5 Tips for Effective Negotiation You Need To Know Episode 95, LIFE LESSONS


We all need negotiation in one or the other part of life. Here are those 5 tips that can improve our negotiation tips to large extent.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

In our entire life, there are quite a few factors that sometimes turn into life-changing factors. One of the most important among them is the ability to negotiate. Negotiation by definition means that discussion aimed at reaching an agreement (by Google). This is basically the discussion by both parties about how and what to be done before they can enter into an agreement. The agreements can be of many sorts. Life is full of agreements. Two parties come to an agreement as a part of a marriage alliance or as a part of the lease agreement. Thus this makes us clear that negotiation becomes an inevitable part of life. It is rightly said in one of the recent movies- It Is very difficult to say NO to the other party, especially if the opposite party is a senior one.

I too felt it challenging to negotiate in some instances. This is a common phenomenon for many people I suppose. But when we neglect this ability in us, we turn weaker day by day in all aspects. Therefore, I researched for some simple yet working tips that could help in improving the ability to negotiate. Let us look into those 5 tips for effective negotiation in the coming lines.


1.     Doing Homework

This is the first and the simplest tip of all. This is the factor that we all have learned right from our school days. Preparing from home itself would make anyone strong at anything. The same is the case with negotiation too. Negotiation cannot to practiced on the whole but certain factors can be decided beforehand. These factors may include: What are the options that can be considered, what are the deal makers and deal breakers?, What are the quit calls? what is the need of the day? Etc. When a person has a better idea of all these factors right before he (she) sits for the negotiation, the process gets effective and better.

2.     Listen more before you talk

This is the tip that I have observed from professional negotiators. The process of these people is simple. They first ask a question and listen to the other party for a long time it understands the scenario of them. later they talk to negotiate based on the facts stated by them. A person who seems to listen more in a negotiation meeting is probably the winning person. For better understanding, we can conclude that negotiation involves 70% of listening and 30% of talking in a general sense. This observation is probably not mentioned in any books, but this proved to be a more working tip with more chances to win.

Also, Check out 5 WAYS TO DEAL WITH BETRAYAL here

3.     Always be willing to walk away from the deal

This is the tip that we all would have observed from our mothers in markets. Apart from taking this in a funny way, we need to have clear observation of this very tip. We often see our mothers asking for a price for an item and walking away when the shopkeeper rejects that price. But in reality, there is something different to observe here. It does not fail to understand that if we walk away, the other party will always call us back. Rather we should be ready to walk away if we don’t like the deal. This attitude makes us look stronger and not desperate even if we are. This attitude shows that we are not depending upon that deal, rather it is just a part of the business or life, and thus shows that it is not our utmost priority at times. This attitude makes us free from any emotional bonding from the agreement too.


4.     Try shifting focus light

In many cases, we often observe both parties just negotiating and discussing a single factor for a long time. Generally, this factor is price. This situation can be overcome by a simple tip. The tip is just shifting the focus. We can just focus on something else that seems more convincing to both parties. This increases the chances of success of the negotiation procedure.

5.     Never take the result personally

This is one of the most common problems for most people. Every one of us wants to get success in the negotiation process. Moreover, we preferably want to win the negotiation. This is the reason why we unknowingly take this negotiation process personally. There is where things get complicated. The most important thing we need to understand is that we should never take things personally. This makes us react hard. When we take it personally, we get an emotional attachment to it. This makes us hard to leave when it is not working out. It makes us difficult to walk away from the deal.


Bottom Line

Here are those simple yet working tips for effective negotiation. I felt a great change before and after implementing these tips for negotiation. The first thing that we must understand is that negotiation is seldom a game-changer. Thus an ability to negotiate is something next to a boon life. I hope the tips that I have stated above would prove helpful to you all.


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