Is It Difficult Always? Episode 120, LIFE LESSONS AJ


People think that changing and developing is hard, Is it really so? Let us the answer of the same in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

Some many sayings and proverbs are always available to guide us in our life. But many of us fail to understand and perceive them in the right way. We have already seen many examples of the same in the previous episodes in some instances. Another example may be the changes that we witness in life. It is said that change is inevitable and many a time’s changes are actually good. This is hard to perceive but is true absolutely.

The Common Problem

Many of us have a common problem. We often look at the past and comment that those days were really nice.  We often tend to similar discussions on many occasions and leave them. here is where the main thing lies. We all just comment and leave, we never strive to make the upcoming days even better than the past.

The Worse point is that many people perceive that these days are never be returned in any means.  This is not true in many cases.

The Chronicle of my uncle:

There was an uncle of mine who struggled a lot in his childhood. Despite various struggles, he came across them and became a successful family man today. In one of the recent interactions with him, we talked of the same point. He said that his childhood days were good. He had no pressures and deadlines; he was free to run around and pluck guavas from trees and eat them. he mentioned that those days were beautiful.

I just came into the thought that night. I wondered why one can’t bring back those days again. The next day was Saturday. After breakfast, I asked whether he is free to come with me. He replied he was free because it was a weekend for him. I took him to the nearby garden where there were many trees and plants. As we walked through we came across a guava tree. There were a good number of fruits on it. I asked him whether we could climb the tree for the fruits. He smiled and immediately agreed. The tress was a big one and it was not easy to climb it up. We tried a lot to get to the fruit and finally got them.  After we got down, we sat down eating those plucked fresh guavas.

I asked him how the experience was. He replied that he was the same person as in his childhood. He said he recalled those days today. To this is answered him that it is always in our hands to make out what we need. No matter days changed and lifestyle is changed, there is still a chance for us to take what we want from life.

The Chronicle of Money:

One fine evening Tej was sitting on his terrace thinking deeply about something. His mother came to the scene and noticed him moody. She came to him and asked him what the matter was. After a short time of silence Tej began to answer:

“Mom, there was a time when grandfather had lots of money, assets, and respect in the society. Even today, I recall those days, I feel wonderful. Why is the scenario changed now? Cant, we get back those days?”

His mom smiled and replied,” Always, the days that have passed are the ones people love. Those days were the golden days. We can never expect those things now”.

This reply was quite unexpected by tej, he was expecting some motivational answer from his mother. After listening to his mother he began to think more deeply now. After few days, he gained lots of confidence and decided to prove his mother wrong.  He began to study hard and cleared his graduation with flying colors. Later he got a job. After few years he started investing money in various areas and began to build assets in a short amount of time. This made people around him recognize him for his success and ideas. Gradually this brought respect from him in the society. He was happy that he could prove his mom wrong and made her happy.

Is it always Difficult?

I got an opportunity to meet Tej after few days. I knew what he went through in his life. I knew it is not easy to get to such a position in life.  I know it is difficult. But I still had a query in mind and I asked the same him on the day I met him.

I asked him if it is always difficult to accept and make the change. He smiled and replied – NO. I was surprised. He continued, “It was difficult in initial days but when I got acquainted with these things, I started feeling it like a daily routine.”

This answer landed me in a perfect answer for my query.

We all want the change in life (I meant the positive ones). But only a few try to get those life changes. the fact is that it is for sure difficult in initial days to get acquainted with the new change and the change in lifestyle for the same. But when we get acquainted with it.

Bottom Line

There is a common perception that change is always difficult these people fear accepting it. But it is not true. The chronicle of my uncle showed that change is actually good and we can get it if we really want it. On the other hand, it is really a wrong perception that change is difficult. Yes, it is difficult in the initial days but when we get acquainted with it, it is no more difficult. This is the perception one should have in life. only after having this perception that the person can easily look for those life changes that they really need.

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