Proven ways to Reduce and Avoid Depression Episode 51, LIFE LESSONS

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

If you are looking for how to leave depression and lead a better life, you are at the right place. I’m going to share proven ways to avoid stress and depression from my experience. The next few minutes are going to be wonderful for you.

What is depression?

When situation knowingly or knowingly goes out of one’s hand, the individual starts to feel low. Prolonged such condition also creates many related complications. This concept is often related to as Depression. General symptoms of depression are characterized by sadness followed by fatigue, hopelessness and helplessness, and loneliness. Prolonged depression may lead to various diseases including OCD.


Why is depression caused?

I have already stated that to find the solution we need to find the origin of the problem in one of my previous episode. Check out this episode if you have not yet checked it here.

It is important to find out the cause or reasons of depression to find out the ways to void it. As stated in the previous lines, depression generally takes place when the situation goes out of our hand (knowingly or unknowingly). But how does this happen? Finding out this is the need of the day now.

General reasons for depression are the stress, conflict, events, pressures and illness. Knowing the reason accurately will increase the chances f finding solution avoiding similar instances in future.


Ways to Avoid Depression

Depending upon the nature of reason, we can accurately determine the ways to avoid it. But there are general ways that can avoid depression in many cases. I’m going to illustrate them in the following lines. I have observed these through my past experience.

1.      Shift the pressure

In the initial days of my job, I used to feel stressed at every instant of my working hour. On the other hand the pay scale was also low. This scenario continued for several days. One Sunday I began to think about the reason behind this. After vigorous brain storming, I was able to find it out.

I was an efficient person. I used the entire working time to put out an efficient output to show that I was an excellent candidate. Due to this striving, I used to finish every task before the deadline. Sometimes when there was a large gap between the submission time and the deadline, my superior used to handover a part of his work to me. This in-turn increased my work load which didn’t pay me anything.

This caused depression in me as days passed. Since I understood the reason behind my depression, I began to act accordingly. I used to finish the task before the deadline as usual but I never submitted it earlier. I started to submit the task only at the deadline. Whenever my superior asked me to do any of his work, I used to suggest some others to do the same or rejected him. This greatly decreased the stress in me and my life began to blossom.

This small narration makes it clear what I want to share. People around us try to put stress on us in various ways. This may be intentional or unintentional, but the depression is ultimately ours. Thus it is always necessary to differentiate ours and others work and shifting the unwanted pressure to some other directions from our side. This decreases the stress in us and our life will surely begin to develop.

2.      Forget the mistake and remember the lesson

We all must have committed many mistakes back in our lives. And it is quite common that we regret for doing it wrong too. This often leads to depression in long term. It is quite common phenomenon thus it is important for us to learn how to deal this situation.

On the eve of my birthday I planned to organize a party at my home. The plan was sudden one. I actually decided it on the morning of my birthday. Due to this reason I was not able to prepare well for the get-together. I was able to procure all items but cake was the issue. Since I had not ordered earlier, I was not able to procure a cake. This left a mark on that occasion.

2 years later I once again planned to organize party on the eve of the same. This time I planned it earlier. I had 3 days in my hand to procure all the requirements for the get-together. I was able to procure a good cake. The earlier planning made me think of more new ideas to make the get-together entertaining.  I had planned some unique games and procured all the required items. This time the party was a grand success. Everyone was happy for it.

It is always important to remember the lesson from out past instances, but it is equally important to forget the mistake. I would have felt regretted about the previous party which was not successful; I would have never planned for a new one.

But I have not done that. I have learned from that day that the procurement should be done earlier. I rectified myself in the next occasion and worked it out successfully. I forgot the mistake I have done but I remembered the lesson that day taught me.

3.      Prioritize the events and tasks.

Across our work life and personal life, we come across many events and tasks. It is important to deal with all of them. But prioritizing them is the need of the day. Depending upon our current scenario we need to prioritize them.

I was busy in office back in March. Since it was the closing time of all the yearly transaction I was a bit busier at my work. In the due course, my grandmother expired. I was hurtled at the news. I was depressed at the news; something else was also running in my mind. I was also tensed about the work left out behind at the office.

One of my superior looked at my situation. He came and suggested me to take leave from the office at once. He assured me that the other employees will be suggested to manage my responsibilities till I return. He made me realize the importance of prioritizing the situations and events.

In case I failed to attend grandmother due to work pressures, I would have always regretted for the decision made- ultimately leading to depression.

It is vital to prioritize all the situations and tasks. This not only makes us clear what needs more focus but also helps us to avoid depression.



Depression is one of the common phenomenons which directly hamper the efficiency of an individual. It is almost mandatory to excavate the probable solutions to avoid and solve depression.  The tips I stated above actually helped me in sorting out depression in many cases. I hope these will help you too.  

I will share new tips and ways if I find in near future in another episode in the form of new volume.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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