Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons!

Before I start my narration, I want to put forward a small question in front of you all. In context of financial decisions, have you ever observed that there are broadly two types of people around us? If yes check your answer with mine in following lines.

As per my observation, the two types of people are:

1.       Those having the perception that life of them is going to be the same and thus never plan for any new or bigger in their life

2.       Those having plan for future about what needs to be developed, what needs to be possessed and what need not be done in the future and does as planned in the coming future.

Let us try to clearly differentiate the difference between the two categories. The first category people no matters whether they are contented about their riches and possessions, they never plan for future. They always stay in a set of self formed boundaries of perception by thinking that this is all they could deserve and possess in life. The second category people are people with Vision. They plan what needs to be done in the coming future. It may be owning of asset or a liability, they have a plan and vision about when they should have them.

I’m going to put light on the second category in this episode.

The Chronicle:

There were two friends Gupta and Vishnu. Both were of same age and were neighbors in their childhood. After completion of their education, they both settled back in their home town in their family businesses. Both were earning good enough for their family needs with some savings. Everything was similar till now. But the scenario changed when differences raised in their financial planning.

After few years, both had enough earnings to start buying items they wanted. Initially they wanted to purchase a television.  (Note that they both had old model working televisions in their houses). In a typical middle class house, Television basically is of medium size (say 32-40 inches). Gupta had the same perception. Thus he went for a regular 40 inches television with the money had. This news came to the ears of Vishnu. He too had enough money to buy a similar television. But he was not interested in regular televisions. He wanted a big size premium television. He wanted a television which is at least of 65 inches in size.  So instead of going for the regular television range, he planned to save money for next few months. After savings for 18 months, he felt he had enough money and bought a premium 65 inches television.


The above chronicle is short but illustrates the difference between a person with vision and the one without it.

There was no great change in the life style or finance in either these friends. Gupta never wanted to possess a bigger television because of perception that these televisions are only for rich people only. But the vision that Vishnu had made him possess a premium television despite of being from a typical middle class family. The intentions of possessing liabilities (as in the above chronicle) or assets are common among almost every one of us. But the presence of vision in Vishnu’s mindset had brought the hell and heaven differences in their possessions.  

Thus a touch of vision to our ideas and plans will lead us to achieve better options and opportunities to make all our dreams come true. The same concept worked for me too. Only through the vision, I could achieve some aspects in my life. Thus I’m confident when I say that Vision in every plan and idea really transforms our life in a rapid rate.

Hope you like this Episode.                                                                                                                         

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