How to Live a Stress Free Life? Episode 97, LIFE LESSONS


Is everyone stressed in life? What is the reason for stress? What are the ways to distress ourselves? Check out this episode for all the answers.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

Like any others around I was stressed about many things in life. Starting from finishing an assignment to life decisions almost everything really gave me a lot of stress. I wondered how I could come across this stage in life. Days passed and I got acquainted with all these stresses in life. After few years I began to realize that the stress was gradually reducing. And gradually the stress was literally nothing. I was surprised when I noticed the same.

I couldn’t find out the actual reason behind it. I thought that I got acquainted with these stresses that are the reason I began to live with them. But the reason was something different.

What is the reason for stress?

There is a false perception that misleads people in this context. Many people perceive that stress is generally due to work and other tasks. I’m sure you might also think of a similar answer. But this answer is not true.

Stress is not the result of works or tasks; rather stress comes when we are unable to handle these tasks efficiently. This is the answer that many people are unaware of and therefore acts as the main problem-creating point.

People who can handle the tasks efficiently will never feel any sort of stress. This is the ultimate truth whether people believe it or not. Here is where I found the answer that I wanted to know for a long time. I gradually understood various tips and tricks to handle tasks. This is the reason I could better handle the situation. Thus I turned stress-free.

 Therefore the ultimate solution to live a stress-free life is to efficiently handle all the tasks that we are assigned. On the other hand, some people remain stress about the advent of unexpected and sudden tasks. Many other small reasons may induce stress in certain cases. In these cases, we need to know some tips and tricks that would actually make us stress-free. Let us look into the same in the coming lines.


Habits to de-stress Life:

Despite handling things efficiently, some rare

and unique instances may induce stress. In these cases, some habits may relieve the person. They are:

1.     Decluttering things 

Life is a mixture of goods and bad like any other raw materials in the world. We refine raw materials to make the pure substance out of it. In the same way, we have to remove all those unwanted things in life. This is generally depicted as Decluttering. There are definitely some aspects that prove unnecessary and unuseful for us. It is our part to select these aspects and remove them. This improves the quality of lifestyle and reduces the unwanted stress from these tasks.


2.     Mindset without stress and negativity (put it in a bubble and blow it off)

I always believe the truth that the mindset is the foundation for everything that is going to happen.  The right mindset and perception are the start for something good and big. The same is the case here too. A right and positive mindset is the need of the day. A positive mindset can be the foundation for all stress reliever.

3.     Read Books

Many people say that watching TV is a good stress reliever at the end of the day. But Books are the right answer. There are many side effects of watching TV for a long time. But there are literally no side effects of reading books, rather there are many advantages. From my personal experience, I found out that reading a book makes the story closer to mind and heart compared to a movie made on the same story.


4.     Sometimes unplug the lifestyle

Professional and daily life often feels bored due to the same routine for a large amount of time. It is OK to unplug ourselves from these routines to take a break. This reduces the stress to a large extent especially when it occurs due to routine lifestyle.

5.     Put things on paper to know what you want and manage all of them effectively

As depicted in the previous lines, stress occurs when we are not able to handle all the tasks at a time efficiently. The best solution for such a problem is to put all the thoughts on paper and organize them accordingly. When transfer ideas and goals to paper, we instantly feel stress-free, moreover organizing and planning of tasks gets better by this process.

6.     Healthy food habits

Every action and reaction of the body is purely a chemical process. And therefore looking at it biologically and chemically actually works. Scientifically it is proved that right food habits and diet discipline make the person stress-free compared to other people.


7.     Use Sound or silence (absolute peace or music)

Peace is the foundation for concentration. Sometimes it is the solution to de-stress too. This is the reason why people often meditate when they feel too stressed. On the other hand, Listening to favorite music can also help. I often listen to music and I believe this is the main stress reliever for me.

8.     Get outside And Move Your Body

Despite the indoor lifestyle, moving out to get fresh air can prove to be a great stress reliever. One can just move out for a walk and enjoy the environment. this can prove to be a great stress reliever in many instances.

Exercise outdoor is therefore the most recommended solution. One can go for jogging; playing any sport or cycling that would burn toxins and calories.

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9.     Focus on big Picture perspective

Many of us get inspired by our fathers and grandfathers due to one or the other reasons. I too was inspired by my grandfather. My grandfather always focused on the big picture. This is the reason he lived positively all the time. He maintained a large number of assets. But he was never stressed by a large number of small daily transactions. Because he always looked at a bigger perspective. He always had a vision of developing these assets that never made him stressed about managing the present assets.

10.Use positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are sometimes crucial. I observed many successful people hanging framed affirmations in their workplace. I realized later that these are great motivators.


Bottom Line:

Stress should not be a problem in this modern world when we have solutions for almost everything. Managing things efficiently will never generate stress, on the other hand even if we are stressed due to various big or small factors, we have some habits that would constrain them.


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