10 Life Lessons from Elon Musk Episode 85, LIFE LESSONS


Apart from being a successful CEO, many lessons can be learned from Elon musk. Let us check the same in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

I, as a student of life always searching for the answers to the questions and problems in life. In this process, I felt that I should have the right perception to look into them to get the perfect solution. I was a fan of Iron Man in the Marvel cinematic universe. As I was reading about some news regarding the same, I came across a man who is interestingly named the Real-Life Ironman. This was none other than Elon Musk. He is currently the richest person in the world.

I got interested in knowing more about him. Because in some aspects; he was different from other rich and successful personalities. When I started to learn more and more about him, I felt there are some interesting lessons that I need to learn. The same is what I’m looking forward to illustrating in the coming lines.


Life lesson From Elon Musk

Here are those important lessons that we can learn from a personality like Elon musk.

1.      Always Have a solid Goal and Vision

The first and foremost lesson that needs to be learned from Elon Musk is to always have a clear and solid vision. Not only in the case of Elon Musk, but this is the case with other leaders too. Successful leaders have a revolutionary vision. They have different levels of ideas and their implementation. Thus we can learn that should have such a vision that is not only transformational but also is very powerful

2.      Execution of ideas is important

We all have many ideas and plans to make something happen. But there arise many complications in the process of execution of these plans and ideas. It is a unique strategy followed by Elom Musk by having an innovative team to execute ideas. Thus it is important to understand that having a perfect execution of the idea is equally important as that of having it.

3.      Good ideas can come at anyone and at anytime

We can get an idea, but we can never assure whether it was a perfect one. This is overcome by Elon Musk. He used to openly propose his idea to the public and asked for improvements in various ideas possible. Thus he was successful in taking advantage of all possible communication infrastructures and people to solve his problem.

4.      Always Think Big

The innovations of Elon Musk have proved one thing- always think bog. Pay pal Changed the financial industry by digitizing the money transaction system.  SpaceX impacted the space travel idea with commercialization. He always thinks big and also teaches us how to do it with his achievements.  As depicted in one of my previous episodes, only by thinking big that we can start to strive to make something big.

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5.      Honesty is the basis of everything

No matter what heights had we gone, we must be honest enough to make others trust in us. The same is the lesson that Elon teaches us. He always used, to be honest towards finance. He used to return the money before time than the actual period. For instance, he paid back a $400 million loan that he borrowed from the US government. He repaid the amount as soon as he was able to do it showing his integrity.

6.      Accept Constructive Criticism

The most important factor that differentiates him from us is his way of accepting constructive criticism. We all hate criticism, we all want compliments. But Elon focused on the criticism that he faced. Because this was the area where he could find what is wrong with him. This helped him to rectify all the errors in his idea and execution.

7.      Learn and use the knowledge as required

Learning is important; equally important is to apply this knowledge in our work and duties. This is strictly followed by Elon Musk in all scenarios. He never implemented the existing technology for his cars, rather he found out those sorts of batteries that were cheap to manufacture and were able to store more amount of charge. This was one of the preliminary reasons behind the success of Tesla cars. 

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8.      Focus on a right attribute

Elon musk never thought about how to market the product in the market better. Rather, he focused on offering the best product possible. He knew a quality product will for sure attract customers. This is not only the idea behind him; many other successful people like Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffet also follows the same strategy. The market is temporary, but quality creates a next-level brand image. It seems that Tata motors have been focusing on this factor by offering strong cars in the market.

9.      Always have Plan B

We all have ideas and plans and we worry to implement these in a fear of failing. This was not the case with Elon Musk. He always had a backup plan for every idea he had.  This made him stay in safe points always. He planned a budget d $100 millions for SpaceX mission. He started and failed for the first time with a project of $90millions. But he planned a backup with $10 million as a backup in which he got succeeded. This made us realize that we should leave off from fearing failure, rather plan for a backup plan which is popularly known as Plan B.

10. Make sure the organization has the same aura as you

The organization that we build should have the same aura as we have. It should have the same goals, execution, and ideology. Elon Musk was known for his ruthless leadership style. He used to fire employees for small reasons; he also fired when someone says that something is impossible. He always has a perfect competitive set of employees that empowers his ideas and plans. This is the fact that we need to learn from him.


Bottom Line

When we see any good in a person, we are free to learn from them. No matter if the person is an enemy to us or younger than us. It is always a good habit to learn from others. When a person like Elon Musk is considered there would be tons of attributes that we can learn from. The lessons that I stated above are a few of these that I found good to share with you all.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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