The Next Level After Profession In Life Episode 125, LIFE LESSONS AJ


We think that getting into the profession is the last challenge in life, But we are wrong. Let us look into one such challenge in life in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

There are some common perceptions and mistakes that people often get into. And these are one of the main aspects of my life lesson series. Today, we are going to look at one such untouched part of our lives. Life starts almost the same for all of us. But it is our decisions and the situations that change to what we are today. We all go to school, then college get jobs, or into some profession. At this point we often percept that we are settled in life. We often think that we are done with all the challenges in life. Even parents and guardians make perceptions in the same way. They too say that when you get a job, u need nothing more in life.

But the reality is something else. There is something that is in the next level after that that is actually waiting for us. These are least spoken by people at least with the youth. This is because people get to manage them or adjust with them with their experience in their life. But I feel there are some among these that we need to know and plan right before it’s too late. We are going to see one of such aspects in this episode.

Have you ever wondered how society is today? If you ever thought about this, let me ask you- Have you ever noticed the difference in society in the present and that of the past? What are the changes that you have observed? Let me know your opinions in the comments section.

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My Observations:

Here are some of the observations that I can share with you all. A few decades ago, everyone was powerful enough to defend themselves. Today, people fear to face, they fear the government, fear to openly oppose and share neighbors. Those people who are good enough in manipulating and fooling others are the ones who are getting lots of riches. People who have good power to suppress are becoming leaders rather than those who are actually eligible. Many other things show that society is polluted and is not the same as that a few decades ago.

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What can we do?

I shared my opinion with one of my friends. He commented that he least cared about the people and society around him. He never focused on what people are doing. He was only focused on what he has to do. This is the mindset for some people over there. If the mindset is this, then there is no need to pay heed to society. But if we really care, then we have needed to observe and take necessary steps for the same.

If we really care about the situation I stated above, we need to do the needful in actually two levels. First, the care is to be taken on a personal level. The second is those things that can be done to change society.

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Care at the personal Level

Among the two levels that I have stated above, taking care at the personal level is inevitable. If we are not taking care at a particular level, we are for sure getting affected by the people around us, and thus leads us to some devastating effects.

I never stayed back in taking care at the personal level. I tried building my own space away from society which was the need of the day to decide what I really want to do. I had my boundaries (maybe those I build around me) that made me away from society. I know there are many disadvantages of the same, but I perceive that there are a more number of advantages of staying alone.  I have arranged all those things that I needed around me I never waited for someone to help me or suggest me the best one, I researched and found the right one.

These sorts of mindsets made me confident to decide what I need and arrange them without waiting for society to respond. This should be the level of care everyone should have on the personal level. I never meant to say that you should not take suggestions from others, but the decision should always be yours. Only then that you will never regret your decision.

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Care at the Public level

Care at the public level generally implies those tasks and responsibilities that one takes to make society better. This is not everyone’s cup of tea. I will not hesitate to say that not good at taking care at this level (till now). But I appreciate those who take care at this level.

 As I said in the above lines today people only think about themselves and therefore those who want to show up and get profit at positions as leaders. If we really don’t want such a thing to happen, then we should stand for the society, maybe in their places to be a perfect responsible candidate. It is not new, we have witnessed many people who stood in midst of society and brought many social reforms. The best examples are the leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and B.R.Ambedkar. These were the people who struggled and fought to bring some social reforms and develop the society.

As I said standing at this level is not everyone’s cup of tea. It has many reasons. One has to leave off some personal tasks to serve people, sometimes they have to dedicate their entire life to this. And happening this is difficult because we are all busy building our lives and our riches.

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Is it really important?

After going through the above lines,  you may ask is it really important to look into this aspect? The answer is yes. As long as we are children and youngsters we have our tensions regarding our education. But when we grow up into adults, we need to cope with society may it be good or bad.  In this particular scenario, it is the need to take care at least at the personal level.

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Bottom Line

I hope the matter that I want to share is clear. I want to put a disclaimer that all the points that I have stated are purely out of my perception, and what I feel is the truth today. I would like to hear some more points and opinions from you in the comment section. In the end,, I would like to repeat- Please take care at your personal level at least.

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Hope you like this Episode.          

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