The idea of seeds Life Lessons Episode 88


Every action is actually a seed for something in life. Let us understand how to plant good seeds in life.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

Since we all were bored with our daily routines, our batch mates have decided to form a group and celebrate various occasions. As a part of it, we have successfully celebrated few occasions. I was a member of that group. Recently, I was asked to be the treasurer for the occasion as the treasurer of the group was unavailable for the preparations for that occasion. 

I agreed to the same with the consent of the treasurer. Everything went fine for few days. The arrangement for the occasion was almost done. The treasurer has arrived by that time. Since I was asked to the treasurer for the arrangements, I was involuntarily depicted to take care of treasures until the occasion at least.

But that day the instances changed a lot. The treasurer saw me paying for flowers that day. he came to me and asked why was I paying for the flowers. I replied because I’m the treasurer now. He replied, that he was the treasurer, not me.

To which I replied, “Yes, but this time since you are not available, I turned to the treasurer with the consent of all. I will hand over the cash after the occasion.”

He meaninglessly started arguing that he is the treasurer and he was the one who was about to make the payments. I understood what he was literally wanted to claim. He wanted to claim that no matter he is present or not, he is the treasurer and he wants no one to take charge of the cash. And that was what I hated. Because that was a cruel and greedy attitude to think that only he should maintain cash. He has not commented until he came back. But as soon as he returned, he wanted to get back the cash ruthlessly. Everyone around began to remand him and supported me.

I noticed that I already started hating him maybe because of this attitude. I spoke about this to my mother. Later when I was going through some books, I found the reason why I started hating him. The book was about the preachings about Bodhi Dharma. What were his teachings? What can we learn in this practical sense? Let us look into the same in the coming lines.

Also, Check out 5 WAYS TO DEAL WITH BETRAYAL here

What are Seeds in Life?

In general, a seed is something from which a tree comes and gives us fruits and flowers. The same is the reference in the case of life too. A good seed is something that will give us good fruits in the future. When we establish a good relationship with a person, a healthy relationship blossoms which would later turn into a great tree that gives us fruits in terms of mutual support.

Not all seeds are good. There may be some seeds that may give rise to poisonous trees. In the same way, good seeds are required in life, we need to plant good gestures and manners are seeds in establishing good relations with a person.

In the instance that I stated above, the gesture of the treasurer was not at all good towards me. This is the reason why I started hating him. Prior to this instance, I had no relation with him. This seed (of course bad) led to a bad tree in me- hate.


Always inculcate Good Seeds Early in Life- Bodhi Dharma

Picture Source: Buddha Weekly
The concept of seeds in life was stated by Bodhi Dharma in around 526 AD after he settled in China after leaving India. This one was one of his prominent preaching. He always stated that inculcating or planting good seeds early in life would make it more beautiful.

This seemed to be true. I had such experiences. There was a man who shifted into the neighbor's house. At the first meet, he had a great smile and greeted me politely. I too responded to him in the same way as a response. From that day the relation went really well. The smiles that we had in the first meet itself actually acted as the seed for a strong relationship with us. This proved the statement given by Bodhi Dharma.


Bottom Line

One of the greatest interpretations of life in recent times is this concept of seed. It clearly states how various actions in life define the future. I hope you too would have similar experiences that you would connect to. I hereby recommend planting good seeds as soon as possible for a happier life.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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