Benefits of Gardening You Should Know Episode 115, LIFE LESSONS


I was surprised when I came to know that mind-blowing advantages of gardening, I hope you all should also know about it.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

As suggested by many experts and doctors, one should have one or the other sorts of body exercises every day to stay healthy and fit. As per these suggestions people have opted for different means of body exercises. These may include gyms, yoga, jogging, walking, etc. In the midst of these ways there stands out another one- Gardening. Many people in the current generation are probably not aware of this. I too was not aware of this till a few days ago. But once I came to know the advantages of gardening, I felt it is the problem-solving way for many problems with humans today.

I would like to share the advantages of gardening not only in the general view but also as an advantage in every sense. Check out the following lines for the same.

What does Gardening mean?

According to Google, “Gardening is an activity of tending and cultivating a garden, especially in the past time”. I hope this definition says it all. gardening generally means planting various plants and/or trees and looking after them as a hobby or duty.  There is a myth that gardening needs a special piece of land. It is common and it can be easily understood that a dedicated piece of land is unavailable too, many people to plant various trees and plants. Taking care of plants in pots can also account for gardening (provided these pots are to be placed in places where there is sunlight). It is advisable to place pots on the top of the roof where there is plenty of sunlight. This system is still found out in many places in India.

Also, Check out SOCIAL VS. BEING ALONE here

Advantages of Gardening:

As stated in the previous lines gardening has more advantages than one can think ok. Many people know that gardening leads to physical work and gets the person exposed to an abundant source of vitamin D. These facts are all true, but there are many more advantages that add up to the benefits of gardening. Let us look into them for better understanding these advantages.

1.     Helps Body fight various diseases

It is general knowledge that we get abundant vitamin D from Sun when we are gardening. But the less known fact is that gardening improves the health of the heart, moreover, vitamin D has the ability to fight cancers like Breast cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Non- Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Multiple sclerosis, etc. I have also learned from my personal experience that gardening reduces depression.


2.     Builds strengths and Promotes sleep

Institutes like CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) say that shoving, digging and other gardening works are good exercise thus reduces overweight, cuts fats and makes the person healthy. This in turn leads to good and healthy sleep every day.

3.     Protects your memory as one gets older

It is proved that gardening improves the cognitive functioning of the brain. Thus the memory is well protected. This is also a proven factor; moreover one can easily feel the same improvement when he (she) starts gardening.

4.     Acts as a mood booster

Studies have proved that gardening improves self-esteem and decreases anxiety levels. A study published in 2011 proves this. It is seen that people opt for colors like yellow and green as these colors bring peace to mind. The same is the case with gardening too. When we see greenery for a long time, we generate inner peace. Thus the person turns into a better being by bringing peace after hectic work.

5.     Helps to overcome addiction if you are willing to

There are people who are willing to overcome certain addictions. Despite various new habits and medications, gardening helps these people to de-toxicate in an effective way.

6.     Plants condition the air while it purifies

This advantage is commonly known by all of us. Right from our childhood, we have learned that trees purify the air around us. But a perfect garden around the house can actually condition the air, it wouldn’t be wrong to state that houses with proper plantation around them don’t need an air conditioner.


 General Precautions while Gardening:

Despite the various advantages of gardening, there need some basic precautions while we are gardening to get the results better. These precautions may sound very simple but they avoid affecting us and deteriorating our health. Some important such precautions are:

1.     Take care while you are using chemicals for plants

There are certain chemicals used to destroy pests on plants. These chemicals generally don’t have any ill effects on plantations, but they may be harmful to humans. Therefore, one should be careful while he (she) is using chemicals on their plantations.

2.     Use gloves and other safety gears

It is mandatory to use safety gears like gloves, pads, etc in order to ensure safety while gardening. Gardening seldom needs some sharp objects and tools to perform, thus it is always suggestible to use required safety gears.

3.     Drink lots of water

Gardening is generally worked under direct sunlight. Therefore there are many chances that the person may get dehydrated. Therefore keeping the self hydrated throughout the day is important especially when he (she) is gardening.

4.     Take care of yourself

While or after gardening listen to your body. Sometimes the work may be more and the body may not support that day, it is important to maintain the plantation, but what more important is to take of health. So the gardening work at your own comfort and free time which is the more preferable way to doing it.


Bottom Line:

It can be easily understood that gardening advantages are to be understood in two dimensions: Physical benefits and psychological benefits. Whatever may be the reason be gardening would probably be the solution to your problems. That is the level of impact that it can create on an individual.

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