Hi friends and welcome to LIFE LESSONS.

Living a good life is a fortune as claimed by some people. But it is not an absolute truth. To get a clear idea of this, you need to go through my previous episode, which shows what things matter in life. These also probably make us write our own fate. This episode is going to be the continuation of the previous episode, what matters in your life?  We have gone through what things matter in our life, i.e. what lies in our hand to live a good life. In this particular episode, I would try to shed light on the other aspect, i.e. what people matters us the most? This is the narration I’m giving to the best of my knowledge and research.

 My Chronicle

Right from my childhood, I was only focused in my academics. Dad used to guide me in the aspects outside house about whom to talk, and to whom to be beware of etc. After his sudden demise, I felt unprotected but was able to drag on life. My mother was always by my side helping me facing consequences and situations in life. It was all good till I completely opened up to the world. I had zeal to achieve in life. In this process, dealing with people was a greatest challenge; I was unable to judge a person just by few interactions. Here is where I felt the loss came in name of father’s absence. I understood I was badly in need of a Mentor.

What People Want in Life?

Every one after getting into a position or settling in life does not generally need guidance. It is because they get enough capability to deal from their past experiences. But younger generation needs a sort of torch light and guidance.

What People matters us the most?

In our day to day life, we come across many people. The extent of affect of each and every one on us is literally different. It is one of our prime needs of the day to determine who among them matters us the most. Following are those people in my opinion:


Whether it may be any of the family members or friends, being our well wisher is the most important aspect.  It is nothing much to elucidate about the family members. Family members may be father, mother, siblings or grandparents; they are nothing but our well wishers. As far as friends are considered, a true friend is always a well wisher. But on the other hand, identifying a true friend(s) adds up to the challenge. As a threshold, at least one Well Wisher is vital to motivate us towards our goal. In my situation, I had a well-wisher, my mother. She always believed in me no matter what the scenario was.

2.       MENTOR

A mentor in simple is an experienced and a trusted advisor in our life. The importance of a mentor is matchless. At any stage of life, all we need is guidance about what and how to do, lack of which is the biggest problem. A Mentor is defnately a well-wisher, but a well wisher cannot always be a Mentor. For instance, we all are well wishers for M.S.Dhoni, but we cannot be Mentors because we are not experienced to advice him.

What can we do?

After a clear narration, a common question that may arise is what can we do to get and get the people that really matter? This is very interesting question. It is because relationships are not in our hands alone.  Having one is fortune and making one is a probability. But it is not implausible.

                Father is the basic and best mentor. No matter what his educational qualification is but he is a best mentor for everyone. It is because he has faced many difficulties and already faced many people around him. Thus he can easily guide us to get through our surroundings and society. And most importantly, he is most trustworthy person ever to guide.  Apart from father, any other experienced well wishers can turn into a mentor.

                Coming to the topic, what can we do? There is definitely something that can we do to enhance the probability of well-wishers/ & mentors. Some of these tips are:


Building relationships is one of the vital things that we can do. Because being in a relationship needs two persons, but initiation can happen from either of the side. Having good communication skills, being a good and patient listener, and being a free soul would mostly attract people towards you.


This is the extension of the above postulate. Assisting others in every possible way creates a good impression among them thus leads to building of good relation.


 I Hope the interpretation would be clear by now. I tried to elucidate to the best of my knowledge and after research.  Living a good life is a right to each and every one of us. But are we doing it is the matter of concern. Some aspects are still in our hands, and some are not. Fortunate are those who could accomplish this, and for those who feel are not, they have to move towards being fortunate. No matter if we are unfortunate in this aspect, I hope we all can learn and get fortunate. After all everyone needs a peaceful and happy life.

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