There is a small line that actually differentiates one’s loyalty and slavery. Knowing this has turned important today. Let us look into the same in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons AJ

We all are bonded to various people in life. The bonding may vary with people. The bonding with family members is different from that of classmates. Whenever we talk about relationships and the way how to keep it up healthy, Faithfulness and Loyalty become those that turn out to be the need of the day. There are many scenes where the loyalty of a person saved him (her) in relationships.

But the situation with many people has been changing these days. When a person is turning responsible about the person they love began to think that they are working and sacrificing that they started feeling that they have turned to slaves to their loved ones. Why does this happen? Are these people really turning into slaves to their loved ones? If yes then what is the probable solution? Let us look into these aspects in detail in this episode.

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What is loyalty?

In any relation, the meaning of loyalty is almost the same in the context we are looking into. Basically, Loyalty is the attitude of showing support and allegiance towards the person we truly care for and love. In this process, lots of things can happen. Some may support in various instances. On the other hand, some other people sacrifice certain things in life for their loved ones. This extent depends upon the attitude of the loyal person and the situations that they are actually going through.

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What is slavery?

Slavery is something where one person works and efforts are not appreciated as they actually deserve, in other words when a person is deprived of their rights due to another person.

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Right perception in relationships

As far as the relationships in life are considered, many people fail to understand a small difference between loyalty and slavery. This has lead to many problems in recent times with many people. Happy couples and families that lived for years without any noted problems have faced various complications due to a lack of the right perception about this small difference between loyalty and slavery.

Firstly, one has to diagnose if his (her) loyalty has turned to slavery or not. Only after that, the person can actually plan what needs to be done. At the end of the day, we need to end the problem and not the relations.

The first thing that is to be understood that when one cares and loves someone, we are loyal to the person and it implicitly means that we are ready to serve them.  This is what love and loyalty basically do. One can easily find it out if his (her) loyalty has turned to slavery already. When a person allows the loved one to use him (her), take advantage of him (her), and harm him (her), it is no more about loyalty, the person already turned into a slave.

Many people percept that they have turned to slaves in their relationships but in many cases, it is just a perception.  When the person is new to sacrificing or tired of sacrificing, they tend to these thoughts. By analyzing according to the above lines, one can easily find out if their loyalty turned o slavery.

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What is the solution?

After we came to know the difference between loyalty and slavery there will arise a question what is the probable solution if we ensure that we have turned slaves to the loved ones. Relationships are very sensitive in nature, and therefore one had to deal with care in these scenarios.  The person can take time to sit with their loved ones and talk to them.  They make loved ones understand the pains and other aspects that act as the barrier between them. Transparency is always been a proven solution for a strong relationship. When one keeps everything with him (her), it would have adverse effects on that person in the long run. They may turn negative persons for no reason.

We have to be loyal to the loved ones, we need to support them. But it is ok to not support them in bad decisions and letting them know about the same. On the other hand, if we let our decisions rub on them always, it is not termed as loyalty anymore.

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 Bottom line

Today the need has come to every one of us to understand the difference between loyalty and slavery, problems arise with slavery, but recently problems are also increasing in the perception of slavery which is not the case. These situations should be handled by interacting with loved ones and trying to be transparent about the problems and probable complications. This can easily relieve you and moreover, make the other person understand the situation better. It is important to understand this because many problems stay with people because they fail to communicate the same with the loved ones and remain unresolved. After all, the other person never knows what is the problem is even if they are ready to solve it too.

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