The First Lesson As Adult Episode 131, Life Lessons Aj


As an adult, one must always understand the right essence of everything irrespective of the ‘programming’ he/she received in childhood. Let us look at the same in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

It is rightly said that the children mimic their elders. They look at their elders for a long time and observe what they do- Especially their mannerisms. After a reasonable time, they gradually turn into imitating them in various instances. The same was the case with Hiran too. He was born in a family to a family that protests against the odds of the forest and the related problems. He grew up in midst of these protests and struggles apart from the forest atmosphere.

He learned many great things in and about the forest. Its heritage, resources, and lifestyle. On the other hand, he also learned various skills like hunting and taming animals. Apart from all this, he also learned that the forest department and the related authorities were never in favor of his family tribe. He grew up with the same perception. This was the reason he started anger and hatred against the forest officers and departments as soon as he reached his teens. He started to join the protests and became one of the main personals in the tribe in no time literally.

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But the situation never remained the same. He began to increase the intensity of the protests and increases the frequency too. In the meantime, he came across a new forest officer. The officer was a female and beautiful enough to feel attracted to her. He initially kept her aside keeping the protest in mind. But the time gradually changed and they became good friends and later began to like each other.

One day they decided to meet in the evening to talk about something important. That evening, she asked him to marry her. But he rejected her saying that the forest department and their personals never supported their tribe, thus he was not ready to accept a girl who is from the forest department. She was shocked at the words of Hiran.

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She asked him why was his tribe against the forest department who was actually striving to make the forest a better place. He began to narrate the problem. There is a lake a few km away from our village. This is the source of water for us for past decades. But the forest department wants to remove the lake. The tribe didn’t know the reason behind it, but they were against this decision. This was because the officials never promised to provide an alternative for the same.

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She understood the problem and went back to her office to check about the diplomacy behind the same. After a rigorous search, she found out that there are harmful chemicals in the lake, making severe health problems in the tribal population. She inquired why was the officials were not ready to provide an alternative for the people. She found that no money was sanctioned ever for the alternative water supply for this tribe.

After gathering all this information she went back to Hiran to narrate the entire scenario. Hiran understood the entire scenario. He felt bad for misunderstanding the officials. After he was confident that he got the complete details, He tried to convince the population to dig a well near the village and started avoiding drinking water from the lake.

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Every one of us must have faced big or small situations in life. There is always a difference between the perceptions of the people and reality. And this is generally never understood in childhood. This is because we generally come into the words of what our elders say. We gradually come into their perception of the situation around us. This is not wrong until we are children. But this may turn into a problem after we grow old.

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Let us take the example of Hiran in the above chronicle. He grew up with a perception that forest officials are always against him and his tribe. This perception stayed with him until he came to know the actual truth about the lake. Similar cases may come in our life too. We may have any sorts of perceptions against people in childhood due to the programming that we had at that time. But is purely our responsibility to understand the situation as it is when we become adults. I think this is the first and the most important step that marks that we grew old enough to be an adult.

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Bottom Line:

I hope the lesson that I wanted to share with you people is clear enough to be understood well. In nutshell, you are not responsible for the programming you received in Childhood. As an adult, you are completely responsible for fixing it to the right tune.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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