Fake Confidence may show up to be great ones among people but it harmful to long-term consideration. Let us know how to convert fake ones to true confidence.

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We interact with many people in life either it is professional or personal. In this process, we come across many sorts of people. Some feel negative about the situations, some feel aspiring and some show up confidence in everything they talk about. Everything else can be considered genuine except the confidence that a person shows. It is because it is rare for a person to fake negativity unless he (she) actually is.

As far as confidence is considered, it is found out that a major part of people who show up confident are actually faking it. There may be some personal or professional reasons behind it and I'm not intending to criticize the person. But it is important to understand that faking confidence is not healthy in a long-term scenario. Because one can only fake confidence if the tasks are not going on based on the expectations. In these cases, the person can never expect anything in the future. It would all go good until everything gets on developing. But once the person witnesses the downfall in the tasks, there would be literally nothing left out to prove out confidence.

Therefore it can be easily understood that faking confidence may prove to be useful for the time being. But in the long-term scenario, it is literally harmful. In this scenario, the good news is that we can actually change our fake confidence to true confidence. Let us look into the same in the upcoming lines.

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Signs of Faking Confidence

We can find out if someone is really faking confidence via following simple signs:

1.      By their Gestures

Confidence of a person is always primarily marked by their relaxed stance, straight posture, and flexibility. These small traits are no easy to mimic or fake. This factor is enough to mark out fake confidence in many cases. It is common that when a person is not confident, he (she) exaggerates body while speaking.

2.      By their stance

Confident people often posture they relaxed, thus they always tend to keep their legs apart when they sit and stand. When a person is really confident, that person is always ready to admit to not knowing the answer. Whereas those people who fake confidence scramble their brains and come up with a controlled answer.

3.      Hatred to questions

Confident people are ready to take questions and admit that they don’t know the answers they don’t know. They are focused on being genuine. On the other hand, the person who fakes confidence generally focuses on appearing confident and acting that way. They also hate questions. Because they are never ready to admit to the answers they don’t know.

4.      Arrogance

Fake people always try to mention their achievement and success to prove their intelligence and get arrogant at questions by saying, “Don’t question me on this”. On the other hand, the truly confident persons are adorned with dignified words. They always tend to say, “I know what I’m talking about”.

5.      Change of Heart

Confident people are always marked with the fixed decisions. No opinion will affect it in either way. But this is not the case with people with fake confidence. These people are not confident in their decisions. This is the reason they come into confusion with new opinions coming to them.

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How to build up true confidence?

When I have prepared a lot to give a speech on an occasion, I would be confident about it. But there is a set of tension for the fact that I would have to talk in front of hundreds of people. In this scenario, I can fake confidence in front the people to sound better. But it is not fair to fake confidence when I’m not clear of the subject I’m going to speak. This is what one should understand before showing fake confidence in instances.

Confidence is a skill and it should be practiced over a long time. It is not the same as other skills like swimming and painting; rather it has to be developed over time of years together. The most unfortunate things are that our confidence is based on other people. if we hear no compliments regularly, we never fly high. Apart from these scenes if we look into those ways how to develop true confidence, the following points are to be kept in mind.

1.      Leave off what others think

The most common problem with most of the people that hampers their confidence is that they always care about what others think of them and their decisions. This would have the worst effects on various decisions. Confidence is nothing but having trust in self. When we believe in our self, we need not think about others’ thoughts, this is the first step towards building genuine confidence

2.      Stop getting afraid

In many instances in life, we avoid many opportunities where we get to be the center of attractions. This is because of fear. When we have belief in ourselves, there is no place for fear.

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3.      Take care of Self

To be confident we should have belief in ourselves. To have self-belief we should have good health that would help us stay strong. Thus we should take care of ourselves always.

4.      Stop Listening to Negativity

Negativity is the main destruction causing element in life. Listening to negative comments and opinions only deteriorates confidence, thus it is important to keep ourselves from negativity to e confident in life.

5.      Focus on Body Language

Body language is the main factor that shoes off confidence. Some people are confident but don’t show up to them. in these cases, these people need to focus on body language and focus on improving their body language.

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Bottom line:

It is important to understand that there is no shortcut to building true confidence. One should be genuine to achieve this. On the other hand, it is important to understand that faking confidence won’t work in long term. it is healthy to keep away from fake confidence and fake confident people in life.


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