Let Us Feel Gratitude Of G.I.F.T.S In Life Episode 123, LIFE LESSONS AJ


What are the things in life that we should be grateful in life in midst of this pandemic? Let us look into those in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

This pandemic has taught many lessons to many people. I took away the regularity, it took away outdoor joys. And the worst is that it took away people. We have all witnessed deaths around us. But if you are reading this blog, you and I are lucky enough to be away from it at least till now. And what should we do about this? We should be grateful for those that we are blessed with in life before it's too late. Now the question is – is it really necessary? Yes, it is necessary.

People think they have troubles in life. This feeling ends at the point when they see some others who have more problems than them. The other solution is recalling and feeling about the things that we are blessed with in life. And I think this is the right time we should start feeling gratitude towards the G.I.F.T.S in life. What are these G.I.F.T.S in life? Let us look about the same in the coming lines.

The G.I.F.T.S in life

Many people like me want to be grateful to live, but we don’t know what are the blessings that we are to be grateful for? Here are those  G.I.F.T.S:



Friends and Family




                GROWTH consists of all-around growth that we undergo. We have grown in all dimensions right from childhood and we should be thankful for the life that gave us this. Some feel that they have nothing that has grown, in these cases these people should compare themselves with themselves in the past to see what has actually changed and grew as time passed.


                INSPIRATION includes those moments and events that actually inspired us. We all know inspiration can come from any side and anyone. For some people, the father is the real inspiration, and for some others, the grandfather is the ultimate inspiration. Some people can inspiration from freedom fighters and some others can get inspiration from mythology. Some may get inspired from real stories and some may get inspired from the movies they watch. Whatever may be the seed of the inspiration be, we need to note that they have created a sense of goals that we need to achieve in life.  Therefore it is essential that we need to be grateful to these inspirations in life.


                FRIENDS and FAMILY are unique assets in life. They cannot be always made, they are seldom gifts of nature. We may not always feel their importance, but no one can replace their place in our lives when the need comes. Thus it is important to feel gratitude for them in life.


                TRANQUILITY is basically the in-between moments that we get as free time in life. These may include all those breaks starting from a 5 min tea break to long vacations in life. These were always the stress-removing agents in life. Thus we need to be grateful for this in life. I know that vacations are not possible in the midst of the pandemic, but there were days when we used to go for vacations and be grateful to them.


                SURPRISES are those unexpected favors that we got in life. We all had one or other surprises in life- at least, a surprise cake party from friends on the eve of your birthday. One of the best surprises in my life is the state-level prize I got for a content writing competition that I attended with no expectations of a prize. These surprises make life meaningful and worthy enough to inspire others as well. Therefore these Surprises are worth our gratitude in life.

Bottom Line

I hope we all got the answers to those things that we are to be grateful for in life. IF you are grateful for some other things, please let me know about the same in the comment section. I would be glad to see and reply to you.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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