Comparing our self with others is a common phenomenon. Have you ever wondered what the effects of it are? What are the advantages and disadvantages? If you want to know more about the same, you are in the right place.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.              

We all live in a community. We all live in a society. It is common to notice the habits and maintenance of people around us. What are the results of this in long term scenario?

After prolonged observation towards people around us, we subconsciously start comparing with them. We start comparing right from the television we own to the school in which children study. Being a common phenomenon, it is quite evident in our societies. But have you ever wondered whether this habit of comparison good for us?

This question may arise among many individuals, but many of them would have never thought about the solution. It may be due to a lack of time or any other factor. But we all should have been lucky enough because we are at the place where we find answers to these sorts of questions.

Let us try to look into the effects of comparing with others.


Effects of comparison

It is wise to understand that everything has both pros and cons of its own. The same is the case of an attitude of comparison too. Let us look into both angles.


Whenever we feel unguided in any scenario, we can have a look at how others are doing it.

A man has to place his child in a school. But he had no idea which was the good school for his child. So he observed what the neighbors have decided in this aspect. He compared all those schools that his neighbor children went to. This comparison brought him to a great decision and conclusion.

Comparing yourself to who you are yesterday is the best recommended one. It is because it helps you to know what extent is the growth and simultaneously gives you the scope to calculate and plan the future growth.

Comparing with people better than us motivates us to strive to reach their position as soon as possible.


This is a broader area to understand than the pros. Let us look into the common cons of comparison.

1.       Comparison doesn’t ensure the result we deserve. Although a bunch of families lives in an apartment, their goals are all different. Each and everyone has different financial, personal, and professional goals. Thus there can never a direct comparison. If we start comparing our self with a neighbor who has bought a big car, it would be a foolish task, as our goal may be different, moreover, in the coming years, the situation may turn in such a way that we may go for a better car. Thus it is foolish to compare and go for the same car out of comparison and compromise on what we actually deserve.

2.       Comparison leads to depression in long term. Everyone has a different background. One may have a huge financial backdrop, while some others may not.

When a new employee compares his lifestyle with that of a superior, it leads to nothing but depression about the luxuries he feels missing in his life.  


3.       Comparison leads to losing self. When we start comparing our self with others, we are letting to lose ourselves and our uniqueness in the scenario. When we compare with someone for their achievements in their field, we lose our individuality simultaneously.

4.       There is always a bigger fish. It is important to note that there are infinite levels to move on. When we reach a level that we have been comparing to, we find a higher level to which we start comparing. This is a never-ending process that is never going to stop.

I have already discussed the same in one of my previous episodes. Check out the episode here.


How to overcome comparison

After knowing the complete effects of comparison, it is important to know how to deal with it because knowing this can solve the problems regarding it. Here are various tips and procedures that can help us stop the comparison and its effects.

1.      Stop and think

To get off the ill effects of comparison, the first step is to stop for a while and think about why the comparison came into the first place in our priority list. There are many aspects in our life that need to be solved, but when we start comparing, our focus shifts to it leaving behind other important factors in life. Thus evaluating and organizing out priority lists can bring about stability in life.

2.      Understand the origin of this comparison

We all come into one or the other comparison, but we fail to understand the origin of this comparison. Let us look into a small instance for a better understanding of this postulate.

In an apartment where there were 30 houses. All the people in these houses are from different backgrounds and have a different lifestyle. The financial status was also different from each other. One fine day the man from an apartment purchased a car. His neighbors were astonished about this decision. It was because he was not sound financially than to get one. This led to jealousy and comparison among his neighbors. Within months, few of his neighbors purchased similar cars. The story began to repeat and their neighbors bought similar cars in few months altogether. This process continued and after a year, almost 20 out of 30 families have purchased a similar car.

 It is important to note that the first purchase was a personal decision and all others were the result of the comparison. People purchased cars out of comparison but they failed to notice the origin of the trend. The main reason for the purchase of the first car was- his office was far away from this apartment. After a basic calculation, he found out that maintaining a personal car is economical compared to traveling in buses and cabs. His decision was valid (at least to some extent). But the other people who purchased cars out of comparison never noticed this. In fact, some people didn’t know that he was the origin of this car trend in the apartment.

 This mistake is to be avoided by us. When we feel that we are comparing with someone, try to understand the reason of their purchase and thus the origin if any.

3.      Target the results, goals, and strengths

It is clearly observed in the previous lines that comparing with others deviate us from our actual results and goals. Thus before or while we compare something with others, we need to evaluate if the comparison helps us with our goals or not. In case we feel it doesn’t, it is better to leave off the comparison.

Check out the POWER OF having VISION and Goals Here

4.      Understand it is not the end

The present situation is not the end. There is every chance that we can develop in every aspect of life. Therefore before we feel that we are getting depressed, we need to understand that today is not our end, we have time to go forward in life.

5.      Understand that there is always a bigger fish to compare to

Whatever position we grow to, there is always someone above us with whom we tend to compare. It is important to inculcate this in our perception so live in peace. I have already elucidated this in one of my previous episodes. Check out the episode here.

6.      Understand that nothing is perfect in this world.

When we observe carefully, the main reason for comparison is the feeling that we are not perfect. When we see someone better than us in a particular way, we percept they are perfect. Knowing that no one in this world is perfect can cut of the tendency of comparison at the root level. Even the symbol of beauty, Moon has a rough surface.

7.      Thank god for what you have.

When we are contented with what we have we live peacefully. We thank god for what we have. This perception is the wholesome medicine to avoid and cure comparison.


Bottom line

Comparison is the most common disorder that people have if we consider it to be a negative factor. Aligning our thoughts and our way of comparison and weaving off negative impacts can lead to a perfect and happy life.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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