Facts About Comfort Zone You Don't Know Episode 76, LIFE LESSONS


We all are well aware of the meaning of Comfort zone, but there is an interesting and unknown fact that many of us are not aware of. Let us check out them in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

After going through some books to gain knowledge about personal finance, I decided to build up passive sources of income. After striving for 4 years I managed to make few sources of safe passive income on regular basis. After I was assured that all these sources of income became active, I realized that I had a good amount of income that is paid to me regularly without any notable difficulty. After few months I felt that I had enough money for all my needs and some savings.

As days passed, I realized that I entered a sort of Comfort zone. But this gradually landed me into trouble in many scenarios. Let us look into those troubles of the comfort zone and also the probable solutions that I found out for these problems in the coming lines.

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What is the Comfort zone?

By definition, the comfort zone is a psychological state in which one has a controllable environment, low levels of anxiety and stress, and a steady level of performance. This all happens due to repeated tasks/duties. This is the state where the individual stays risk-free and peaceful because in this stage there is a minimalistic chance for any unpredicted event to occur.  There are different perceptions of the comfort zone by different people. Some people perceive that having a safe source of income alone will bring the comfort zone, but it is not so.

Comfort zone not only means financially protected but also being protected in all means. In my scenario, I had quite a few sources of passive income, an own house, and the scope of enjoying life (at least in some ways). This is the reason I perceived that I’m in my comfort zone.


General Cons of Comfort zones

There are many disadvantages to the comfort zone. Firstly, it constrains the person to limited boundaries. This makes the person accessible to limited scenarios only. When he (she) has to face any unpredictable event, they would be incompetent to tackle the situation. Secondly, the person in the comfort zone would never take risks. Since they are acquainted with the easy and simple sources of income, they don’t prefer to take risks. They fail to understand that risks will actually give higher returns. Thirdly, the worst thing is that some people get into their comfort zone at such a level that they even fail to make their comfort zone bigger.

Among these cons, the most important fact to be noted is that many of these people who are in their comfort zone even fail to expand their comfort zone. This is the most complicated cons among others.

The interesting point is that there is a solution for these cons of Comfort zone acquiring which can give a comfort zone with almost no complications. Let us check it in the coming lines.


The unknown fact of Comfort Zone

Many people who entered the comfort zone perceive that this is the ultimate destiny in life. This may be in terms of finance or in terms of some others. This is the main problem-creating factor after they entered their comfort zone.

There is no perfect and final destiny in life. Situations change in life every time. Due to this, we have every need to change accordingly. Talking about this in financial terms, for instance, the expenses and prices are not the same all the time. When one perceives that he (she) reached the financial comfort zone, he  (she) takes it to be granted that the finance that they receive at regular intervals is sufficient for the whole life. But in a practical sense, it is not. it is sufficient for the present scenario only. One day when the prices and expenses increase, the finance they get wouldn’t be enough. This scenario brings about ultimate depression and discomfort to the being as he (she) cannot tackle the situation. This is the reason why experts suggest that it is dangerous to stay in the comfort zone for a long time.


Is there any solution?

Yes, there is a solution for this. The solution is nothing but always striving to expand our comfort zone.

Let us take some time and think about where the problem actually arises. The problem arises because the sources from a certain comfort zone level would not be enough for us in the near future. In case we are constantly expanding the level of the comfort zone at least proportionate to the increased needs, then staying in the comfort zone would never turn dangerous.

Talking in financial terms, I have 2 assets presently that give a regular passive income. If I try to expand it to 5 assets in 5 years, then the income would be good even after 5 years in the comfort zone. We shall look into the proper ways about how this is done in the next episode.

The other way (which people in their comfort zone hate) is learning to take risks at some time. There is no need to take bigger risks, but taking risks at small instances here and there can bring about development, this decreasing the dangers in staying in a confined comfort zone.

Talking in financial terms, let us consider I have 2 assets presently that give me a regular passive income. What I can do is instead of depending upon the income that I get on passive income only, I would start a business taking risks at smaller levels. This would accumulate additional income apart from safe passive income that would support me in the future to meet prices and expenses.


Bottom Line:

In this episode, I tried to narrate the unknown facts of the comfort zone and those common ways to come over them. I have learned most of these from my past experience and also with the help of minor researches. Not only comfort zone anything that lies for a long time may turn dangerous to the self. Thus planning to come over it ahead of the arousal for the problem can make out life easy.


Disclaimer: I have narrated the instances based on my personal experiences along with some research. I have no intention to hurt the opinions or the feeling of anyone. If anyone has another valid interpretation of their comfort zone can freely comment on their views in the comment section s that we all can know the opinions too.

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