Second Wave And Its Solution Episode 105, LIFE LESSONS


The Covid-19 Second wave has turned almost worse. In this scenario, it becomes a need to better understand the reason behind these situations and probable solution for them. Let us check out the same in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons AJ

It has been almost more than a year that we are all witnessing the havoc of Covid-19. In 2020, the first wave created a sense of fear in the people. increasing cases have made us think that it is almost the end of mankind. In India, we have witnessed near to 1 lakh cases a single day. But the situation seemed to be improved in the later months. At the end of 2020 cases dropped drastically and people began to think that the covid-19 is about to leave now. But in the first quarter of 2021, the situation once again turned around. The second wave of the covid-19 emerged and this time the situation grew worse. The cases began to grow once again. This time the cases increased to as high as 3.5 lakhs in a single day and is still continuing. This scenario had built even more fear in the minds of people. there are many towns and areas where probable one in two is contaminated with the virus.

This is surely something to be taken seriously of. And the question is what is the solution for it? Is the vaccination the solution or something else? I too had the same query and was searching for the same.

I know I’m not a professional to give my opinion or state a solution for this pandemic which is affecting the whole world. But definitely, I can find certain logical and working facts said by professionals that could answer our query. Let us look into one such person whom I find has said something logical and worth considering.

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Words of Dr.M.S.Reddy

Dr. M.S.Reddy is one of those few renowned virologists from India who studied and spoke about the pandemic. Having roots in Andhra Pradesh Dr. Reddy has impeccable knowledge about the characteristics of different viruses. he is nominated for the noble prize multiple times for his service in this department. This basic knowledge would be enough for us to believe in what he says.

Dr. M.S.Reddy gave various interviews in various countries and channels addressing the pandemic. And in all those interviews and other sources, he always pointed out certain points about the virus. Let us look into these important points stated by him:

1.       The covid-19 is caused due to a virus and not a pathogen. This virus is many times smaller than general bacteria (almost 1000 times smaller). The virus has some 10 genes in its RNA which it injects into our cell’s DNA.

2.       Masks are not the solution for virus protection; these masks are only useful to avoid water and other particles coming toward us.

3.       Not all covid-19 deaths are caused by the virus. The higher and more powerful antibiotics given to the patients kill good pathogens too and lead to many other complications in the body thus sometimes leading to death.

4.       Probiotics are the solution, not Antibiotics. It is because antibiotics kill all the pathogens, whereas Probiotics removes only bad virus and pathogens.

5.       India is not a country that should get affected by this virus. Because Indian has many healthy food habits that actually reduce the effect of these types of viruses by default.

6.       Despite of this culture and good food habits, people are getting affected because of the fear of this virus. Fear or depression releases certain hormones, prolonged such hormones have a negative effect on the body. This deteriorates health and gets us vulnerable to the virus.

7.       Buttermilk is that natural probiotic that is evidently available. Take it regularly without fail.

8.       One has to check and confirm the symptoms by checking them for at least 2-3 days to ensure and visit a hospital. There is a small difference between general influenza and covid-19. In covid-19, the person fails to taste and smell objects, this is not the case with normal influenza.

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Observations and Interpretations

The points that are stated by Dr. M.S.Reddy seem to be logical and worth considering. Not only his qualifications but also the logical reasons behind it. For every point that he has stated, there is a valid reason behind it that is worth noting and considering.

1.       We can understand that the covid virus is many times smaller than bacteria. The general masks that we are using are not enough to stop even bacteria, thus stopping viruses is not logical.

2.       The history and background of antibiotics are not actually sound enough to believe it. In general, antibiotics are those drugs that are used to kill biotics (bacterias) in our bodies. It kills all the bacteria no matter good or bad. This is the reason people feel sick and weak after having a dose of antibiotics. In cases like covid where the person is already weak. A high dosage of antibiotics can prove more dangerous.

3.       Probiotics are something opposite of antibiotics. Probiotics are actually those good bacterias that increase our health and eliminate bad bacteria and viruses if any. Thus probiotics are the solution for prevention. In the diet of Indians, buttermilk is that one probiotic that people consume every day. thus this may act as a probable preventive measure. After knowing this fact, I just observed people around and found out it is true. People who consume buttermilk and curd daily are less prone to covid symptoms.

4.       The most important among all his points is that fear is the main reason for such a high number of cases in the country. One has to take care of himself – there is no doubt about it. But one must also understand that when one is healthy enough he (she) would be less prone to viruses and their symptoms. But the news of increasing cases and deaths are increasing fear in people, this will surely have negative effects on the health.

We can have a simple observation of this situation. The people who are healthy are getting normal within a week or so. But those people who already have health complications like diabetes or other problems, tend to suffer more. This is because they have comparatively lower immunity.

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Bottom Line

I hope I’m clear about what I want to share with you all. I wanted us all should get the right perception of the situation to face it with ease. I don’t want you all to blindly believe what I or professionals like Dr. M.S.Reddy say, but you can definitely observe and analyze the scenario-based on the points that are stated above to get a better idea all by yourself. This pandemic is serious enough to the economy but not to health if ample care is taken I suppose.


I’m not against any government laws or guidelines I personally follow all the measures and lockdown measures directed by the government. I only want you all to understand the scenario of the virus better so that care can be taken better on a personal level.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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