10 Benefits of Being Disciplined You Need To Know Episode 93, LIFE LESSONS


Everyone suggests we be disciplined. But not everyone shares the advantages of it. When we get aware of these advantages, we would love to get disciplined in life.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

After finishing B-tech in, Ram came back to his hometown. As days passed his hope to achieve a job decreased. This deterioration in the attitude was observed by his father. Since Ram was a good charactered guy and also a merit student in his college days, his father never had any anger on him for any reason. Seeing his son in this de-motivated stage, he decided to advise him on the importance of discipline so that Ram can solve his problems.

Many youngsters get habituated to drinking and smoking out of enthusiasm and attitude. These people feel that being disciplined is for those people who cannot do anything. It is a trend that people with discipline are considered an absolute failure. This is one of those worst traits that some youth are having in this current generation.

But there are many such advantages of being disciplined that many fail to notice. People only notice them when they start facing problems due to an undisciplined lifestyle. This is what Ram’s father wanted to make Ram know before it is too late.

What Do Being Disciplined means?

In this context especially, discipline generally implies ensuring every task that we have to do is done before or at the given time possible, thus making ourselves stress-free later. In some cases Disciplined also implies being good to self and others without getting habituated to bad habits possibly. All this basically implies discipline is nothing but the attitude of a person where he (she) selects a goal and sees a vision and finally sticks to that till they achieve it.


Advantages of Being Disciplined:

Here are those important 10advantages of discipline that Ram’s father taught Ram:

1.     Removes Unwanted Distractions in life

The First and the foremost advantage of being disciplined is that this gradually removes distractions in life. When we get disciplined in life, we gradually tend to engage in what we are doing. This gradually leads us to ignore what is happening around us. Thus finally it removes unwanted distractions in life. The same is explained in one of my previous episode- “Lessons from a glass of water”. Check out that episode here.

It is to be remembered that this attitude in us to ignore distractions will not be developed overnight. This needs patience as it takes some time to develop.

2.     Discipline makes you feel good

This advantage can only be felt by those who are disciplined already. When a person is disciplined, he (she) tends to finish the work before or at the given time. This assures a good amount of free time to refresh. When he (she) successfully finished the task and relaxes later. The feeling that the work is successful is one of the most satisfying feelings. Once this feeling is sensed I’m sure no one would be left undisciplined later on.

3.     You will feel utmost Satisfaction in Life

This is the fact that is almost stated in the previous postulate. Satisfaction everyday compounds and accounts for overall life satisfaction. This is what the ultimate target of a person should be.

Also, Check out 5 WAYS TO DEAL WITH BETRAYAL here

4.     Creates the Best Person in You

When a person is disciplined in life he (she) not only finishes duties in time but also tends to learn a lot from their experiences. This lets them know what’s good and what’s not better than others, thus making them better people day by day. finally, the result is- It not creates you into the best person, it also creates the best person of you.

Many people have talent, but success is always confined to discipline. Thus when we compare a talented and a disciplined person, the disciplined person has more chances to get succeeded in life.

5.     Gives Out a Positive Outlook

This is basically the next step after the previous postulate. When a person is disciplined, he (she) gets satisfied, this leads them to turn into their best version, this, in turn, makes them into a positive person thus gives out a positive outlook. A disciplined person is thus generally a positive person. Since their failure rate is generally low, they are seldom positive. Thus this turns them to have a positive outlook. They tend to see everything from a positive perspective.


6.     Gradually avoids various temptations

Temptations are one of the most important and most common problems for many people. Some may have temptations towards watching sports, some towards watching TV, and some others have temptations towards social media. It is wrong to comment that these habits are wrong. But it is true that these sorts of habits tempt us towards them and eat most of our valuable time. But being disciplined is the answer for this. When we get disciplined in life, we tend to focus on our goals and career thus these temptations are reduced to a large extent.

7.     Gives You Grit (Strength in Character)

The interesting part of being disciplined is that it builds a strong character for the being. When I noticed this, I wondered how such a thing would happen. Later I noticed this is possible. We have already seen this in our previous episode- “Golden rules for the strong character?” Check out the episode here. Building strong character is the need of the day for everyone in us. And being discipline is the best of all the ways, it is because it gives us a quality character that turns strong. And this character is actually useful not only for self but also for the people around the person.

8.     Tends to make you emotionally stable

Disciplined persons are generally emotionally stable. Even if they face any difficulties or constraints in life, no matter they feel depressed for some time, but they strike back to life in no time and continue their work towards goals. This undoubtedly shows that disciplined persons are emotionally stable. Discipline makes the person stable even if he (she) is not previously.


9.     Keeps You Healthy

This is the obvious advantage that anyone can guess in this context. A disciplined person is well aware of what he (she) needs to consume and that too in what time and amount. This makes them stable also by health. Thus we can definitely comment that all healthy persons are definitely disciplined at least to some extent.

10.Helps you get richer easily

This is the advantage we can notice when we look at discipline in terms of finance. This means here we are looking into the concept of financial discipline. Financial discipline generally implies an organized way of earning and saving/investing the same. Having a perfect discipline in maintaining finance can definitely make a person rich faster than one can imagine. This is also one of those advantages only those financially disciplined people will know and feel.

 Also, Check Out 5 WAYS TO DEAL WITH BETRAYAL here

Bottom Line:

The points that I have elucidated above are the direct observations from my life after I started being disciplined. Not many people get a chance to know them at a young age. Thus, this episode is a try to make youth (especially) aware of the advantages of discipline that would motivate them to get disciplined.


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