning is the ultimate Dream of people. Aftet listening to second and third questionee's answer, he thought good position apart from money is the ultimate Dream. When he heard the answer of major, he was completely disoriented. He was not able to interpret their statements, and was despairing each minute. 

    After sometime a shivering sweet voice came across him. He looked up and saw a old women holding a lantern in her hand looking at him. She seemed to be a old and innocent but also looked to be having experience in life. She walked slowly to him and sat beside Maharishi and enquired about the reason for his glumness. He narrated entire story that took place with him. 

    Listening to the entire story, the women thought for a while and smiled. She said, "I thought it is very easy for a intelligent guy like you to figure out the answer, but you didn't". Maharishi was astound at her statement. 

    She continued, "See, no matter what ambition does the person dreams of, he definitely dreams of a better environment to live into. But do you know what exactly the answer is?". 

    Maharishi Replied, "What is that?"

    She replied, "No matter what is the age, caste, sex or demography of a person is, when he/she goes to bed everyday there should be no worry in their mind for the coming day." 

    Maharishi at once acknowledged what all the people he enquired meant to say. He got the answer. What was his answer? Every person in his or her life no matter how hard the life is or how big is their income figure, are they going to bed peacefully? The most successful person never has any tension or striving for anything. When he(She) goes to bed, he(she) never thinks of/worries about the next day. I don't mean to say that these people should not think about their future. In fact, the first quality of a successful person is the attribute to plan their future. Here I mean to say "A person whenever he (She) goes to bed , he(She) should never worry about what happens the next day, or the coming future"

     Now it doesn't mean that we have to leave the aspects that actually make us worry about them. Rather we need to setup our surroundings in such a way that the we need not worry about the coming day when we go to bed. 

    In the story I narrated above, Maharishi is none other than me. The Student was my brother, the business man was my father, the third Teacher was my mother, the Major was my grandfather. And the innocent mature lady who avoided my uncertainty was none other than my beloved granny. We Indians have perception that grannies in our houses who do not possess basic education (in some cases) are not aware of anything. But sometimes they may turn as the torch light in paving our career.   

    From my narration I want to make it very clear to you that the ultimate Dream for any one should be the carefree situation before going to sleep for the next day. I can only happen when we have no worries about the coming day(s) or confident enough to tackle the problems in the future. 

    So how can we achieve this so called Dream? We can find our answer in the previous paragraph itself. We can do it in following two ways- 

    1. By removing obstacles in future by proper planning 

    2. Training and preparing ourselves in such way to tackle any disturbances in forthcoming days.

    So friends, I think to the best of my knowledge and perception, I have made a clear idea of what the Dream is and what can we do to achieve it. No matter, the dream is the financial freedom, social freedom or any other aspect, but ultimately all these dreams come to the same destination of what I narrated above.

    Hope you liked my blog and interpretation.

    Please comment your views and any similar stories in you life,
