Why Extra Talented People Have Attitude Problems Episode 83, LIFE LESSONS


Talented and Successful people have attitude problems because they have faced a unique set of problems and complications because of their talents and abilities. Let us look in detail about the same in this episode.

Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

One of my friends was an excellent dancer and a painter (artist). He was a software developer by profession. Despite his job and duties, he always made time to hold on to the passion that he had for dance and drawing. I was proud of him and his lifestyle. I wanted to be like him. He seemed all perfect from all the dimensions. A good professional, a person with passion and dedication, and a good family man too.

After a long time, I met him on an occasion. We talked for a while about general stuff. After a few minutes, there came the topic of life and settlement. I commented at once saying that he was a one-in-one perfectionist, what problem he would have in life. He didn’t reply to me for a while. I thought he must have felt bad about something that I said. So I asked sorry about the same. He replied saying he needs no sorry.

 He said that he too had problems, and these were because of his abilities and talents. I was surprised by his reply. I asked how can one’s talents and abilities be his enemies? (I meant problematic to him). That day, the answer given by him made me realize a most important thing in life- Why talented people are often staying with attitude and arrogance. Let me elucidate the same to you in coming lines.


What makes talented people unique?

Before we can interpret why talented people have attitudes and are arrogant, let us know in general what makes them unique.

Talented people are those who can make something wonderful with the same others just do for a sake. For example, in general, a student writes a project record just for examination. But a passionate writer or an artist just adorns the record with mind-blowing arts and sculpts it like a beautiful statue.

This is the attribute that makes the talented person unique among others. A dancer adorns the stage, an artist adorns the paper sheet, a musician adorns the atmosphere and people around them. These unique attributes gather them respect and name in the society.  But these are the reasons for problems too.


What sort of Problems do these people get?

Now the question is what are the problems does these talented people get?

Talented people as depicted in the previous lines are known for adorning something. This is the reason why people are impressed by his (her) talent. no matter how many talents that a person has, he can be professional in only one thing at a time. The rest confines generally to passion.  Now the problem is that people insist to help them with their talents.

To understand this better, let me take an instance of my friend I stated in previous lines. He was a software developer by profession and his passion was dancing and drawing. Many of his friends and colleagues began to ask favors which cost him his talents. For instance one of his friends wanted to gift a handmade greeting card to his girlfriend to which he asked for a favor to make awesome art for the same.

Since my friend was a professional, he had many responsibilities for the same. He would hardly get time to hold on to his passions. When he was asked for such favors, he used to get irritated. It was because he had a planned schedule of both personal and professional life. These favors were really a disturbing element for his schedule. Moreover, this was just a favor and he had no gain in it for he did this leaving off his duties for a while.

As days passed the number of favors began to increase and he got frustrated day by day. After listening to this, I was surprised that even talented people have problems that too due to their talents.


Why talented people stay with attitude and Arrogance?

After I listened to his problem, I asked if he was able to find any solution to the same. He replied there is no other solution than rejection. For the first few days, he used to reject it softly. The favors came on repeatedly on every occasion possible. This increased his frustration to peaks. One day when he was asked for such favor in midst of an important job, involuntarily he shouted on it. He claimed that he had not timed for this. This made the scene dark, but the advantage was that that person never asked for a favor again.

After this instance, he understood the solution to his problem. He gradually predicts himself with attitude and arrogance. This made people around think twice before asking him a favor. I gradually began to understand why he was soft to me and not all others. I never asked for any favor to him, rather supported him with what he was doing, thus he had no reason to show attitude and arrogance towards me. That day I realized this was the reason why many talented, powerful, and successful people turn arrogant and change their attitude.

People think that the person has changed the attitude and became arrogant after getting riches, but the fact beneath it is that this was the society itself that changed the personality.


Why do arrogant people succeed?

People get arrogant after getting success; some others get arrogant to succeed. People get arrogant to succeed because:

1.       Arrogant People express anger

2.       Arrogant People are Difficult

3.       Arrogant People are dominant

4.       Arrogant people think that they are superior

5.       Arrogant people attack individuals


Bottom Line

We seldom see people with talents and success with some amount of attitude and arrogance. This is seldom because of the people around them too. A few years ago, I too used to misperceive that successful people get attitude due to acquired money. But this is not always true in all cases.  Therefore it is not fair to judge a successful person or a person with talents with their arrogance and attitude for a short period of time. When are sure that we are fair on our part, no matter who the person is, he (she) will be comfortable o be with you. It would be wrong to perceive that persons who adorn the world with their talents are adorned with attitude and arrogance always.

Hope you like this Episode.          

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