Where do you belong? Episode 130, LIFE LESSONS AJ


All the people either belong to critics, talkers, or doers sections. Let us learn about all of them and be the right individual.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

Dreams are easy to be formed but are quite difficult to be built. Not all people dream of something. Among these people, there are only a few that actually strive to make their dream real. All these seem natural and common to hear. But there is something that many people don’t know. These are the hampers and stumbling blocks that make the person either strong to achieve dreams or give them off.

Many such factors add up to the list. But here we are talking about the people who act as the hampers and how. To understand this better, we need to understand how people are to understand how they affect us in the process of reaching our dreams. To be simple and precise, there are three sorts of people (considering the context here). As stated in the initial lines, these are Critics, talkers, and doers. Now we need to understand to which category we belong and accordingly make advances in life.

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Critic implies those people who are interested in judging other people’s work and placing their opinions on it. This is good to the extent it is used in the right way by both parties to improve themselves. But it doesn’t happen in many cases.

This word is one of the common words used in the film industry. It is because it is one of those few industries where more people are ready to judge rather than make one.

Many people love to be critics. They love looking at others' lifestyles and achievements and judging them accordingly. These are the people who respect and give importance to people based on status and riches. Sadly this is the section that the majority of the population falls under.

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Talkers are those people who have dreams. They share their thought and talk about them and generally don’t practically implement them. these people are certain time-wasting candidates as their talks have no use in the long term. There are people I personally came across who are actually talkers.

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These are those people who never talk and show up their plans and thoughts. They do it and when it's done, then the others come to know about it. It happens so because they did feel any need to talks and show up about what they are doing. This is one of the important traits of doers. These are people that are the ones who strive and get things done. And I wish all of us to fall under this category.

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The Stumbling Block:

Now the question is who are the stumbling block to whom? We can understand from the above lines that the Critics (the majority part) are those who may hamper the process of doers. This is generally done by judging and demotivating commenting that it cannot be done by them. The surprising fact is that these are the same people who start praising doers when the work is done successfully.

On the other hand, we cannot conclude that talkers don’t hamper doers, they indeed have a lesser effect than critics. Talkers are time wasters sometimes that talk for hours together. This may waste a lot of time for the doers who are with them.

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What’s the target?

The target is simple. No matter what group we believe that we belong to, we all should finally turn to a doer. These are the only few ones who do the things that get done. Let us start changing ourselves if possible and make the population of doers increase.

On the other hand, being doer is one of the difficult tasks and this is something to be remembered too. It is because they are the ones who are going to face various stumbling blocks. And standing straight against them is not an easy task.

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Bottom Line:

The process that makes life meaningful is known to all of us. But doing the same needs lots of patience and courage to face the obstacles. Thus we all need to learn to be a doer and similarly keep away critics from so that we can do the thing peacefully.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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