The Greatest Challenge in Life Episode 137, LIFE LESSONS AJ

Have you ever wondered why most of the biopics these days start off well and then fade out? Here is the answer you are looking for.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

It has been almost a decade that we have been witnessing various biopics each year. Some were really liked by people, while some others were not that great. When one observes the common factor of all these biopics, the narration starts right from the protagonist’s childhood all the way to their greatest achievement.

I, as a viewer of these biopics always thought what made these people different from common men that made them famous and successful. After lots of brainstorming and research, I could sense the answer for the same.

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All the biopics that we have witnessed either in form of movies or books, all are focused on what are the preliminary achievements of these people are. And we focus on the later chapters rather than the introductory chapters. Here is where we probably skip the required answer.

It is for sure that overcoming various challenges in the way of them has made them reach a better position. But there is something else that was the initiating reason for these people. Let us take the example of a couple of people and then interpret our answer accordingly.

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The Early Life of Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi as we all know is a famous mathematician who has come a long way to become a famous personality.  In the initial days, the talent of this genius was not known to many, even to her parents for many days until one day when her father tried to teach her numbers on card tricks. Despite their enormous knowledge, she never went on board for showing up her talent.

She was considered just like an ordinary child as others which made her marry a guy like any other girl. Later she noticed that the family life and the responsibilities are taking her away from her talent and exposure. Here is when she got apart from her husband and daughter to start showcasing her talent in mathematics.

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The early life of Mahindra Singh Dhoni

Mahindra Singh Dhoni popularly known as MS Dhoni was an ordinary school-going guy like anyone else who was interested in playing football.  One of his teachers put him on the cricket team looking at Dhoni’s ability to catch the ball like a pro.

 Even after everyone around noticed his talent, he was not on a stage to play further. The two main reasons were his family background and change in beliefs around. 

Life was so boring as a staff in a railway station, he hated life to be frank. Life changed when he got into that train that led him to the next level of cricket to the nationals and internationals.

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In my higher secondary school days, I was seldom told that the most difficult part is the intermediate life, later life becomes easier when I arrive at graduation. I could never understand that until I witnessed the graduation level. They actually meant that the intermediate level is the one where one learns new forms of education and challenges that were not there previously in their career. But this is not the case with a graduation where the level of complexity increases, but the candidate also gets acquainted with these challenges.

 The same is the case we observe in both the chronicles above, the life of these people were just like any other over there. Their life began to change only when they took decisions that would put them to track, most importantly they have strived to overcome their personal challenges, to get into the correct flow in life.

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This is what the answer is, personal challenges are the greatest challenges in life always. These are the challenges that make us feel that are constraining from our dreams, visions, and other life goals. Overcoming these challenges starts making us different from others.

I see many of my uncles reject the idea of owning bigger assets in the perception that owning bigger assets would attract taxes. This perception never led them to make great decisions in life. Few, those who have over these personal challenges now are rich enough to be proud of what they have.

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Bottom Line:

I hope that the lesson I wanted to convey is elucidated clearly in this article.  In Shakuntala Devi’s Section, I mentioned that she left her family to achieve her goals. It doesn’t always imply that one should leave his/her family to attain goals. I just meant to state that personal challenges hamper us from turning into different people in the process of getting our dreams and becoming successful.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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