Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

Life is a very typical. It is quite similar to a roller coaster ride. It has all sorts of ups and downs. It has joy, excitement, grief, fear and all other emotions. So are the challenges. Challenges have two sides because of our perception. On the positive side, it gives an opportunity for personal growth and personal improvement.  At the end of the day the ultimate goal is to grow into the best version of ourselves.

These challenges may be as basic as loss, failure, failure, setbacks etc. On the other hand, these can be particular/peculiar depending upon the individual. No matter what may be the challenge and its capacity is we need to face these challenges.

Students are not exception to this. They too have many challenges. I have also faced many personal challenges in life as a student.  In the coming sections we would go into depth of the same.

How to face challenges in life

Challenges are inevitable in life. The way we deal it is what that matters. It is true that providing solution for facing each and every challenge is merely impossible. But a set of tips can be suggested which may help in most of the situations.

This can be suitable for you to face personal challenges in life as a student too.

Here is the set of chronological tips that when followed would definitely help us in facing personal challenges in life:

1.       Observe the scenario carefully

Panicking at the thought of challenge is the first and most common problem with people. At this point as a daring individual, one should observe the scenario carefully. This process involves complete observation of what the challenge is, and what the origin is. In most of the cases, solution can be actually found out in this stage itself. It is because the main problem with most people is that they are unaware of the origin of the challenge.

2.       Evaluate the facts from the observations

After observing various dimensions, it is time to evaluate facts from them. Seldom is it possible that we never understand the situation while acting on it. This leads to complication of the situation. Thus it is important to understand the scenario at the fullest.

3.       Get ready to face the challenge

No matter at what place you are, or what stage you are, it is equally important to get ready to face the so called challenge. This is the foundation of the entire process. After observing and evaluating the facts, it is important to ensure that we are ready to face the challenges. It helps to think better, thus we could able to interpret broadly.

4.       Note what you have

For building up a solution, it is very important to have a note of what we have. This step is important to understand our strengths and weakness in order to work accordingly.

5.       Research for more information

No matter how much information we have, it is important to always look for more information. This helps to sort out easily. Information is the building block of any task, so is in this aspect too.  Even after the challenge is sorted out, information still stays important. It is because the changing trends can bring about similar challenge in some other way. Having continuous sound information can help to keep away from some complications from arising.

6.       Look for all the ways for sorting out:

After we are ready for all the resources with us, we must be ready to look into various ways of sorting out. The ways that stay in common in all the cases are the options of ignoring and quitting.

But it is not mandatory that these options are only solution (s).

7.       Choose the best possibility among the available ways


Apart from the procedure depicted above, a bonus tip can be having a mentor. As depicted in one of the previous episode, having a Mentor is nothing but a boon for an individual. Since mentor is the one who is more experienced, suggestions from him (her) will definitely add up to the process. It helps speeding up the process.

Personal challenges in life as a student

Student life is a peculiar period in life. Despite of responsibilities like deadline of assignments and exams, this period is considered as sweetest by many grownups. But it is a bitter truth that students also face many challenges.

These challenges need not be big enough to be beyond their academic aura. The responsibilities that they have can make them feel challenging. A candidate may feel a particular subject challenging, while some other may feel finishing exam in time challenging.

In this context, I would like to narrate a small instance which shows cases my experience in this area.

When I reached 8th grade, the look and dimensions of all subjects changed. One of those was English. Until then English was covered with some chapters and grammars only. But 8th grade brought with it a challenge for me- Essay writing. Till then filling up the sheet for long answers was the biggest challenge for me. But with the advent of Essay writing, everything changed. The minimum limit was at least 250 words (at that time). This was nearly twice the size of a long answer then. But I was determined to face the challenge. Thus I started to find a solution for this i.e. learning how to write essays.

I gathered all the data (books and articles) about tips of essay writing. After I went through the description, I got an idea about it. I looked for more information in the internet. I found an interesting tip. I learned to divide the entire narration into three main parts- Introduction, Body and conclusion.

Gradually I found a way to explain the topic. I turned confident after trying some topics. I had an option to quit the process (since essay was an optional question in examination), but I have not chosen that chance. At the examination hall, I confidently answered the essay writing question which actually fetched me good grades.

Some common problems for students may be:

·         Eating habits due to pressure of responsibilities

·         Homesickness

·         Deterioration in academic performance

·         Hampered Sleeping habits

·         Procrastinating (wasting valuable time)

All of these problems can be faced with the tips depicted above.

We all must have passed through many personal challenges in life as a student. But we have faced them too (in most of the cases). There may be some exceptional cases. For example: Loss of father (or guardian) at an early age can bring about additional domestic responsibilities apart from academics. These challenges may need some more time to evaluate and find a solution. 

Challenges also come at any other part of life. For instance I would like to take opportunity to briefly describe about challenges faced at work.

How to face challenges at work

Challenges in workplace are quite common. It may be due of number of reasons like perspective, new environment etc. Many of these initial problems generally vanish with passage of time as company gets acquainted with. Some tips to handle challenges at work may be:

·         Gradually getting acquainted to the problem

·         Understanding and adjusting our perspective

·         Avoiding the situations that would cause problem growing worse.

·         Dividing problems into smaller pieces

·          Developing positive attitude/spirit. Etc.

The Bottom line

Challenges are inevitable in life. Students are no exemption. We should always be ready to face it, so that rest of the procedure would initiate and follow.  Personal Challenges in life as a student are quite common, and solving/ facing them would give us memories and courage to face bigger challenges in life.

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