The Real Maturity Meaning Episode 135, LIFE LESSONS AJ

 We all feel that we are mature and know the real meaning of the same, but it is not true. Let us look into the ultimate meaning and live a better life.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

As a person grows into a young adult, he/she gets exposed to almost everything around them. This makes them understand the aura of their environment and they begin to act accordingly. IN many cases people after getting to know their surroundings, feel that they are mature in life. In many cases, this is not true.

Yes, you read it right, even I was in the perception that I’m mature and I’m all set to live. But some recent instances have completely proved me wrong. They taught the real and the ultimate meaning of maturity as an individual. Let us look into the same in the coming lines.

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My Chronicle:

To elucidate the aura of the topic, let me narrate a small chronicle of mine that happened in recent times. After I have finished my graduation, I started to look at and observe various factors around me. These included various assets that I have already got, the business, and many other small factors. In the initial days, I found it hard to adjust to the atmosphere that I have to live in. Later after some time, I managed to do it. Many people feel that they are mature when they reach this stage, but luckily I have not felt so. I knew that I have to face some challenges to make life better.

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As expected I faced some challenges. I had to solve these problems and challenges to make life smooth and in the way I want it to. But here was when I was not completely right. I felt that I would face and solve all the challenges in the first few years, making life ideal. But this was not true, challenges continued, and that too in the bigger sense. But in this phase, I felt I was mature as I was about to identify various glitches and challenges.

This time I was wrong, I too misunderstood the meaning of maturity. It didn’t take long to understand that just identifying various problems is enough for being mature and living an ideal life. It is important to find a way to face it and probably solve it too. And this was the most difficult thing sometimes.

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Some people may just think just like me. Knowing and realizing various things in life is considered maturity, but it is not the case. In fact, this is a more pain-giving stage. When we identify more and more problems and glitches in life and when we realize that we are not in a stage to solve or face it, it is obvious that life will turn worse and painful. This was the stage I was in for a notable amount of time. This was the stage I felt bad about perceiving that I was mature and began to depress about the same.

But it took me no more time to find the answer of the same. Many scholars probably thought about this. Some of their writings guided me to the answer. After going through some pieces of writings, I began to understand what they meant by reading between the lines.

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Maturity is only about identifying various things in life. Identifying things is also a matter of personal skills and intelligence. Intelligent people will tend to identify and realize earlier. Thus this may not always account for maturity.

What is maturity then?

Many scholars depicted only one thing. Maturity is all about how you face, solve and outgrow a challenge in life. This definition is much broader and ideal compared to what I had perceived in the previous days.

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Bottom Line

Many People today no doubt identifies various problems that they have to face in life, but seldom fail in outgrowing them in one or the other way. This indeed can easily inculcate depression in the individual in the feeling that he/she could not do anything about it. Thus it is important to understand that identifying is important but brainstorming about finding the solution to outgrow is also equally and sometimes more important. When one understands this truth, he/she would never face depression in life.

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