10 Signs That You Are Wasting Your Life Episode 98, LIFE LESSONS


Here are those 10 important signs that depict that you are actually wasting your life.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons

.One of my friends recently asked me whether he was really wasting his life. I was unable to answer. It was because I was not assured how to depict whether he is wasting life. On the other hand, I never knew what he does in life to the fullest. Therefore I asked for some time to find out the answer. Soon I started researching about the same. After some rigorous research, I found those ways and signs that actually depict that one is actually wasting life. But this can be recognized better on the personal level. Because the person himself (herself) knows better than anyone else what he (she) is doing in life. Moreover, it is important to know it on a personal level as it helps to self-evaluate and improve various aspects in themselves. Check out the Importance of Self Evaluation here.

Let us look into those signs that depict that you are actually wasting your life in the coming lines.

Also, Check out 5/20 RULE: THE BOON OF WARREN BUFFET Here

1.     Sleep Away for more time

It is most commonly known that a good start of a day makes the whole day positive and active fr any individual. it is true and I hope many of us have experienced the same. but many people destroy this positive spirit by sleeping for more time for no reason. In the modern scenario, movies show protagonists waking late in the morning as a sign of attitude. But in real life, it adds to the dumbness of the personality. It not only eats up the most productive time of the day but also blunts out the mind gradually, thus decreases the motivation and zeal in the person.

2.     Historical Hesitation

There are many instances where we hesitate to do a task that gave us bad experiences in the past. The worst part is that we sometimes waste time thinking about whether to do it or not. This generally acts as the wasting factor of life. Once I asked a friend for help, he smoothly rejected claiming he had some other important work to do. A few days later, I was about to ask him for help, but this time we hesitated to ask in the fear of rejection again. That day, I didn’t waste my time and I asked him. He again rejected smoothly. After few days a similar situation came, this time without a second thought I avoided asking for help; rather I looked for an alternative to find the solution. In these sorts of scenarios it is not the matter of whether we would go for the task or not but what’s important is how fast are we deciding to do that or not. This saves a lot of time in our life.


3.      Faulty Comparison and Criticism

I see many people talking about others. They are so much interested in others matters. It is good to know to some extent in form of general knowledge. But many times these talks cross limits and convert into faulty criticism and comparison. Apart from the fact that the criticized person feeling bad about it, it is a great time-wasting factor on the side of the Criticizer. Many young people hate relatives as they ask about the results and placement. Relatives literally waste their time thinking about youth, rather they would have thought about developing their own life. There was an uncle of mine who had an utmost interest in the news of others. Once he came to know that one of our relatives had an inter-caste marriage. This was wonderful stuff for him for months together. Now I wonder if he would have invested this valuable time in something useful for him, it would be a better life for him.

4.     Chronic Indifference

Apart from the people that we have looked at in the previous lines, some people always compare themselves with others and feel depressed for the same. This is a chronic difference because this is more dangerous for the people compared to the previous one. Because this comparison induces pressure on the self and deteriorates the self in all aspects. One has to know what he (she) wants and plan accordingly without literally comparing with others for each and every small aspect. This can be easily done when we work for our own dreams and passion.


5.     Directional Disinterest

There are some factors in life for sure that we may not like but are inevitable. These factors make us feel life is boring. This makes us leave of them or take more time in attending them. This also wastes valuable time in life. There was a friend of mine who hates devotional activities. On the other hand, his entire family was quite devotional. Therefore there were one or the other Pujas in their houses. He hated to attend these Pujas. This was the reason he always tried to avoid attending these Pujas that was not always possible. Whenever he had to attend these Pujas he would say one of the reasons to postpone it so that he would be made available. There was seldom a discussion or quarrels in his house for the same. this was a waste of life in his life. The best solution would be he should adjust to some situations to make things smoother and simpler thus saving lots of time.


6.     Repetitive cycles

Repetitive cycles are the worst sign of wasting life in many scenarios. If you notice that you are in the same cycle of life every day, month or year, it is a clear sign that you are wasting life. Productive repetitive cycles are not the point of concern here. Rather unproductive repetitive cycles are considered here. For instance, an employee working for a company has to go into a repetitive cycle to earn a salary at the end of the month, this is not a waste of life. But if we look at the lifestyle of some people we can see there is a repeated cycle of expenditure as well. These people spend almost all the amount they earn at the same pace (like a cycle). This cycle is purely a waste of life because at the end of the day there no notable advantage of the same (at least financially).

In case we feel that we have felt into an unproductive repetitive cycle, we should look for opportunities that will increase productivity and thus profit. This would make out the probable solution for this scenario.


7.     Mental Maintenance

Lack of Mental maintenance is a sign that you are wasting your life. Mental maintenance is basically maintaining a mind healthy with positive thoughts and motivation. Many people never focus on this factor. They leave this basic building block for building something big. This leads to wastage of valuable and productive time.

8.     Uninspiring Comfort

Some of us have many comforts. But are they all inspiring comforts? If not then you are wasting your life. Inspiring comforts can be perceived in two ways:

a.      The ones that actually make out productivity easier

A man who recently joined an organization needs to update all his paper works to the database at the end of the working day. if he has his own laptop, he could easily do the tasks at his own comfort. Here, the laptop that he processes is an inspiring comfort, as he has some productivity increases with that.

b.      The ones that don’t hamper our vision and work style.

After a hectic workday, we want to just relax before TV for few minutes.  Here TV is an inspiring Comfort. But if we sit before TV for a long time leaving off works that need to be finished, this turns into an uninspiring comfort.

One should always have Inspiring comfort in all ways to avoid wasting time in life. One uninspiring comfort is enough to waste lots of time in life.


9.     An Unwanted Lifestyle

An unwanted lifestyle is sometimes a waste factor in life. The reason is simple- life is short and we need to do what we actually want to do. Moreover, when we tend to live an unwanted lifestyle we can’t be productive for a long time, we miss a lot of good times. Thus this acts as the life-wasting factor. We should avoid and come out of vague, confusing, and unmotivating lifestyles as soon as possible if any.

10.                       Self Isolation

Sometimes self-isolation is the life-wasting factor. Everything needs a perfect reason, the same is the case here too. Self-isolation can prove magical sometimes; on the other hand, it takes away connections from us if we are self-isolated for a long time. Self-isolation is required when we need peace, productivity, and personal space. Otherwise, it may prove useless and time-wasting factor in life.


Bottom Line

Here are those signs that depict whether you are wasting your life. These tips are vital during your self-evaluation and make it productive like never before.


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