21 Best mudras for meditation You Should Know


21 best Mudras for meditation you should know

It is merely a fact that meditation is a promising practice that every one of us should opt for. Sitting in a relaxed position and focusing on breathing is the simplest way to ensure mindfulness. But generally, meditation is much more than just breathing. Evidently, Breathing is a beginner practice. For complete meditative practices, one must need to opt for one or multiple befitting mudras. These peculiar hand positions can ensure better focus on specific parts of the body or mind. 

The list that we provide here not only enlightens you about multiple mudras that are presently practiced but also lets you know the importance and edges of each of them. With this idea, you can easily identify which of these to choose from and implement it in your daily sessions. 

Importance of Meditation Mudra

By definition, meditation mudras are simple and peculiar hand positions used by meditation practitioners to heal multiple mind states. Apart from this basic idea, some people believe mudras to be the set of hand movements that can have the ability to change a person’s mood, attitude, and mental direction. Accordingly, mudras have an important role in meditative practices for better outcomes.  

Dr. A Mohini[1] made a research on 25 young women practicing meditation mudra (especially dhyana mudra) for six months. The results of the tests showed that 20 out of these women noticed changes like relief from stress and strong sleep. These inferences show how pivotal the role of mudras in meditation is with credible proof. 

Best Meditation Yoga Mudras you should know

There are multiple meditation finger positions that one can practice during a mindfulness session. Each meditation yoga mudra has a unique impact. Read through the following lines to check out different meditation mudras: 

List of 21 best mudras for meditation

[1] Gyan Mudra 

Gyan Mudra is the simplest and most commonly used hand formation in the meditative society. It is formed by bending and touching the index finger with the thumb. The central motto behind this mudra is to improve knowledge by improved brain activity and concentration. 

Gyana Mudra

Rashmi Tiwari [2]and the team make research to make a correlative study linking Gyan mudra and modern science. A test made on 50 people showed improved peace, and knowledge. Here it is outlined that Gyam Mudra has an effect on the neural axis of the brain stem. With activated nerve fibers at the cerebrum, cerebellum, and limbic system, the reticular system is activated, and thereby general awareness and alertness increased. Drastically, the learning capacity increases due to an increase in memory power. 

Suitable for everyone, this mudra can be assisting for students and adults looking to develop or retain better memory power. Usually, this mudra is practiced for 30-45 minutes- with 2-3 fifteen-minute sessions. 

[2]Prana Mudra  

Prana Mudra

As the name depicts, Prana mudra is all about retaining healthy life. Which implies this mudra can act as a cure for multiple illnesses by ensuring a vital life force in all the contexts. This mudra can be formed by folding the ring and index finger to touch with the thumb while the other two fingers are set straight. 

Rohit Rastogi[3] and the team have made a study to determine the role of mantra and mudra therapy in complications of health in the second wave of covid. In this research, it is highlighted that the Prana Vayu (air) is the most important among all the five elements. And, Pran mudra boosts air and water purity thereby immunity. With this idea, it is identified that Pran Mudra has been healing for many health complications like inflammatory, disorder, red eyes, and other complications like insomnia too. 

Accordingly for those who have health complications with sleep, Prana Mudra can be assisting. In case of insomnia, also try meditation apps for easy application. 

[3]Dhyan Mudra 

Dhyan Mudra

In Sanskrit, Dhyan implies “Concentration”. And as the word implies Dhyan mudra focuses on better concentration in the individual. To perform it, place the right hand over the left and touch both the thumbs.  Symbolically, the right hand implies enlightenment and the left hand implies illusions in life. 

Ghouse Mubarak[4] made a research to study the effect of Sukha pranayama and Bhastrika pranayama on health and found that they have a positive impact on cardiovascular function in individuals. Here is is outlined that Dhyan Mudra is important for Bhastricka Pranayama. This implies that Dhyan Mudra is crucial for Cardiovascular fitness too. 

For those who are looking for increased concentration, this Mudra assists if ensured  consistency. In most practices the posture is known as the seal of mind, implying the state of mind can be enhanced with it. 

[4]Apana Mudra 

Apana Mudra

Apana Mudra focuses on easy digestion and excretion of waste from the body. Impurities here not only imply physical but also from the brain. This way evil constituents are mitigated.  To form this mudra, one needs to bend the ring and middle finger to touch the thumb. 

Akanksha Gupta[5] and the team made a research to analyze how the ancient Indian culture and practices helped in controlling Malaria. It is outlined that Prana and Apana Mudras among meditation mudras helped in curing the disease. Prana mudra helped in building up immunity, while the Apana Mudras helped in eradicating foreign impurities-thereby ensuring complete medication for the illness. 

Apana Mudra can be a good daily meditation mudra to remove impurities. Especially in the workplace or in travel, this mudra can be assisting in body purification effortlessly. 

[5]Buddhi Mudra

Buddhi Mudra

In many phases of life, one may miss out clarity while taking decisions and indulging in tasks. One may need strong internal and external discourse thereby improving communication skills. This mudra can be performed by bending the little finger to touch the thumb and keeping the rest three fingers extended. 

The advantages of the mudra include the best of mindfulness, clarity, easing out complexities in a busy mind, and improvement psychologically. It can be a good choice to employ either in the workplace or in schools/colleges. 

[6]Shuni/Shoonya Mudra

Shuni Mudra

Shoonya in Sanskrit implies “void” or “nothing”. Accordingly, this mudra is used to enter the peaceful void away from the busy life- attaining tranquility. This way, the practicing individual can address attributes like alertness, sensory powers, and cognition along with the balance of empathy. 

To create this mudra, you need to cross the middle finger to touch the thumb and keep all other fingers extended. This mudra can make the individual understand that all the entities are materialistic and the final objective is the ultimate peace. 

[7]Rudra Mudra 

Rudra Mudra

Rudra  is none other than Lord Shiva and the Rudra mudra is believed to be the gesture portrayed by the god himself. It has benefits in multiple areas like mental stability health and well-being. To perform this mudra, fold your index finger and the ring finger to touch the tip of the thumb, and keep the other two fingers extended. 

It is believed that Rudra Mudra has multiple advantages like better eating habits, reduced dizziness and exhaustion, improved eyesight, and aiding for blood pressure issues too. 

[8]Vayu Mudra 

Vayu Mudra

Vayu (air) is an important element in the body. Abnormal air can bring about complications like bloating, joint pains, and other complications. Opting for a Vayu mudra can address most of these problems. While it seems similar to the Gyan Mudra, the arrangement is different. To perform, you should fold your index finger and then let your thumb touch the knuckle of the index finger. Keep all other fingers extended forward. 

This mudra is often opted during Pranayama and other relevant exercises. For those who are facing issues with gastric-related issues, this mudra can be a good choice. Ensure to practiceit with consistency. 

[9]Ganesha Mudra 

Ganesha Mudra

Ganesha is the Hindu god who is believed to remove obstructions in life if any. Ganesha Mudra is named so as it helps in removing obstacles in life- by giving more strength to deal with situations. To perform this gesture, place your left hand near the chest facing the palm outward. Now bring the right hand to it to face the right palm to the left one. Now, lock the fingers holding both the hands like a chain link.

Being placed near the heart, this mudra can be assisting for the heart by strengthening the cardiac muscles for better blog pumping. These insights make Ganesha Mudra a good choice for senior adults. 

[10]Surya Mudra

Surya Mudra

Surya (Sun) implies the heat or fire element in the body. Good heat levels in the body can increase the metabolism thereby reducing digestive complications.  Surya mudra can help the practitioner to enhance catabolism in the body. To perform this gesture, fold your index finger completely and then bring the tip of the thumb to the knuckle of the ring finger. Keep the rest of the fingers extended. 

 Those looking for proper blood flow, and better overall functioning of the body can opt for Surya Mudra. Also, it increases body temperature too, thereby can a good choice for colder weather. 

[11]Hakini Mudra 

Hakini Mudra

Hakini Mudra primarily focuses on empowering the brain in dealing with tasks easily. Those who are often exhausted due to multi-tasking can opt for this mudra to enhance their abilities. To perform this mudra, bring both your hands closer and let the tips of the left fingers touch the tips of the right-hand fingers. Gently press and hold on to that position till you complete meditation. 

This mudra joins the forces of either side of the brain and brings in stability. This way the brain powers up. Hakini mudra can be the best choice for meditation in the workplace to employees as it is easy to employ and hones thinking. 

S Sunitha’s[6] research article on mudra therapy has highlighted a few more mudras. Let us read through these mudras in the following lines:

[12]Maha Mudra

Maha Mudra

While all other mudras we studied here are hasta mudras (hand gestures), Maha Mudra comes as a combination of both hands and legs- thereby is a great choice during yoga. To perform this mudra, sit on the floor, fold one leg, and stretch out another. Now, extend both the hands to touch or hold the fingers of the extended leg.  The same can be repeated later with another leg as well. 

This posture/mudra not only improves the flexibility in the body, but also addresses the nervous system & digestion thereby influencing better functioning of brain activity. 

[13]Nabho Mudra

This mudra is performed with the tongue. Start with sitting in any of the popular asanas and then keep your eyes concentrated on the center of your eyebrows. Now, twist the tongue backward to touch the upper palate. Nabho means sky, and this mudra is believed to bring in extreme calmness just like the sky. 

This gesture comes with multiple edges like the activated nervous system and enhanced functioning of the heart, lungs, and brain. This way, it may be choosable for people with insomnia 

[14]Anjali Mudra 

Anjali Mudra

In simple terms, Anjali Mudra is a simple Hindu namaskara. It can be formed by joining both hands together directly touching both the palms and fingers to one another. This well-known gesture ensures multiple edges when practiced with consistency. 

Some of the utilities include self-awareness, mindfulness, stress relief, and better connections between parts of the brain. 

Chakra meditation hand signs- One Mudra for each Chakra

All of the above-discussed mudras come in handy for anyone looking for meditation. Despite these insights, there is a concept of chakras that  redefines the constituents of the body. Accordingly, some special  mudras can be opted to address, open/activate each chakra. Before diving into these mudras,  let us look into what is a chakra and how are they crucial to understanding the compositions of the body. 

Comprehending What is Chakra

Chakra in Sanskrit denotes a wheel or a cycle. In a simple definition, Chakra(s) are the symbolic representations of the seven energy sources in the body. Spiritually, it is marked that there are seven parts of the spine that are considered as these sources- starting from the head crown to the base of the spine. 

Read through the following lines to know about each chakra and a meditation mudra to activate each of it effortlessly. 

Mudra Meditation list

[15]Muladhara Mudra for Root Chakra

Root chakra is the lowest of all the chakras situated at the base of the spine. It implies earth and is the base for all the relationships, and social beings by digging deep into the self. Physically, when the root chakra is not aligned, a person may face complications like weight loss/gain,  constipation, and other belly issues. Mentally, they can feel exhausted, anxious, and stressed out. 

Muladhara Chakra Mudra

The Muladhara Mudra can help a person to align root chakra.  This mudra can be performed by first joining both the hands just like prayer. Then, the ring and little fingers are folded inwards, the middle fingers are touched by tips and extended out, and the index and thumb are folded to close the loop. With this practice, an individual can aspire for better relationships and personal goals without being stuck. 

[16]Swadhistana Mudra for the Sacral Chakra

Sacral chakra is present just below the belly button of the body and is often responsible for sexuality, sensuality, and creativity. Accordingly, misalignment of this chakra can physically lead to complications like back pains, reproductive issues, impotence, and issue related to the bladder and kidneys.  Mentally, one may notice abnormal sexual desires and a lack of expression of emotions, and needs.

The Swadhistana mudra can help in realigning the Sacral chakra. To perform this mudra, place your right hand on your left hand and press your thumbs at their tips. This looks similar to the Dhyan mudra. But Dhyan mudra forms a triangle, whereas, Swadhistana mudra forms a circle.

[17] Manipura Mudhra for Solar Plexus Chakra 

Solar Plexus Chakra is present in the belly region of the body and is responsible for confidence and self-esteem. So, for the question of what is solar plexus chakra, the answer is pretty simple and straightforward. But, what’s equally important to understand is that non-alignment of this chakra can lead to complications like diabetes and liver problems. 

Manipura mudra is appropriate for solar plexus chakra and improved willpower. To perform this mudra, fold your hands just like namaskara and point your fingers out. Now, overlap the two thumbs to ensure rigidity in the mudra. 

[18] Anahata Mudra for Heart Chakra

 As the name implies, this chakra is related to heart functioning and is related to enhanced empathy, and better emotions in the self. If the heart chakra is not aligned in the body, one may feel blocked stressed out, and anxious with a lack of relations and emotions. Creativity, passion, and other interests are impacted by this chakra. 

Anahata mudra during meditation can help an individual to re-align their heart chakras. To perform this, you need to fold the index finger and thumb of the right hand to touch their tips and extend all other fingers- just like Gyan mudra. Now, take the right hand to the chest and recite a mantra or meditate. 

[19] Vishuddha Mudra for Throat Chakra

Vishuddha Chakra Mudra

Present at the throat of the individual, this chakra is responsible for speech, good communication, and thereby the self-expressing abilities of a person. Mis-alignment of the Throat chakra can lead to mental complications like fear to express and communicate truth. Physically, a person can have issues like mouth ulcers, thyroid, and chronic soar throats. 

Vishuddha Mudra is assistive for a better throat. To perform this mudra, you can bring your right hand on your left hand and interfold your finger. Now, bring the two thumbs to touch one another’s tip. Place this gesture near to your heart while you meditate. 

[20] Ajna Mudra for the Third Eye Chakra 

Ajna Chakra Mudra

Third eye Chakra is located in the center of the head and impacts the knowledge, awareness, and spiritual well-being of an individual. Accordingly, it may be logical to understand that misalignment of this chakra can lead to complications like concentration problems, intellect, and focus. 

Ajna mudra is the formation of the eye with hands and is believed to help in empowering/opening the third eye chakra. First, fold your hands as namaskara, then fold little and ring fingers inwards. Touch the tips of your middle fingers and let them extend out, repeat the same for thumbs too.  

[21]Sahasrara Mudra for Crown Chakra

Sahasrara Chakra Mudra

Situated at the top of the head, Crown Chakra is believed to be linked to spiritual connection, consciousness, wisdom, knowledge, and unity of all other parts/chakras. Accordingly, a misalignment of this chakra can lead to poor balance, coordination, and substandard physical functioning. 

Sahasrara Mudra helps in opening this chakra for better stability. To perform,  fold your hands to form namaskara and intertwined all fingers except the little one. Now, extend the little fingers out and let their fingers completely touch each other.. 

 Best tips to employ these mudras

Acknowledging the diverse set mudras is often not enough, one should be able to make sure they indulge in the mindfulness properly to get the positive effects. Here are some tips that we feel are fitting for you:

Comfort Yourself

No matter what mudra or posture you are about to practice, make sure that you are comfortable with that posture. W Wilson has written a dedicated book- The posture of meditation to make sure you are in the right posture while you're meditating. Even if you are sitting on a chair or a table, it is important to make sure you are ready to apply for a reasonable duration. In case of arms or leg pains, it may be suggested to skip that day or try any alternatives

Sit in Appropriate asanas 

There are multiple common known sitting asanas (postures) like Padmasana, Vajrasana, or Sukhasana. If you are planning to meditate on the floor, these options can assist. The edge is that they have some underlying scientific reasons to enhance health. For instance, research [7] by Mukul Chandra Gope concluded that Padmasana can be employed as a non-surgical treatment for of Leg Pain due to Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome and Lateral Compartment Arthritis.

Ensure to Recite Appropriate Mantras

If you prefer to get into chakra meditation and look for the best results, check out the following list of mantras for each chakra. Recite these sounds while you practice mudra to make sure of completeness.



Root Chakra-


Sacral Chakra


Solar Plexus Chakra 


Heart Chakra 


Throat Chakra


Third Eye Chakra 


Crown Chakra


Meditation position  of hands is Crucial… 

In the present trend of busy working schedules, mindfulness has turned crucial to bring about balance in multiple factors of life. But, to ensure complete application of yoga or meditation, mudra is often important. It is a simple hand gesture that can have admirable outcomes when practiced with consistency. Check out twenty-one mudra that we have mentioned above to see which among these are the need of the day. We suggest you to group a few mudras as per your need and practice them daily at least for 30-45 days without breaks. . 


[1] Mohini, A. (2015). Mudras for Women in Enhancing the Level of Oomph-A Pilot Trial in Virudhunagar. Int J Humanit Soc Sci Invent, 6, 31-3.

[2] Gyan mudra: a critical and correlative study with modern science. (2018). Gyan Mudra: A Critical and Correlative Study with Modern Science, 7. https://doi.org/10.24327/ijcar.2018.10491.1779

[3] Rastogi, R., Saxena, M., Chaturvedi, D. K., Sagar, S., Tandon, N., Rajeshwari, T., & Singh, B. (2022). Fundamental Aspects of Vedic Sciences by Yajna Vijnan and Mantra Therapy: An Interdisciplinary Study in Light of the Second Wave of the Pandemic. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD), 13(1), 1-34.


[5] Gupta, A., Singh, A. K., & Qayum, A. (2014). Evaluating ancient Indian history and culture towards malaria control measures based on traditional knowledge system. Int J Interdiscip Multidiscip Stud, 1(8), 181-90.

[6]Sunitha, S., & Sharma, C. P. Mudra Therapy and Its Classification.

[7] Gope, M. C. A Comparative Study on Non-Surgical Treatment of Leg Pain due to Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome and Lateral Compartment Arthritis by the Lotus Posture" Padmasana. CHIEF EDITOR, 1.
