We all have weaknesses, noting them is important. Equally important is finding out the way to overcome it. Successful people have been a good example for us in showcasing how to overcome them. Let us explore those techniques and practices followed by successful people in the following lines.
Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.
The weakness of an individual is an inevitable part of the personality. Some
claim that having weakness is an ultimate disadvantage. Because it is a common
belief that having a weakness and exposing it would make the enemy easy to
attack that. It is true to a large extent. But the views towards it are
different in the case of successful people. The belief of these people is almost
the opposite. Successful people believe that weakness actually gives
opportunities to learn new aspects to overcome them and turn them into
strengths. A successful person always strives to find out weaknesses in them so
that they can move forward by overcoming them.
Here the question is what is the procedure that is used by successful
people to overcome weaknesses and finally turning them into strengths. Let us look
into these commonly used methods in the following lines.
Following are the steps followed by successful people in overcoming
their weakness:
1. Accept your weakness
The first and the foremost constraining factor of many people is that they are not ready to accept their weakness. Many people feel it to be a shy factor and some others have an ego that can’t be come over. Whatever may be the reason is the first and foremost step in this process is to accept the weakness in us.
This is only possible when we recognize what weakness we have in us. On the other hand, accepting it will lead us to search for a probable way to overcome them. (This is basically done by learning certain skills that would plaster the weakness.)
2. Be ready to take suggestions
3. Find out and make way to learn these
After ample research and accessing the suggestions of various mentors around us, we can easily find out what needs to be learned. This skill is the one that can easily plaster our weaknesses.
It is important to note that there can be multiple ways in which we can learn a particular skill. For example: if I want to learn some concepts in the subject of physics, it is not mandatory to go for any formal course that would charge me some money. I can also learn it from various sources on the internet. But the mode in which I will learn will definitely depend upon the extent I need that skill and how good that source to preach the skill is.
By taking all the cares as suggested in the previous lines, one can easily learn the skill which helps in overcoming the concerned weakness.
Check out The Importance of SELF EVALUATION here.
4. Find ways to help others
Once we have learned the skill, the best way to ensure overcoming the weakness is to guide the people with a similar problem. In this process, we can find out a person or group that actually has the same weakness and are suffering from the same and help them from the skills that we have already learned.
This is one of the proven ways to implement the skill that is learned. It is a common observation from our school and college life that if we teach a concept that we know to our friends before an examination, we can easily recall and remember it.
This process of helping creates a good impression of us in the surroundings and simultaneously we can also make sure that we have mastered the skill.
The other way to help is by helping the people with our skills. In this process, we can find out the people whose problems can be solved by the skill that we have learned. This procedure also ensures our mastery of the learned skill.
Overcoming weakness is one of those processes that would increase our personality thus making us a better person. To run better in this fast-moving generation overcoming weakness has turned inevitable. It is because the increased competition has been demanding an ideal candidate for the positions.
The best way to tackle the situation can be inspired by the process followed by successful people. I have tried to briefly elucidate the same. This has worked for me and hopefully will work for you too.
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Nice content