Hello friends and welcome to my blog.

I remember when I was in school, one day teacher asked each and every one of my class about what we wanted to become in future. I still remember distinct answers given by my friends and classmates. I'm sure every class has one police, scientist & astronaut in its list. It is quite common seeing students at primary school giving their views and dreams.

In the course of blossoming, lots of change arise in this perception and dream. We see the same person who stated to become a police is actually in a softwere development firm. Another who stated to become scientist is actually handling business. And to be frank major chuck of people get into softwere industries (atleast in India)

Why there is a vast difference between the dreamed profession and working profession? This question is quite debatable.

In this blog, we will be shedding light on probably a controversial topic. I analysed and researched why major chunk of people end up( or want to) in softwere related jobs or any other corporate employees and govt. Jobs and not other professions.


It is a fact that despite of evolution, human tendency and emotions remain same. Human tendency towards money, people and others always remain same. Decades ago when globalisation was not that pronounced, each and every person had no other choice than to build up career and future himself(herself). But now after globalisation things changed.

 It is quite common tendency  of parents having faced many difficulties in life want their children to live comfortably without any problems. Parents want to make their children settle in life before it's too late. And as far as the parents in past 2-3 decades are considered, their tendency was also the same. 

With advent of globalisation and start of foreign investments in india, Indian workforce gained much more importance in global market. The employees started getting large amount of fixed salary in a bulk at the end of every month. Thus this started a sense of financial security to parents and the candidates. Moreover the working area is other bait. Well furnished cabins, centralised air conditioning and other incentives added to the temptation despite of the financial considerations.

On the other hand, financially same is the situation in the Indian government jobs too. These give a sense of financial security due to handsome pay scales and respect. 

This made a strong impression in the minds of people, and the value of employees in these industries increased eventually. 

I'm not against employment in a govt. Office or a software firm. These jobs are hard to get in today's scenario ( I mean good positions). After all any one wants a job mainly for two reasons- money and respect.

But the real question is why are we downgrading other professions?  If a person is not into the above said industries, then why is he/she downgraded? 

For instance a person has stayed back in an idea of setting up his own business is considered unfit for jobs. The ultimate perception which arises is that he/she couldn't get as job, so he (she)is into it. Why won't we think in other way? It may also happen that he/she is not interested in rat race. 

If a person says that he is a contracter (mestri in desi language) or a plumber, he is instantly downgraded. Why is this happening? Some one answered my question saying these jobs are not decent jobs.

Let's us consider our respected prime minister Mr. Modi has taken a bold decision. Due to some reason, plumbing is given a privilage of govt job. What happens in this case? The plumbers get a platform, their duty is expidated, they are paid handsome. Eventually coaching classes and degrees for plumbing evolve. And people start making his/her son a plumber. School students start saying they want to become plumber when they grow up.

This instance would sound quite funny. But it needs deep thinking. The matter is we don't love profession what we are doing, we love the money that we are paid for that. Our mains focus is on getting money even though we are not interested in the profession.Money is no doubt a vital element and I too agree to that. But money does not determine everything. 

Here the point to be noted is that every profession needs respect. When our perception towards professions change, the environment around us change. In countries like US, students work in fuel stations and restaurant for their part time incomes. But in country like India, it is considered downgraded.  Inevitable professions like farming, construction,seasonal goods etc are part of our economy and without them the society become unstable. And they are equally important as other professions too. 

Vocation  is nothing but a strong feeling of suitability for a particular profession. 

Our vocation should always be based on our interests and our situations but not by facters like finance only. This means if we start respecting  all professions, people  will not step back to get into any profession.This change in individual levels can bring great Change  in national level. People can get into any profession without second thought.This change in perception can one day eradicate unemployment in India.

Hope you like this blog. I have to mention that this blog is just to spread awareness and not to comment and criticize the frame of mind of some people.

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