Signs That Prove You Are Introvert Episode 96, LIFE LESSONS


We all know what introverts and extroverts mean. But we fail to understand and identify whether we are extroverts. Here are some signs that prove that you are rather introverted.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

No matter I was going good with my duties, I seldom felt some sot of dissatisfaction in life. I wondered why would one feel such a way when life is going all good. After few days I realized that this was because of some poor relations with people. Some small glitches made me feel bad after a long time. I knew I can work on these traits and better myself. But I wanted to know why I was like this all these days. When I researched the same in various sources, I came to know that these are the sign of introverts in me. I found it interesting and continued with the research. After some time I found some common signs that would make us know we are rather introverts.


Here are those signs that may indicate that you are introverted:

1.     You feel shy meeting people

This is one of those common points that depict that you are an introvert. This is one of those points noticing which people easily categorize you as an introvert. But it is not always true. Some people feel shy only with some people; these people are not depicted as introverts.


2.     You feel a barrier between the person you are talking too

Are you feeling a sort of invisible barrier between you and the person you are talking to? Probably you are an introvert? This is a common fact to understand that there will be a lot of difference between any two considered people. The tactics lie in how the individuals plaster these differences while they interact. Introverts don’t have these talents, this is the reason these differences make them feel that there is a barrier between them and the person they are facing.

3.     Feeling tired after bringing in the crowd

Introverts love being alone, they enjoy their company. Not only in personal space but also in various public places too. But when introverts go into the public, he (she) she feels it to be an additional burden to act in the public as an open person. This gradually drains out the mental energy in them as time passes on. This is the reason introverts get tired when they are brought into the crowd. Do you feel tired after going through the crowd? You are probably an introvert.

4.     You feel under-appreciated

Do you feel underappreciated for your work? You are probably introverted. There is a simple reason behind this. Introverts don’t really mingle with people around. This is the reason why people don’t get many opportunities to appreciate them. this is the reason introverts feel that they are generally underappreciated. Moreover, extroverted people don’t look for others to appreciate them.

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5.      You Feel working in a team is burdensome

Introverts generally get tensed about how work is to be done before it starts. This is the reason they love doing the task on their own. they hate giving tasks to others and getting tensed whether the job will be done on time or not. This makes them work on the project alone. They feel that doing work alone is burden-free.

6.     You feel Extremely Uncomfortable when in the Spotlight

Are you someone who always avoids the spotlight? You are probably an introvert. Introvert people are shy in many cases. When so many eyes peep at them at once it is too much for them to handle. This is the reason why they hate to be in the spotlight. But this is the attitude that can be avoided by practicing and getting mentally prepared. I’m personally a good example of how I turned from a spotlight-hating guy to a good presenter on stage.

7.     You would rather do everything by yourself

This is the postulate that we have already seen in one of the previous points. Since introverts feel burdensome to hand over some tasks to others, they love doing work on their own. no matter how hard does the task gets, they still prefer doing it alone.


8.     You need quite to concentrate

Are you one of those who want everything to be quiet to concentrate on what you do? You are probably introverted. Introverts like being alone. This implicitly means that they live in quietness and peace for a long time. This is the reason why they have high concentration power, but on the other hand, they also need those quiet atmospheres to get concentrated. This attitude can is perceived in either positive or negative ways.

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9.     Having Few and dearest friendships

Introverts don’t get free to everyone. they only get free to those personalities that they actually like. This is the reason they have few friends but are dearest to them. The advantage of having few but quality friends is that there would be more trustworthy people in life.

10.You avoid small chitchats

Introverts avoid small chitchats. For example, an introvert comes across a relative as he (she) passes through a lane. He (she) could wish them and have a small chat if possible. But introverts avoid it. They seldom feel that these small chitchats are seldom useless. If you too hate such small chitchats, you are probably introverted.

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Bottom Line

The points that are mentioned above are those tips that may show you are rather introverted. Many other signs may prove the same. I have mentioned those common points that may be related to many people in common. It is to be noted that an introvert attitude is not a bad attitude, rather there may be some traits that need to take care of. As long as these attitudes don’t affect you and your surroundings there is nothing wrong with it. But when it starts changing and affecting in any way, there would be a need to change the attitude accordingly. Thus, when we take care in these regards, we can turn our life into a better one.


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