The Rare Case of Ethical Exception Episode 121, LIFE LESSONS AJ


We are all advised and guided to be ethical all our life. There are some instances where being ethical done work. Let us look into this in a bigger view in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

Ethics are the most unnoticed but important part of life. We are social beings and there comes a need every day to be ethical in one or the other way. By the way, what does Ethical mean?

Ethics is something related to the moral principles branch of knowledge that everyone needs to know to live a social life. We often want dirt out of our house. Thus we clean off our house regularly. But we cannot put the dirt just outside or beside our house because there are neighbors who live beside us. We cannot make noise at night because it disturbs our neighbors. There many other daily life examples that showcase the importance of ethics in our life.

But I went into profound thoughts when I understood that there are cases where being ethical literally kills us. let Me narrate a short chronicle in this context in the following lines.

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The Chronicle of Passengers

Raj was in the final year of his graduation. He had an awesome college life. He had tasted everything in these few years- backlogs, assignments, struggles, fights, and also love. He liked a girl named Sara who was his classmate. He was shy to talk to her but there were few instances that made them talk.

Technology is increasing and the space research institute found a new planet similar to earth a few million light-years away. After some research they decided to send some people via a spaceship to that planet. Therefore they gave an open advertisement for the candidates who are interested in the journey. They made it clear that there is probably no returning because the one-way journey is almost 90 years. And the people who will be selected should get ready to be in hibernation chamber for 90 years so that they don’t age till they reach the new planet.

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Many people came forward. One of these was Raj. He had been an orphan all his life thus want to prove useful for the world. He enrolled himself in the project and within few days got ready for the mission.

Everything was going well and the mission started successfully putting everyone into individual hibernation chambers.

30 years passed and something bad happened with Raj’s fate. There was some technical problem in his chamber and the hibernation process broke down bringing him back to life. it took him a few hours to understand that he actually came out of the hibernation chamber before the journey ended.

He found out that there were almost 60 years to reach the new planet. So he decided to find out the way to make the chamber right and get back to hibernation as soon as possible. After trying for months together, he couldn’t make the chamber right. He began to feel depressed that he was not going to prove helpful for his planet. Thus he decided to die. On his way to the outlet, he came across various chambers on his way.

He was surprised to find out Sara in one of those chambers. He sat back and thought for a while about the reason behind his depression. It was not only because he was unuseful, but also due to fact that he was alone to live in the spaceship all his life. He thought of waking Sara from the hibernation chamber, but he fell in thought about her. What is she has also a mission to prove helpful to the world? What if she never loved him? This thought made him think for months together. After 6 months, he finally decided to open up the chamber.

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The decision taken by him is definitely unethical as a human. But this is not at all wrong when we think in his position. This was the rarest of the cases that would happen with anyone in life. I strongly believe that his decision was right and it was right to unethical.

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Bottom Line

This chronicle is inspired by the movie “Passengers” directed by Morten Tyldum. I have used this chronicle as an instance to show that there are cases that may happen with us where being ethical won’t work. In this pandemic situation when an ethical person is tested positive and has only one antiviral drug with him, then he will always look for saving his life rather than looking for others. Yes, there are cases that actually need us to be unethical. But it is important for us to think twice before we turn unethical if it really helps us.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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