Does Negative Person Literally Kill You? Episode 60, LIFE LESSONS

 One of those natural factors that may constrain us is the presence of negative people in our life. Let us check out the extent of adverse effects that arise from their company.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.         

     Life is not all set for many of us when it gets into our hands. It is our duty to organize and change this over time by aligning it to our tastes. In the due course, we may come across many obstacles that constrain us in moving forward. One of those worst obstacles is the company of a negative person. Who are negative people? Why is their company so dangerous? Is there anything we can do in this context? Let us look into the probable answers in the following lines.


Signs of negative people

To brief, negative people are pessimists that focus on the negative aspects of all situations and people. This is the reason why they are generally characterized by a lack of energy and motivation. We can identify a negative person from certain signs from their lifestyle. They are:

1.       Tension and worried

The first and the basic characteristic of a negative person is that he (she) is always tensed about something and are worried about the ill effects of everything they come across. For instance: If a negative person books a flight ticket in the time of monsoon, he (she) may think about the flight being canceled due to bad weather that may in turn hamper the plan. It is fine to think about both the pros and cons of everything that we may come across. But focusing only upon the cons of everything is the regular habit of negative people.

2.       They are pessimists

Negative people as the name suggests are pessimists. They always think negative of everything and every person. They get jealous of others easily and outrage by small matters if they do not like the person.  


3.       They complain a lot

Negative people complain a lot about their surroundings and jobs. Since they focus only on the negative aspects of everything, these aspects observed for prolonged time creates a sense of irritation against it. This leads them to complain about every minute negative aspect of everything around them.

4.       They step back to experiment

One more important factor is that negative people always tend to step back from experimenting. It is always a need of the day sometimes to risk something at any part of the life. Since negative people focus only on the cons, they hate taking risks and experimenting in their life.

5.       They are generally not successful in life

The people who don’t take risks in life can never achieve heights. The same is the case of negative people too. This is the reason why negative people are not successful in life. It is to be understood that all negative people are unsuccessful whereas all unsuccessful people are not negative by nature.

6.       They are energy suckers

The negative people not only drain out their own energy by thinking ill a lot, but also tend to drain out all the negative energy from people around them. They tend to inculcate all their negative thoughts into people around them thus leading others to think negatively. This literally is nothing but sucking out the positive vibes and energy from people to nowhere.

7.       They have next to no life experiences

Since negative people have not achieved anything in life, they generally do not have any life experiences. This is the reason as they grow old; they fail to get enough respect they deserve either in the society or their workplace.

How do negative people affect us?

The people with negative thoughts are not only dangerous to themselves but also to the people around them. It was already evident from the above lines that negative people drain out positives vibes from the people around them. It is also worth important that having these sorts of people around us has a completely opposite effect from that of optimists. They drain out all our nurtured energies that would help us in achieving something.

When we have a prolonged relationship with a person, we tend to get effected by the character of that person. In the case of negative people, these effects are nothing but adverse. These people slowly pull their friends and partners to their perception of negativity. This prolonged exposure leads to a negative effect on the individual.

A negative wife can bring down her husband by slowly inculcating a negative attitude to her husband; a negative dad can hamper growth personal as well as professional growth of his children. A negative friend can harm you.

Instances of Negative People in Epics

There is so much to learn from our ancient epics. These offer examples and explanations of almost all probable problems in our lifestyle. I have already elucidated a complete episode about this, Check out this episode here.

We can see an apt example of negative people and their effect on others in Mahabharata. During the war of Kurukshetra, many great warriors fought for victory. One of those warriors was Karna. He was so capable of turning the war to the other side that all the Pandavas thought twice to face him directly. But he had to face defeat due to the company of a negative person.

During his turn in the war, he was assigned King Shalya as Sarathi (Driver of cart). Shalya fought on the side of Kauravas but was a strong supporter of Pandavas. He was decided to inculcate negativity in Karna to decrease his capability. As soon as Karna started to enter the war, Shalya started to use cursed words on Karna and his capabilities. This prolonged negativity around him made Karna weaker and made the work of Pandavas to defeat him easier.

This is the best example that showcases to what extent a company of negative person can lead to.

Similar was the scenario in the case of Lord Ram. The idea of his exile was inculcated by prolonged negativity buy a servant, Manthara that lead his stepmother Kaikeyi to ask Dasharatha for Ram to exile.

How to stop ourselves from the company of a negative person?

The solution is very simple. Keep away from all negative and negative inculcating people in your life. There is no other solution for these scenarios.

By identifying one or more above stated signs, one can easily find those negative people around them. The next step after identifying is nothing but keeping away from these people. This solution is accepted because before we can change others, it is important to keep our self motivated. This can also be done if we keep away from these sorts of people.

A family member of us can be negative at times. In these sorts of scenarios, it is important to ensure that we are as optimistic as possible. After this, we should try to make change their attitude as early as possible before the situation may turn worse.

Bottom line

Negative people are evident around us. The changing lifestyle and increased competition lead to negativity in people. This may turn some of them into a negative person. But it is important on our part to keep away from those people to nurture positive energy in us. Helping them to overcome them is the next thing on the priority list. I have already mentioned the ways how to come out of negativity. Check out the episode here.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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