Importance of ‘Watching’ What People does Episode 122, LIFE LESSONS AJ

We often listen to what people say, But Watching what they do is more effective accurate. Let us look into this in the detail in this episode.             

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

Life is not easy for those who don’t know how to face it. A person who wants to face it with ease needs to learn how to face it. It is not always possible and a difficult task to learn every minute aspect from past experiences. This is the reason we often listen to people around us. Not only this, we often go through guidelines and other sayings by great and ancient people.

This process of learning has got a lot of challenges for me.  I was one of those people who believed strongly in saying of the people around me. This is one of the reasons why I fail to understand the process in its actual sense. I knew you have not understood what I mean to say. Let me share a short chronicle regarding this in the coming lines.

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My Chronicle:

Let me narrate a relatable recent instant for better understanding. This chronicle is something that happened to me a few months ago.  There was an uncle who has notable Ayurvedic experience.  He faced and helped many people face health problems with ease with this knowledge. He has some differences with my friends’ dad over some disputes in the past.

In the recent past, after the advent of covid-19, the number of cases increased in all the areas of my town too. These led people to join hospitals in large numbers. On the other hand, in my locality, some people believed in my uncle for his Ayurvedic advice. Based on the symptoms of covid, he began to suggest medications to people, which turned out to be successful in almost all cases. This made people from others areas too visit him. In this due course, my friend’s dad started feeling symptoms of covid. he has some differences with uncle but, he believed in his uncle’s treatment.

He could not face uncle, thus he contacted me to talk to uncle about the symptoms and take the advice of the appropriate medicines. I asked uncle the same and handed over the medications. This continued 3 times. After few days I came to know that my friend’s dad was not normal. I began to wonder why this happened. I thought of talking about this to my uncle. When I went to him, he was treating some person. The medications were also almost same. I observed the way he was treating the patient. I observed that certain smaller tips made the treatment complete. These things are not mentioned in the medication list. I understood what needs to be done and went to my friend’s father and advised the same to be done to him. To my surprise, the medications were working.

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The observations are simple and probably to the point. There is something called practical experience in technical terms. I understood the importance of it on that day. There are some aspects that we need to learn from watching people. Not all knowledge can be learned from sayings.

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There is another side of knowing the importance of watching people:

There is a friend who never believes anyone for anything. I wonder how such a person actually exists without any problems. One day I decided to meet him to know more about him. As we discussed the same I gradually understood that his character was actually required for people. It was true that he doesn’t believe people, the fact was that he doesn’t believe what people say. He only judges people after watching them directly. He watched people and then decided what they are.

 There are people who say something and follow something else. We find a lot of people who belong to this category. An uncle of mine commented on inter-caste love marriages but began to support it when his relative has done the same. We clearly see people say all good things whenever the situation demands. But they may do something else when it comes to real life. thus I liked his attitude of judging people only after watching them.

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Bottom Line:

This episode is one of its kind which showcases two distinct advantages of watching people rather than listening to sayings. This definitely has a positive impact on all of us who follow. This way we all can get a better person easily by understanding the actual character of people, situations, and solutions.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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