10 Ways to Make Others like You Episode 84, LIFE LESSONS


Get to know how to make others like you with these simple tricks. These simple tricks are magical in making you a better person on long-term consideration.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

I was much tensed that day, not because the weather was not good, but because that was the day when the result of a state-level technical report writing competition results was to be announced. I don’t know even if I have the capability to win a state-level prize. I had a good name and fame in my college, I was perceived to be one of the best students on the campus. Yet, I had some doubts regarding my abilities, as it was a matter of state-level competition. Finally, the results were out and I won the third prize in the same. I was happy with the result; after all, I got state-level recognition for my abilities.

All the family members and friends congratulated me on my result. But there was a guy who never likes me. But he called me to congratulate me. I was surprised at his response. I never expected him to congratulate me. But there was a reason behind it. I didn’t call to congratulate rather he wanted me to get down on my thoughts. He congratulated me in the first few words, later he commented that I would never be the most liked guy no matter whatever I achieved.

I was a bit disappointed at his comment, but I also wanted to answer it somehow. I knew no one was perfect so was I. so I started to check out the drawbacks that constrained me from being the most loved guy. After some research and self-evaluation, I found out simple yet magical tips and tricks that could make me a loving guy. I would like to share these tips that I concluded to be the probable ones to make people like me.


Ways to Make People like You

1.      Ask Questions

Asking questions to the person is a way to impress them. How? People like helping and advising others with what they know. When they are given the privilege of advising with what they have got, they tend to like us in the process.

Remember that you need to ask quality and limited questions. Don’t irritate the person with more and filthy questions.

2.      Talk more, not less

Talking more is an attribute that makes people like you. Address when and wherever possible and talk more. It doesn’t always show that we are blunt or rude, rather it subconsciously shows that we want them to share things.

Remember that taking more needs to be good for both parties. Mind the attitude of the person in front of you, if the person is feeling uncomfortable, then either you are over-talking or he (she) is not in a mood to talk. In these instances, better to step back from talking.

3.      Share simple secrets and personal things

When we are talking with someone and you want a good impression and trust from them, it always works when you tend to share small secrets or any personal aspects. This non-verbally makes the person trust you and they too tend to share some of their personal stories. This procedure can easily create a good impression in almost no time.

Remember try sharing only those stories that don’t affect you when exposed. You need to be aware of what can be exposed what cannot.

4.      Listen Better

People instantly impress with those people who are better listeners. It is common fact that people strive to share something with someone but they rarely get this chance. When you tend to listen more to what they say, they can easily get impressed. Developing this attribute needs a good amount of patience. It is because one cannot listen to irrelevant topics (sometimes) for a long time.

5.      Really and Truly care

Care for the other person always. This is the ultimate tip to impress and make others like you. A small gesture of care can really prove to make up a great impression. Once I was traveling on a train. I came across an uncle whose seat was beside me. He was getting it hard to arrange his suitcases beneath his seat. Seeing this, I came forward to help him in arranging the things faster. He accepted it with a smile. This small gesture made a great impression on him for me.

6.      Admit it, you don’t know everything

You need to understand no one is so perfect and knows everything. So is the case of you too. Sometimes it is ok to accept that you don’t know about it. If you agree that you know about a topic that you actually don’t know, then you may face embracement to the related questions asked later. Because you probably cannot answer these questions.  This small attribute makes a wrong impression that you are a liar. Thus it is always healthy to accept something that you don’t know t e as it is. This creates a sense of transparency and thus trust in you.

7.      Go for the smile every time

A smiling face is a thousand times better than a serious one. A smiling face can create a good impression instantly.  It even doesn’t cost us a penny to smile. We seldom think before smiling at a stranger. But this can act as the start of the bonding with the person in front.

8.      Go with the Flow

It is important to be serious about what we are about to do and our careers. But when we are too serious we tend to get aside from the flow of the surroundings. This makes people hate and forget us. It is important to maintain the flow with the surroundings thus being in minds of people all the time.

9.      Don’t be pushy

It is important to keep our self-respect in all scenarios; The same is the case for others too. It is equally important to respect others' opinions too.  We can give suggestions or advice to others, but we should never push things on them. Pushing things makes the person uncomfortable with us. This instantaneously decreases the impression. Advising is healthy, but not pushing things over them.

10. Admit your weakness

It is depicted in previous lines; it is always healthy to accept that you don’t know something at times. The same is the case of weakness too. It is healthy to accept your weaknesses too. This creates a sensed pf trust because this subconsciously shows that you trust the person. Which creates a good impression of you on them?


Bottom Line:

I hope that the tips that I stated above will prove useful. By this episode, I have elucidated to impress others. But this should never be the ultimate motto. Because, we are not here to impress others, we are here to set a goal and chase them. But there are some instances where we have to impress others. In these cases, the tips I have depicted above can be magical.

Also, Check Our life lessons from MIDDLE-CLASS FATHER here

Book suggestions:

Here are some book suggestions if you need more information in other dimensions too.

1.       How to make People Like you in 90 seconds or less

Author: Nicholas Boothman

Genre: Self Help

Size: 221 Pages


2.       How to Impress Others

Author: Ted Barnett

Genre; Self Help

Size: 121 pages

Get this Book from Amazon here

.       How to make Anyone Like You

Author: Leil Lowndes

Genre: Self Help

Size: 353 pages

Get this Book from Amazon here

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