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                In any case, the first aspect that leads to success is the way we organize everything while we indulge in it.  This is nothing but discipline.  Discipline may have many meanings in various situations, but here it means: The practice of training to follow a set of rules in every aspect especially in the code of behavior, not following which can be punishable in order to maintain the flow.

                All of us know the importance of self- discipline in our life. But many of us fail to maintain this due to many factors like lack of motivation, lack of ambition, etc. Here are some of the tips that can be uses to inculcate self-discipline in our personality permanently.

1.      Maintaining goal diaries

It is well known that maintaining a diary and writing it every day is a good habit. This can help in maintaining self- discipline too. A regular habit of writing down the goals/ambitions of our life in diary can keep the motivation to work for it alive. This is one of the proven techniques to develop self discipline.  


2.      Using technology

It is said that the advent of technology especially in the form of smart phones have created negative impact on this generation. It is true in one dimension. But technology can be useful in maintaining self-discipline too.  The foremost point is that you are reading this article in internet, which is a part of technology. There are applications (in mobile phone and pc’s) that track our daily routine which helps us to develop good habits.

3.      Healthy Diet

It is well known that having healthy food is useful in maintaining healthy body. But for maintaining self –discipline, what food needs to be taken?

The answer is unprocessed food. Raw fruits and vegetables are actually helpful in having a good self-discipline. These foods are fantastic sources of energy thus helping us to maintaining high DIT (Diet induced thermogenesis). These foods thus taken can actually induce better self-discipline.

 Check out How to LIVE A GOOD LIFE Here

4.       Combine should does with want does

Every task that we need to do belong to either of two categories: should do or want do. For example watching movie is a “want do”. And finishing assignment is a “should do”. It is always a good idea to combine possible should do’s with want do’s.

Let’s take an example for better understanding. In case I have a assignment to be finished (which is a should do), I can combine it with listening to songs (which is a want do).

This combination of task makes the “should do” tasks easier to finish and makes the life simple.

5.      Redeeming yourself

There may be many things in our life of which we regret of not doing it in the way it should be done. It is true that we cannot change them. But the regret always stays in us and leads to many devastating effects. This may lead to stress and long term depression that hampers our productivity to large extent. So what is the solution of this?

Instead o concerning of multiple regrets, we can take one regret at a time into consideration and think how can we change the situation from tomorrow.


6.      Know your nature

The nature of an individual is quite different just as the tastes in various aspects. The habits and style of doing things is also different. Thus it is important to notice our nature to understand what needs to be done to maintain self discipline.

For example: if I want to prepare for an test, we have many options to do it in a day. But I need to identify my nature for this. If I think that I can prepare better in morning, I can get up early in the morning for preparing. On the other hand, if I feel that I’m comfortable late night studies, then it is preferable to study in late nights.

7.      Take decisions earlier

For any task or during a task we need to take some decisions regarding them. For a better discipline, it is always preferable to take decision in advance for any task. For example: we have take decisions how to plan the weekends on that Monday itself to avoid last minute confusion. This process of advance decision leads to increase in clarity in every task we do which automatically improves the self-discipline in the individual.

8.      Don’t waste weekends

Ambitions are the ultimate goal of life. It is not the job of any company. Thus when we work for our goals and ambitions, weekends should not be the reason for escape. Whenever we get enough time, we should strive to move forward in our goals.

 I didn’t mean to say that taking rest is restricted. In fact short breaks are recommended. But entire weekends need not be wasted as a excuse.

9.      Break it into Blocks

Whenever we are assigned with an assignment, it is quite common to feel to be a big task on a whole. But there is a way how this can be avoided.

It is always healthy to break the entire assignment into smaller blocks and assigning time for each. The main advantage of this process is that the whole assignment no longer seems to a bigger one, moreover entire work tend to get finish on or before the prescribed dead line.

10. Increase Glucose levels

Glucose seems to be an out of the box topic here. But there is a direct link. Glucose is that simple sugar that is attached to every task that we do in daily life. We want glucose for simple tasks even like sitting up and standing up. Thus ample levels of glucose are the prime need for the body to allow it to perform tasks.

It is to be noted that glucose doesn’t imply all sorts of sugars. There are many sorts of other bad sugars that cause many other health complications.

11. Shrink celebrations

Long span of celebrations can actually divert us from the actual path. This is the common phenomenon that we see in students soon after summer vacation. Student tend to move away from studies after a long vacation. Thus it is always preferable to reduce the 2 months vacation to a 1 week trip.

12. Keep a calendar track

Try to maintain a calendar with stuff of task you want to perform. This not only helps in better planning of tasks but also helps in tracking our journey towards goals.

13. Ultimate self control

Having self-control on various situations is the key for all sorts of factors leading to self-discipline

The Bonus tip for developing Self Discipline is reading books that provide some more tips for the same:

Here are some books that help in improving self discipline:

No Excuses!: The power of Self-Discipline
Book Size: 304 pages
Get this Book from Amazon

The Power of your Subconscious Mind
Get This Book From Amazon

The Power of Discipline: How to Use Self Control and Mental Toughness to Achieve Your Goals 
Book Size:
Get This Book From Amazon
Kindle edition of this Book is free for Kindle unlimited users


Nothing is impossible in this world. What matter is the extent we struggle to achieve it. In achieving anything self discipline acts as the ultimate key. Thus developing it is almost mandatory. The tips I tried to elucidate above have actually worked for me, and I hope it will work for you too.

Get the books from the links provided. Please free to get them vis the affiliate links provided to help to provide you more such interesting episodes. I have also suggested free books incase they are available.

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