All You Need To Know About Importance of PRIORITIES in Life Episode 62, LIFE LESSONS


Priorities in life play an important role. Why should we prioritize our tasks? If you are searching for the same, you are in the right place.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

When we have more than one task to do in any part of life, there always is a difference in the importance of each of them to us. When we can track and organize them accordingly, we are said to have prioritized our tasks. Conscious decisions play an important role; the same is the case with priorities too.

The world would be a better place if all its residents would have worked based on the right priorities. But unfortunately, it has not happened. It is because many people have no idea what the right priority is. A working person seldom prioritizes professional work and growth than family sometimes. It is not fair to comment on the whole, but in a general sense, it is unfair. 

Where do these complications arise? Why do these people not fair in their organization of tasks?

The first point that needs to be understood is that the priorities of an individual are purely personal. Two persons having a similar set of duties to perform may give different results due to their differences in priorities. One person may give the same importance to personal as well as professional life. Whereas, some others may give importance to professional life than personal life.

In this complicated scenario, the only way to make this world a better one is by setting out the best of priorities by every individual. When each and every individual sets proper tasks that too in proper sequence in the priority list, they can make their part in the betterment of society.

Now the question is- How can these priorities set?

The setting of priorities as mentioned above are never the same for everyone. These are personal decisions that need to be taken, but these can only be taken when the Individuals have the right knowledge of the right priorities in life.

Therefore, let us try to look into some of these common aspects that every individual needs to take care of and set them among the top 10 of their priority list in the coming lines.


Top life Priorities of every individual:


As an adult, a person has certain responsibilities in life. The main among these responsibilities is family. Taking care of family members is the greatest responsibility one can have.

There may be many tasks that have to be completed before the deadline, but when our family needs us we have to be beside them. Because no one can replace me in my family.  

It is a commonly seen phenomenon that people who get busy in their profession leave behind the family. There may be many reasons for this which we will look at in the next episodes.

This is a common habit that leads to devastating results inside the family. When everyone realizes the importance of family and prioritizes it, the world definitely tends to a better one.


We all have goals in life. To achieve them one needs to have continuous progress. Every day if one had to look backward he (she) should only see progress in life. If one feels that progress is missing due to one or the other reasons, then it is time to plan for getting the progress in line.

Progress should always be continuous; any break in it should be aided immediately. If such a case arises, getting it into track turns out to be the first thing on the priority list.

Check Out SMALL CHANGE can really MAKE A DIFFERENCE here.


One of those factors that people generally leave off is Self-respect. In the due course of job or business, the hunger for more riches has made people leave off their self-respect in various instances.

Whatever may be the position or discipline is one can still work with self-respect.  

Where does the complication arise?

There may come some instances that challenge our self-respect. Many people generally discard them. This is not the right perception. When our self-respect is challenged, we need to stand for it. In such a scenario, this should turn out to be at the top of the priority list.

Fun and Enjoyment:

It is a respectful attitude that many people work hard to develop themselves in life. But the downside with many of them is that they forget to have fun at the right moments. Many people tend to work on weekends to earn more. It is not right to comment on everyone’s attitude as a whole, but it is important to note that enjoyment and fun are equally important as that of developing in life.

Fun and enjoyments should sometimes turn into the first among the priority list.


Top daily priorities of every individual:


Let me narrate a strange observation with people that I have observed. Many merchants that reached their middle age are prone to diabetes. I wonder how all these people are prone to a disease that not even contagious in nature.

After a small research, I found the answer. The reason was nothing but the lifestyle of these people. Since they had to spend the whole day in their respect shops, they never had a perfect time for their meals. One day they would have a meal at one o clock, while on some other day; they would have late at three o clock. This uneven habit of having meals in long term brought complications in life.

I have learned an important lesson from them. Never neglect your meals and have them on time. The same is the lesson we all need to understand. We may have hundreds of tasks to do, but it needs to understand that we must have our meals at the right time. This retains the best health.

People around you comment you to be foodie, but this habit creates miracles. Thus this should be the top one among the daily priority list. This fact is indeed quite evident from VIPs too. In the schedule that is made, there is always time allocated from lunch at right time possible. Because they know the importance of having meals on time.

It is nothing but foolishness to percept that working even without having meals on time will lead to long-term success.

Check Out the importance of SELF EVALUATION here.


Having a bath is nothing but cleaning the physical self. We deal with many people every day. it is quite evident that we come in contact with them and get exposed to their bad energies (if any). Therefore it is important to have a good shower at the start of the day to clean off physically and feel fresh and motivated.

Having a bath is one of those tasks that should be at the top of the priority list no matter how worse or busy the day is going to be.


Bath cleans of the external dirt, what cleans the internal dirt? It is nothing but good exercise. We may consume various food items and also get exposed to various toxins. Exercise helps the individual to clean off all the toxins and produce healthy enzymes thus making the internals of the body pure.

Thus exercise is the other one at the top of the daily priority list.


After a hectic day at work, relaxation is the need for that day. Never ever hesitate to relax after a hectic task. This regenerates the positive energy for the next task.

Bottom line

Priorities play an important role in life. It helps us to better organize ourselves, thus turning out ourselves into a better self. It is always the best solution to take some time to think and prioritize them whenever possible.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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